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Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] (Benga Wins)

Tournaments completed in 2013

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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 6

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:06 pm

Lufsen75 wrote:I won Game 12116386 That must take me up in the stats. =) GG all that were in it.

You're up to 11 points. Still some work to do...:)

benga wrote:traffic133 is deadbeating

Yes, and a few others, too.

Current Scores (Jan. 13th):
Iron Maid 30
cwinslow22 26
benga 25
badmunkay 20
br4nd0n2002 19
Breal 19
Deng Xiao Ping 19
epicgb 19
mviola 19
Odeuminus 19
uk massive 19
uyumaykimaw 19
ProsthoDoc 18
Kingm 17
slickstick 17
Vaicius 15
BluU 12
BunnRee 12
Charle 12
ckyrias 12
elonpuckhog 12
Evil Semp 12
Guderian09 12
magneto_acolyte 12
mcshanester29 12
MGSteve 12
Mizzou3181 12
pilot16 12
PrincipalFoe 12
puppydog85 12
rmjw10 12
Swanster 12
Swifte 12
swimmerdude99 12
theheadholes 12
whakamole 12
adam666 11
azak848 11
celliotti 11
GreenBaize 11
Jason2000 11
Leverpuller 11
Lt Corwin 11
Lufsen75 11
nagual73 11
Silly Knig-it 11
westbo 11
wombat4 11
Zivel 11
aalii 10
Aussie02 10
JJ41375 10
lokisgal 10
Soldier4Christ 9
whydelilah 6
bernooch 5
calicus 5
chidone 5
Enormastitz 5
Gromph 5
Marshallbobby 5
MattiWacklin 5
mickunited333 5
nicarus 5
Razorvich 5
shaneback 5
SuperWang 5
Tripitaka 5
ZionT 5
andypl0nd0n 4
arno30 4
chejodavila 4
cryinlion 4
delibekir 4
farinelli 4
Gilligan 4
ItzPetey 4
kiwi3 4
paws1610 4
perchorin 4
regan the great 4
Risk_Averse 4
Risky_Stud 4
Shoop76 4
SirLindsley 4
uckuki 4
willedtowin1 4
rjhankey 4
asbks 3
DoomYoshi 3
jimfinn 3
osujacket 3
sempaispellcheck 3
aspalm 2
fuzzy316 2
General Bax 2
patrickaa317 2
crazycolin -1
4red -2
DaveH -2
Prince Jazbo -5
johnsonea -10
traffic133 -12

(For those who don't want to read the whole thing)
Top of the scoreboard:
Iron Maid remains on top with 30 points, but cwinslow with 26 and Benga with 25 are definitely moving up there!

Bottom of the scoreboard:
Four more player have been eliminated in addition to the two that were eliminated earlier. Prince Jazbo, traffic133, and crazycolin have managed to deadbeat themselves into the negatives. DaveH assassinate the wrong target and knocked himself down to -2. We therefore have 98 active players. Whydelilah, however, will not be invited this week, because he seems to be absent from CC for the last week. At present he still has a positive score in this tournament and is not eliminated, but that could change if he deadbeats one of his remaining active games. Anyway, for now I'm not inviting him, but it is without prejudice and he can return if he reappears. There will therefore be 97 invitations this week: 15 six-player games and 1 seven-player.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 6

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:37 pm

Marat, friend of Robespierre, Jacobin deputy to the Convention, and editor-in-chief of L'Ami du Peuple, was a fiery orator; he was also a violent man, quick to take offense. Some saw him as an intransigent patriot; for others he was merely a hateful demagogue On July 13, 1793, a young Royalist from Caen, Charlotte Corday, managed, by a clever subterfuge, to gain entry into his apartment. When Marat agreed to receive her, she stabbed him in his bathtub, where he was accustomed to sit hour after hour treating the disfiguring skin disease from which he suffered.

