cairnswk wrote:Oneyed...i don't want to get into this discussion again with otherwise i wil become very mad abo-ut language semantics.
I appreciate you have learned Russian for 10 years, but i am taking that as it is from Google.
this is how it looks in cyrilic: ŠŠ¾Š³Š¾ŃŠ¾Š“ŃŠŗŠ¾Šµ - could you find there any i or y?... Russian is "soft" language. the Bogorodskoe is pronounced a litle as Bogorodskoie, but this is mistake to write it so. as I wrote Sydney as example is still Sydney, not Sidny because it is pronouced so...
cairnswk wrote:End of story. If many other players come in and say it should be otherwise, then i will change the message.
...and how much people know Russian?
iancanton was the first who mentioned this (and I found iancanton as person who knows about what he speaking)...
your map, your decision, your mistakes
