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Postby yorklad81 on Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:12 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Severe PM Abuse

Game number(s):

Game 7307895

Comments: Didn't like my move I made (which may have been the wrong move, but that is my mistake to make. Straight after he decides that the game is now unwinnable so only attacks me and all I have in the PM comments is a mixture of wineing and abusive comments. Considering I've just paid my membership fee I shouldn't have to be subjected to this
Private yorklad81
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Re: hcyvane

Postby TheForgivenOne on Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:36 pm

CC is very liberal in what is said in Game Chat. If you don't like what the guy is saying, Go to his profile, and you should see a button that says "Foe". Click this, and you will add him to your Foe List, and you will not be able to see what he writes, and he won't be able to join your games.

Now if you actually got Private Messages from him in your Inbox, then all you got to do, is click the little "!" button in the upper right hand corner of the Private Message.
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Re: hcyvane

Postby yorklad81 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:23 am

So basically what you are saying is that in game chat can be as rude as they fancy and it will be completely ignored. And a guy can decide he doesn't like what you did and attack you against the flow of the game and it will be ignored. Maybe you should note those two a bit more obviously before you take money from people...
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Re: hcyvane

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:38 am

hi york as forgiven one said it is okay in game is quiet liberal but there are some things that are not allowed have you read the community guidelines they are here just click on this.

what you have experianced in this game happens quite a few times on cc players take revenge for attacks also what you also find is that players will attack lower ranks so higher rank wins the game if they don't have a chance of winning. is this fair no. all we can do is foe and move on. treat this game as a learning point and enjoy your time here at cc. it is fun once you get the hang of it.
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Re: hcyvane

Postby yorklad81 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:04 am

Well if you are willing to let the bad apples spoil it for others that is your choice to make. Rest assured that the other couple of mates I was going to get to come to the site to make games more fun will be advised to stay well away. That unfortunately looks like the only way I am going to get any comeback, by hitting the site in the pockets...
It's a real pity as it all seemed so fun before :(
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Re: hcyvane

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:09 am

york it is fun and a laugh lets put this the other way are you going to allow the few that ruin the site ruin your fun on it. we have a foe button that makes it so that you can eliminate those players from your games.

ps has flamingoland got any new rides this year.i take it you are in york
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Re: hcyvane

Postby DJPatrick on Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:10 am

Would suggest a liberal intake of "Harden Up Princess"...People here cop much worse than that from friends let alone someone they play badly you said, it's your right to make "those" kind of's opponents right to berate YOU for them and usually a lot more heatedly than you encountered...
You also call his nationality into question...looks at yourself mate...25 bucks doesn't buy bigotry...
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Re: hcyvane

Postby yorklad81 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:17 am

Wow you guys are quite something aren't you... Well close this off obviously no one is going to do anything about that kind of guy on the site. But hey you guys play that many games it's going to happen to you a lot so that is at least satisfying here.
Private yorklad81
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Re: hcyvane

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:50 am

hi york just chill its all good and yes i have came across this sort of player and all i done was famo. but i'll give you a hint go by ratings he is a 1.0 one of the lowest i've seen so you stay away
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Re: hcyvane

Postby Fruitcake on Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:16 am

yorklad81 wrote:Wow you guys are quite something aren't you... Well close this off obviously no one is going to do anything about that kind of guy on the site. But hey you guys play that many games it's going to happen to you a lot so that is at least satisfying here. could be said that you were worse in that you alluded to his nationality in a derogatory fashion? Some may say this is racist.

2010-07-14 22:58:51 - yorklad81: What an ass you are. Hey look you're French too, there is a suprise...

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Re: hcyvane

Postby TheSpaceCowboy on Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:17 am

York, you need to step back and take an objective look at this and get off of your high horse. There is no profanity in game chat.

The worst things he says to you are:
1. He references your stupidity when talking to the third player.
2. He calls you a noob, which, with 22 games complete, let's agree to.
3. He says you do not know how to play, which may or may not be true.