David, Marat's colleague in the Convention, had visited him only the day before the murder, and he recalled the setting of the room vividlly, the tub, the sheet, the green rug, the wooden packing case, and above all, the pen of the journalist. He saw in Marat a model of antique "virtue." The day after the murder, David was invited by the Convention to make arrangements for the funeral ceremony, and to paint Marat's portrait. He accepted with enthusiasm, but the decomposed state of the body made a true-to-life representation of the victim impossible. This circumstance, coupled with David's own emotional state, resulted in the creation of this idealized image.

Week 7 games have been created and invitations sent out.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 7

Postby benga on Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:47 am

I have 5+4x7-1=32, not sure how you got to 25???

My last won game finished couple of hours before your last update, so I guess that's it.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 7

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:19 pm

benga wrote:I have 5+4x7-1=32, not sure how you got to 25???

My last won game finished couple of hours before your last update, so I guess that's it.

For some reason I didn't have Game 12116399 recorded as finished on my spreadsheet. Corrected now.

So you have 32 are now everyone's #1 target....:)
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 7

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:44 am

Sent out map 8 invitations. I was rather tired so there were a couple of hiccups along the way, but everything should now be correct except one. There was an invite that should have gone to "Breal" which instead went to "Brea" -- luckily Brea is not likely to accept it and it should expire normally tonight.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 9

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:44 pm

There's a new sheriff in town, and his name is Breal.....

The Top Five
Breal 33
benga 32
Iron Maid 30
cwinslow22 29
Deng Xiao Ping 26

show: complete scores jan 27th
Breal 33
benga 32
Iron Maid 30
cwinslow22 29
Deng Xiao Ping 26
mviola 26
br4nd0n2002 25
epicgb 25
Kingm 24
badmunkay 19
BunnRee 19
MattiWacklin 19
MGSteve 19
Odeuminus 19
rmjw10 19
uk massive 19
arno30 18
Guderian09 18
perchorin 18
ProsthoDoc 18
Swanster 18
uyumaykimaw 18
Zivel 18
adam666 17
Aussie02 17
slickstick 17
westbo 17
Vaicius 15
ckyrias 12
elonpuckhog 12
Evil Semp 12
magneto_acolyte 12
mcshanester29 12
Mizzou3181 12
pilot16 12
puppydog85 12
Swifte 12
swimmerdude99 12
theheadholes 12
azak848 11
BluU 11
celliottii 11
Charle 11
Enormastitz 11
GreenBaize 11
ItzPetey 11
Leverpuller 11
Lt Corwin 11
Lufsen75 11
regan the great 11
Shoop76 11
SirLindsley 11
uckuki 11
whakamole 11
wombat4 11
Jason2000 10
jimfinn 10
lokisgal 10
nagual73 10
Silly Knig-it 10
Tripitaka 10
aalii 9
JJ41375 9
patrickaa317 9
PrincipalFoe 9
Soldier4Christ 9
aspalm 8
General Bax 6
bernooch 5
chidone 5
Gromph 5
Marshallbobby 5
nicarus 5
shaneback 5
SuperWang 5
ZionT 5
andypl0nd0n 4
calicus 4
chejodavila 4
cryinlion 4
delibekir 4
farinelli 4
Gilligan 4
Razorvich 4
Risky_Stud 4
willedtowin1 4
asbks 3
DoomYoshi 3
kiwi3 3
mickunited333 3
paws1610 3
Risk_Averse 3
sempaispellcheck 3
rjhankey 3
osujacket 2
fuzzy316 1
crazycolin -1
4red -2
DaveH -2
whydelilah -4
Prince Jazbo -5
johnsonea -10
traffic133 -12

At the bottom end of the scoreboard, whydelilah's temporary suspension has now become permanent.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 9

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:27 pm
Two bullets fired on a Sarajevo street on a sunny June morning in 1914 set in motion a series of events that shaped the world we live in today. World War One, World War Two, the Cold War and its conclusion all trace their origins to the gunshots that interrupted that summer day.

Week nine games have been created and invitations sent out.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 9

Postby pilot16 on Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:16 am

Sorry Duka i, m not Premium anymore
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 9

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:16 am

pilot16 wrote:Sorry Duka i, m not Premium anymore

Okay. I was hoping that was temporary, but if it is permanent we will have to go on without you.

