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wall posting abuse. by NapoleonTanerite[noted]SN

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wall posting abuse. by NapoleonTanerite[noted]SN

Postby angellesssss on Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:26 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Bigoted comments>


community guidelines, forum guidelines:

Bigoted comments will not be tolerated---lets all tolerate and live peacefully with one another.
Bigotry includes racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia/sexual orientation bashing, religion bashing, lack of religion bashing, or wishing violence on any group of people, etc.
Bigotry takes into account historic events, emotional baggage and generally accepted associations with a term, phrase or intent - posting "White Power" in a topic has a history and is bigoted, posting "Green Power" makes you an environmentalist.

Bigotry will get your post edited/deleted and you will receive a disciplinary action from a mod. Bigotry, just avoid it. Just do it.
the accused wrote on my wall:

He can't suck your dick, as much as you desire this. Cock gobbling is verboten in all Muslim lands. Lobby the Muslim Brothers running your cuntry if you would like to continue to engage in man on man action.

by NapoleonTanerite
on Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:25 pm

now is that not bigotry now?

all i wanted in this site was to play with RESPECT

1#when a member disrespected me on a game chat i reported it but was told that it is OK. AND THUS I WAS CALLED A WHINER.

2# when i decided not to be the whiner and replied to his wall with similar disrespect, i became the offender and consequently got this racist wall post among other more disrespectful posts.
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Re: wall posting abuse. by NapoleonTanerite

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:36 am

When you intentional flame someone and they respond in kind, you are getting what you deserve. Let's face it... You engage in the exact type of behavior that you report others for. In my opinion that makes you a hypocrite and a whiner.

Perhaps you should try a game where you will be more comfortable...
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Re: wall posting abuse. by NapoleonTanerite

Postby angellesssss on Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:25 am

i believe i'm doing the right thing filling reports before taking matters on my own hands,that is not intentional flaming.
what! it's a mistake now to be offended by insults?!
and quite frankly edrik i couldn't care less whats is your opinion in the matter, specially since it is such filthy.
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Re: wall posting abuse. by NapoleonTanerite

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:18 am

You complain of filth...yet you resort to the exact same thing. I will just Foe you so I can no longer see your whining.
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Re: wall posting abuse. by NapoleonTanerite

Postby stumeister69 on Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:42 am

wow if that offended you I wonder how you get on in real life?
Note: there is a delete button on all post
then secondly there is a Foe so he cant post on your wall, all over and you can sleep at night
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Re: wall posting abuse. by NapoleonTanerite

Postby rhp 1 on Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:15 pm

angellesssss wrote:@EDRIK
i believe i'm doing the right thing filling reports before taking matters on my own hands,that is not intentional flaming.
what! it's a mistake now to be offended by insults?!
and quite frankly edrik i couldn't care less whats is your opinion in the matter, specially since it is such filthy.

tuck your blouse in maam... it pulled out while you were flailing your arms and raving about your feelings... grow a set sister.. averytinggonnabeareeee....

and just out of shear curiosity... how is your only medal a freestyle medal??? I actually COL'd (chuckled out loud) *TM* Killface

QYFC (quit your fkn cryin) *TM* rhp 1
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Re: wall posting abuse. by NapoleonTanerite[pending]SN

Postby sniffie on Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:27 pm

Locking this till I've reached a verdict.

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Re: wall posting abuse. by NapoleonTanerite[pending]SN

Postby sniffie on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:02 pm

Although the comment on the wall isn't all friendly, it isn't bigotry. Yet because of the trash talk used, I'll note this for future reference and have told the accused to be more polite in the future.

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Re: wall posting abuse. by NapoleonTanerite

Postby angellesssss on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:38 pm

rhp 1 wrote:
angellesssss wrote:@EDRIK
i believe i'm doing the right thing filling reports before taking matters on my own hands,that is not intentional flaming.
what! it's a mistake now to be offended by insults?!
and quite frankly edrik i couldn't care less whats is your opinion in the matter, specially since it is such filthy.

tuck your blouse in maam... it pulled out while you were flailing your arms and raving about your feelings... grow a set sister.. averytinggonnabeareeee....

and just out of shear curiosity... how is your only medal a freestyle medal??? I actually COL'd (chuckled out loud) *TM* Killface

QYFC (quit your fkn cryin) *TM* rhp 1

Well, if you wanna see my set for yourself, you know, all you need to do is just ask ! so please, lay off with all the typical bitchy crap.
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