You follow up by calling him an Ass.

His insults to you are of the schoolyard variety. I pray you never get into a match with Demonfork LOL. He might teach you a few words you never heard before.

You did not publish the supposed private message, but it is his prerogative to attack as he sees fit in a game. Besides, three player games are a balancing act anyway, and it seems like you admit to upsetting that balance first by not attacking the player with the bonus.

If you feel that strongly, foe this player. In all honesty, though, this may be the single most ridiculous abuse report that I have ever seen. When I first read it, I assumed you two were team mates and he attacked you for spite, since then you would have a gripe.

You need to understand that when you play in conquest games with other people, it is their goal to attack and kill you.

Also, the bulk of your gripe seems to be that this all came at the time you upgraded to premium. I hate to burst your bubble, but the waters of CC do not part for you when you get a gold bar next to your name. No one caters to you because you coughed up 20 Euros to gain unlimited games.

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Re: hcyvane

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:10 pm

York the chat was not bad at all. Your responses were just as bad as what you are complaining about. You can for the accused and you won't have to read any of his chat, he won't be able to join any games that you have already joined.

hcyvane is CLEARED.
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Re: hcyvane

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:15 pm

Evil Semp wrote:York the chat was not bad at all. Your responses were just as bad as what you are complaining about. You can for the accused and you won't have to read any of his chat, he won't be able to join any games that you have already joined.

hcyvane is CLEARED.

yes, make sure you for the accused :lol:
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Re: hcyvane

Postby JimTapken on Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:42 pm

yorklad81 wrote:Well if you are willing to let the bad apples spoil it for others that is your choice to make. Rest assured that the other couple of mates I was going to get to come to the site to make games more fun will be advised to stay well away. That unfortunately looks like the only way I am going to get any comeback, by hitting the site in the pockets...
It's a real pity as it all seemed so fun before :(

yeah york, this site has turned into a pit of garbage dwellers that act like a bunch of children.. I can bet that the majority of the minors on here are 12-15 years old and the adults are 12- 15 years old.

There's a new site coming (myself and 4 of my students are building it). Its coming along nicely and all the ideas that these people ignore from their users will be implemented, and some of the stupid stuff that are implemented here, (inviting yourself to a game... WTF?) will not be.

Just like Yahoo games. mine has a bad word filter.
The filter is totally up to the user to use or not use with a simple button click.

These admin and mods seem to thrive on the bad words.. they giggle like little virgin school girls if they see the word for a "male appendage" (not going to say it or I will get in trouble again)

This site seems to forget that there are minors on here (which I'm sure the parents would be pissed knowing their kid was being subjected to all of it), and women or even men who do not appreciate such language.

Nobody is held responsible for what they do or say in here (unless you are not affiliated with the mods or admin) and I blame the admin and mods for allowing too much of it

I predict maybe another year or two and this site will be history. They have a dwindling premium prob. Because of stuff just like this and their laziness and ineffectiveness will be the downfall.

I can run my site (being my servers are in my house) on less than 25 bucks per year from a member (more like 5-10 bucks a year). All the losers that think this site is soooooo great can stay. Don't want them on my site anyways. Besides, where will they go when this place collapses?... oh I know... they will actually have to get lives since they can't play risk online anymore. Instead of spending 16 hrs a day here.

this place tends to let their friends and mods do whatever they want and be selective about who is breaking rules and who is not.. example... I used a word a mod didn't like, I got warned... I just saw today a post and it had a similar word and nothing was done..