Okay, for the record, the following are out based on scores:
crazycolin -1
4red -2
DaveH -2
whydelilah -4
Prince Jazbo -5
johnsonea -10
traffic133 -12

Pilot16 becomes the first to drop out while having a score above 0.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 9

Postby Lufsen75 on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:19 am

I made a horrible mistake. I assasinated the wrong objekt in Game 12247653. Sorry and I understand if this gives me a warning or elimination of myself. Even though it isnt a defence to use, I must say I play alot of Terminator so that is why I made this mistake. Sorry again.

EDIT: Read the rules. - 7 points for me. That is a good uphill now.

Regards, Lufsen75
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 9

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:03 pm

My apologies, but no new game this week. We'll be back next week with the Soviet Union. We're at the half-way point.
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Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 10

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:08 am

This is the Week 10 update. For those who are wondering, that means we are launching the 10th map. There were four weeks where I didn't have time to launch a map, so in actually chronological time this would be called Week 14.

Iron Maid is once again at the top.

show: scores as of February 10th
Players with negative scores have been omitted.

Iron Maid 34
Breal 33
mviola 33
benga 32
cwinslow22 29
badmunkay 26
Deng Xiao Ping 26
br4nd0n2002 25
epicgb 25
regan the great 25
Kingm 24
aalii 23
aspalm 22
BunnRee 22
ckyrias 19
magneto_acolyte 19
MattiWacklin 19
mcshanester29 19
Odeuminus 19
pilot16 19
rmjw10 19
arno30 18
celliottii 18
Guderian09 18
uk massive 18
uyumaykimaw 18
lokisgal 17
nagual73 17
perchorin 17
ProsthoDoc 17
slickstick 17
Swanster 17
westbo 17
Zivel 17
adam666 16
Aussie02 16
PrincipalFoe 15
Vaicius 15
Leverpuller 14
General Bax 13
Tripitaka 13
chidone 12
elonpuckhog 12
Evil Semp 12
MGSteve 12
puppydog85 12
swimmerdude99 12
azak848 11
BluU 11
Charle 11
Enormastitz 11
Gilligan 11
GreenBaize 11
ItzPetey 11
Lt Corwin 11
Mizzou3181 11
Razorvich 11
SirLindsley 11
theheadholes 11
uckuki 11
whakamole 11
willedtowin1 11
wombat4 11
Jason2000 10
jimfinn 10
paws1610 10
Shoop76 10
Silly Knig-it 10
Swifte 10
JJ41375 9
patrickaa317 9
Soldier4Christ 9
bernooch 5
Marshallbobby 5
SuperWang 5
ZionT 5
andypl0nd0n 4
calicus 4
cryinlion 4
delibekir 4
Gromph 4
nicarus 4
shaneback 4
chejodavila 3
DoomYoshi 3
farinelli 3
Lufsen75 3
mickunited333 3
Risk_Averse 3
Risky_Stud 3
sempaispellcheck 3
rjhankey 3
asbks 2
kiwi3 2
osujacket 2
fuzzy316 1
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 10

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:40 am

Week 10 games have been created and invitations sent out.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 10

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:06 pm

Deng Xiao Ping has resigned. Game 12347339 is replaced by Game 12351206.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 10

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:22 am

Soldier4Christ has missed 2 invites and is out for now. In accordance with tournament rules, he can return later if he posts a reasonable explanation.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 10

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:50 pm

Legends of Pancho Villa
Pancho Villa, sometime outlaw and sometime folk hero, so the saying goes, was "hated by thousands and loved by millions." The mere mention of his name conjures up tales of daring and kindness, treachery and lawlessness. Like Robin Hood, who stole from the rich and gave to the poor, Villa helped northern Mexico’s less fortunate, and they repaid him by keeping his name alive in legends. Some call him half-man half-wolf, others the Centaur of the North.

Emiliano Zapata, In The Name of the Land
Call Villa a popular hero, but not Zapata. He is the traditional martyr to the land, the man who consciously dies as a symbol. The ballads that mourn for Zapata are like hymns. As this one:
Señores, I bear a corrido
That is silver to the ears,
The death of Zapata I'm singing
News that must bring many tears.

