The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Game number:
Comments: Joined a Scotland map game, it was filled up with three new recruits, all of whose accounts were created on January 26, 2013. Clin777 was created at 10:36am, rscott919 was created at 11:39am, and Foolhardy was created at 11:54am. So to recap they were all created on the same exact day, all within almost an hour of each other. One is "from" the US, one Canada, and one United Kingdom, but if I remember correctly you pick yourself what country you're from when you sign up. If I were creating multiple accounts I would make them from different countries. They all joined only one game. The game Steadman and I are playing in. That one game is the Scotland map, which I believe is very significant. Most new recruits, especially people who have never been to the site before play their first game on the "classic" (see: world cities) map. But all three of these new people join only one game, and that one game happens to be Scotland. And they were all created within one hour of each other. Moving on, none of them moved even once. From the beginning of the game the only two players to move were me and Steadman. Reading the logs, Steadman attacked only me in his first turn, only me in his second turn, and only me in his third turn. He made no effort to move against any of the other three players right from the outset. He made no effort to defend in borders in any way from what from his perspective should have been 3 other equally dangerous foes. From his first turn the only person he treated as existing was me. I don't know how clearly a case like this can be proven. I imagine all evidence on this site is, in one way or anther, circumstantial by its very nature. But it strains the bounds of reason to believe that the totality of these circumstances are coincidence. I looked through his previous games, and admittedly, there are deadbeats on the site. They happen a lot. But he has played against an exceptionally large number of them. And he is always, always sure to leave negative ratings and comments to that effect. Something people who have played as many games as him would not be expected to do. I respectfully submit that even if he did not himself create these accounts he was instrumental in their creation, and at least the situation merits an inquiry. Thank you for your consideration.