You go back in time an kill one person. Who would it be an what consequences do you think to the modern would would be?
Who is your real life hero and why?
CC hero, again why?
Who is your kryptonite?What is your most embarrassing moment in RL and on CC?
Your interests (Astrophysics, chess), how would you describe yourself on a dating website?
With astrophysics, what do you think is the greatest discovery within your field is?
Are we alone? Is their life on Europa?
Are you a happy chap?
What are the chances of you getting any of the new medals?
What makes you come back day after day?
What other websites do you frequent? Any good porn out their? I only ask as you seem to not of had sex in months.

Favourite cartoon?
Favourite film?
Now using those two as a guide, which character would you like to be?