There lived in Cuautla, Morelos
A very singular man,
All the people and their neighbors
Followed under his command.

Beloved by all his people
He was considered the leader,
None of them want to forget him
They will remember his teaching.
His teaching was no new doctrine. It was the creed that "the land belongs to him who works it with his
hands," melodramatized, made tragedy, by this man who contained in himself an old spirit, an old attitude, not by words, nor by personal idiosyncracy, but by the intensely native pattern of his life.

Week 11 games have been created and invitations sent out.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 10

Postby patrickaa317 on Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:38 am

Can you get a reserve for me? Due to potential things upcoming in RL, I need to get my game count down over the next few weeks and I realize there is 8 weeks left in this tourney. Thanks!
taking a break from cc, will be back sometime in the future.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 10

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:34 pm

patrickaa317 wrote:Can you get a reserve for me? Due to potential things upcoming in RL, I need to get my game count down over the next few weeks and I realize there is 8 weeks left in this tourney. Thanks!

Ok, will do. Thank you for being considerate and posting. It is always easy to replace people when you know before you make the next round of games; it's a lot harder if they wait until after their invite is sent. So I'm always very grateful when someone thinks in advance and let's me know.

Speaking of the next round of games, most likely will be tonight.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 10

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:04 pm

Soldier4Christ did return to us for week 11. Meanwhile, 2 more are gone. Patrickaa317 has resigned, and calicus reached a negative score by assassinating the wrong target in his week 9 game.

The new leaderboard:

Top Five
mviola 47
benga 39
Iron Maid 34
Breal 33
br4nd0n2002 32

show: full week 12 scoreboard
mviola 47
benga 39
Iron Maid 34
Breal 33
br4nd0n2002 32
cwinslow22 28
badmunkay 26
rmjw10 26
epicgb 25
regan the great 25
uk massive 25
Kingm 24
aalii 23
aspalm 22
BunnRee 22
SirLindsley 22
elonpuckhog 19
magneto_acolyte 19
MattiWacklin 19
mcshanester29 19
Odeuminus 19
Tripitaka 19
arno30 18
celliottii 18
ckyrias 18
Gilligan 18
Guderian09 18
MGSteve 18
uyumaykimaw 18
wombat4 18
lokisgal 17
nagual73 17
perchorin 17
Silly Knig-it 17
slickstick 17
westbo 17
Zivel 17
adam666 16
Aussie02 16
ProsthoDoc 16
Swanster 16
PrincipalFoe 15
Vaicius 15
Leverpuller 14
General Bax 13
chidone 12
Evil Semp 12
puppydog85 12
Soldier4Christ 12
swimmerdude99 12
azak848 11
Charle 11
Enormastitz 11
GreenBaize 11
ItzPetey 11
Lt Corwin 11
Mizzou3181 11
Razorvich 11
uckuki 11
whakamole 11
willedtowin1 11
BluU 10
jimfinn 10
paws1610 10
Shoop76 10
Swifte 10
theheadholes 10
Jason2000 9
JJ41375 9
patrickaa317 9
bernooch 5
ZionT 5
andypl0nd0n 4
cryinlion 4
Gromph 4
Marshallbobby 4
nicarus 4
shaneback 4
SuperWang 4
chejodavila 3
delibekir 3
DoomYoshi 3
farinelli 3
Lufsen75 3
mickunited333 3
Risk_Averse 3
Risky_Stud 3
rjhankey 3
asbks 2
kiwi3 2
osujacket 2
sempaispellcheck 2
fuzzy316 1
calicus -3
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 10

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:37 pm

Click image to enlarge.

Week 12 games have been created and invitations sent out.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 13

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:25 pm
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by a young Hindu extremist while walking to his prayer meeting in the lawn of Birla House, New Delhi, yesterday. He was 78. In India, where only one short outbreak of disorder is reported, a state of mourning will be observed for 13 days; flags will fly at half mast, and no public entertainments will be held.

