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Heraklius and Schnitzele (multi or SD) [warned/busted] BG

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Heraklius and Schnitzele (multi or SD) [warned/busted] BG

Postby balls buster on Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:11 am


The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):
Game 12201526
Game 12216185
Game 12230669
Game 12259955

First, sorry on my english, it is bad.

I want to report Schnitzele (country: Hungary) and Heraklius (country: Anonymous Proxy) for possible multis or secret diplomacy. Both have 12 played games and in all that games they had played together. In 4 (standard games) of 12 games, Heraklius didnt want to attack Schnitzele (but he had attacked other players) witch helped Schnitzele to winn in that "standard" games (12201526, 12216185, 12230669 and 12259955) and Schnitzele didnt attack Heraklius till the end when only this guys stayed on the map.
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Re: Heraklius and Schnitzele (multi or SD) [pending] BG

Postby clangfield on Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:54 pm

You have to give them credit for giving each other 5 stars across the board, along with tags of 'complainer, coward' and 'bad teammate, suicider' - creative thinking there, if nothing else :)
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Re: Heraklius and Schnitzele (multi or SD) [pending] BG

Postby balls buster on Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:34 pm

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Re: Heraklius and Schnitzele (multi or SD) [pending] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:23 am

Schnitzele has been warned for secret diplomacy
Heraklius wouldve been warned, but was instead busted along with garudamon11, usamatnt, Nublet11
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Re: Heraklius and Schnitzele (multi or SD) [warned/busted] B

Postby Schnitzele on Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:07 am

Edit: I'm not making a very good case on this, am I? I guess I should've read the line of text at the top of this topic. I know it's just a warning, but I'll still be opening a ticket on this.

It would be nice if the warning had actually included a direct link to this thread. I can't comment on Heraklius being a multi of someone else, but I'd like to point out that even though we are in fact friends outside CC, no secret diplomacy has been going on.

Since we've only played 10 standard games together, I'll explain each one separately:

Game 12199153: Heraklius was the first player I eliminated in this game after General Zan weakened him substantially, giving me the opportunity to launch a chain reaction with escalating spoils and win the game. Nothing pointing towards secret diplomacy there.

Game 12199670: In this game I eliminated Heraklius last, but for good reason. I made truces in the chat with both him and Fersboo, so I could eliminate the other two who were both competing over my area. After that, Fersboo was weaker than Heraklius, so I decided to eliminate him first in order to avoid a prolongued fight against two opponents.

Game 12200048: Me and General Zan were fighting over the northern half of the map for most of this game, after which I immediately turned to fight Heraklius. In no instance did we avoid combat during this game.

Game 12201526: At the start of the game, me and Heraklius were fighting each other and the situation escalated to a point where we almost destroyed each other and gave red a free victory. Thus we both fell back to corners of the map and built up our positions. We never made agreements over our actions in this game in any exterior chat, and I'm sure you'll understand our actions for the latter part of this game were quite normal and didn't require diplomacy.

Game 12212880: A fairly similar situation to the previous game, one player (patrick1744) became too strong and it felt obvious to oppose him and avoid fighting anyone else. There was some talk about this in the game chat too, I didn't reply to it because I felt it unnecessary.

Game 12216185: I and Heraklius grew to be the most powerful about halfway through this game, but we were clearly rivals in that both of us were using the other players as buffers and urging them on against the other. In the end Heraklius attacked me directly as well before anyone had been eliminated, so we didn't avoid combat until it was just the two of us left, it was rather a question of maintaining a balance since neither of us wanted to become the target of a group assault.

Game 12223874: Not much to say about that game. Admittedly, Belichick got eliminated before either me or Heraklius, but he/she had been running a vendetta on me which weakened him/her sufficiently to allow Heraklius to eliminate him/her and steal his/her spoils to defeat me.

Game 12230669: If anyone gave me the victory in this game, it was BleahMcD in not eliminating thephoenixthree before I did. The sole reason I left Heraklius alive last in this game was because a6mzero was easy to eliminate after thephoenixthree, and BleahMcD was the only viable threat to me after that since he controlled a rather sizable bonus region.

Game 12259955: In this game, me and Heraklius agreed on a truce in the game chat. Admittedly we maintained it longer than initially suggested, but this was due to the fact first rappel and then lmodena became threats to everyone else.

Game 12354875: This game barely started, so there's nothing to say about it.

As you can see, all suspicions of secret diplomacy can be cleared incidentally. Me and Heraklius know the rules (again, I can't comment on his multi-accounting) and have acted accordingly in our non-team games. I'm posting this here regardless the fact I didn't see the thread before getting warned, and I'll also be posting it as a response to my warning message.
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Re: Heraklius and Schnitzele (multi or SD) [warned/busted] B

Postby nicestash on Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:04 pm

Seems legit.
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