Re: CC Rumor Mill
It is rumored that jbrettlip takes homo-erotic pictures with white fluffy dogs

by happy2seeyou
July 11th, 2010, 6:31 am

Forum: General Discussion
Topic: CC Rumor Mill
Replies: 864
Views: 14835
for one, this individual is obviously sick in the head to even post something pertaining to sex with animals and think its funny and according to the rules, that's bigotry,
(making fun of homosexuals) but only if your not in league with the mods.

so yeah this site used to be ok.. but its degrading into a sewage pit with what they think is "OK" and what is not. Obviously the statement that person made above is OK in the minds of admin and the mods (as they did nothing) and they are just as sick as the individual that posted it for allowing it.

whats really funny?... I posted my comment and within 10 minutes, I got a pm from a mod!!!! And they edited my post. This above was posted 7 months ago and there it still is. So they moderate any new people but let long time members get away with it... its "DO AS WE SAY NOT AS WE DO" syndrome. Its discriminatory at the very least.

So if you want to degrade homosexuals, don't use all the other derogatory words that offend, just use "homo" and you can get away with it.
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Re: hcyvane[cleared]es

Postby SaMejoHn on Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:05 am

Considering I've just paid my membership fee I shouldn't have to be subjected to this

Private yorklad81

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what happened to his premium?
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Re: hcyvane

Postby HardAttack on Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:14 am

TheSpaceCowboy wrote:York, you need to step back and take an objective look at this and get off of your high horse. There is no profanity in game chat.

The worst things he says to you are:
1. He references your stupidity when talking to the third player.
2. He calls you a noob, which, with 22 games complete, let's agree to.
3. He says you do not know how to play, which may or may not be true.

You follow up by calling him an Ass.

His insults to you are of the schoolyard variety. I pray you never get into a match with Demonfork LOL. He might teach you a few words you never heard before.

You did not publish the supposed private message, but it is his prerogative to attack as he sees fit in a game. Besides, three player games are a balancing act anyway, and it seems like you admit to upsetting that balance first by not attacking the player with the bonus.

If you feel that strongly, foe this player. In all honesty, though, this may be the single most ridiculous abuse report that I have ever seen. When I first read it, I assumed you two were team mates and he attacked you for spite, since then you would have a gripe.

You need to understand that when you play in conquest games with other people, it is their goal to attack and kill you.

Also, the bulk of your gripe seems to be that this all came at the time you upgraded to premium. I hate to burst your bubble, but the waters of CC do not part for you when you get a gold bar next to your name. No one caters to you because you coughed up 20 Euros to gain unlimited games.

Yoda speaks:


Seems like spacey agrees on the comment maker's being stupid :lol: --- hey this is joke buddy, you are smart but far from being stupid, and nice. I just am liking to mess with spacecowboy, not with you.


TheForgivenOne wrote:CC is very liberal in what is said in Game Chat. If you don't like what the guy is saying, Go to his profile, and you should see a button that says "Foe". Click this, and you will add him to your Foe List, and you will not be able to see what he writes, and he won't be able to join your games.

Now if you actually got Private Messages from him in your Inbox, then all you got to do, is click the little "!" button in the upper right hand corner of the Private Message.

One more i can add, if it is what you dont want to receive PMs from a certain player, PM options allow you to do so, it has filtering function using it you can filter off any certain player PMing you, this way you will not receive PMs from whomever you dont want to, one exception, it doesnt work over moderators.
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Re: hcyvane[cleared]es

Postby Koganosi on Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:33 am

SaMejoHn wrote:
Considering I've just paid my membership fee I shouldn't have to be subjected to this

Private yorklad81

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what happened to his premium?

This thread was 2 and a half years old? And just got necro bumped by someone who is trying to advert into a site wich he is building with friends, from wich I read aint finished by miles yet, wants to put CC in a bad spotlight etc. I wish that guy luck with wtf he is building. And I would advise him not to necro bumb another thread, caus its just blurring other stuff. If you have somethign open a thread on the General Discussion or Call out forum, to try to get CC members to go to your site, in which you hope it wont get closed and deleted for advertising fast enough ;).


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Re: hcyvane[cleared]es

Postby BGtheBrain on Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:49 am

Locked. This case is closed.
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