The news of the assassination has had a profound effect throughout the world. Messages of sympathy have been sent by the King and the President of the United States and by many Premiers. The theme of all comment, whether by statesmen or by the common man, is the same - "a saint," "a giant among men," "irreplaceable."

week 13 games have been created and invitations sent out.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 13

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:08 pm

I got busy and I won't have time this week for a scoreboard update. However, week 14 games have been created and invitations sent out.

Not much I could say about the JFK assassination that hasn't been said. Here's a good starting list of stuff you could read:

I've read a few of those. The one that lays it all on Carlos Marcello convinced me. There are fewer inconsistencies in a Marcello-based theory of the JFK killing than in any other theory.
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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 13

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:19 am

Scoreboard as of March 18th 2013

show: alphabetical scoreboard
aalii 23
adam666 13
andypl0nd0n 18
arno30 25
asbks 2
aspalm 28
Aussie02 15
azak848 17
badmunkay 32
benga 53
bernooch 5
BluU 10
br4nd0n2002 39
Breal 32
BunnRee 21
celliottii 17
Charle 11
chejodavila 9
chidone 12
ckyrias 25
cryinlion 4
cwinslow22 28
delibekir 3
DoomYoshi 1
elonpuckhog 19
Enormastitz 17
epicgb 23
Evil Semp 12
farinelli 9
fuzzy316 0
General Bax 11
Gilligan 25
GreenBaize 11
Gromph 4
Guderian09 16
Iron Maid 38
ItzPetey 9
Jason2000 8
jimfinn 16
JJ41375 15
Kingm 37
kiwi3 9
Leverpuller 17
lokisgal 24
Lt Corwin 11
Lufsen75 16
magneto_acolyte 19
Marshallbobby 4
MattiWacklin 17
mcshanester29 18
MGSteve 18
mickunited333 3
Mizzou3181 18
mviola 54
nagual73 17
nicarus 4
Odeuminus 26
osujacket 0
patrickaa317 8
paws1610 10
perchorin 24
PrincipalFoe 15
ProsthoDoc 16
puppydog85 25
Razorvich 17
regan the great 25
Risk_Averse 10
Risky_Stud 1
rmjw10 32
sempaispellcheck 9
shaneback 4
Shoop76 17
Silly Knig-it 24
SirLindsley 22
slickstick 23
Soldier4Christ 12
SuperWang 4
Swanster 23
Swifte 10
swimmerdude99 19
theheadholes 17
Tripitaka 19
uckuki 11
uk massive 23
uyumaykimaw 32
Vaicius 15
westbo 17
whakamole 11
willedtowin1 18
wombat4 18
ZionT 11
Zivel 23
rjhankey 3

show: scoreboard sorted high to low
(players that have been eliminated are not included.)

mviola 54
benga 53
br4nd0n2002 39
Iron Maid 38
Kingm 37
badmunkay 32
Breal 32
rmjw10 32
uyumaykimaw 32
aspalm 28
cwinslow22 28
Odeuminus 26
arno30 25
ckyrias 25
Gilligan 25
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week 15: MLK

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:47 am

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Re: Salient Assassinations In History [TPA3] week 15

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:09 pm

John Lennon: The Last Great Anti-War Activist

By John W. Whitehead
October 08, 2012

“All we are saying is give peace a chance.”—John Lennon

Despite the moving tributes that were paid to John Lennon’s lyrical vision of a world without war, racial or religious divisions or hunger at the conclusion of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, there’s really very little real talk of peace anymore.

You don’t hear much talk of peace from presidential candidates Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, both of whom are indebted to the $600 billion military industrial complex for their campaign dollars. It’s the same military industrial complex that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against in his 1961 farewell address to the nation.

You don’t hear much about peace from the various talking heads whose mindless chatter keeps us distracted from the ongoing wars that are bleeding us dry (the Afghanistan war just marked its 11th anniversary on Oct. 7, 2012, making it the longest war in U.S. history).

And you certainly don’t hear much about peace from the current crop of musical and cultural icons making headlines today—whether it be teen heart throbs such as Justin Bieber or screen heart throbs such as George Clooney—whose activities seem more geared at cultivating their celebrity status and advancing party politics than promoting peace.

It may be that John Lennon, born 72 years ago on October 9, 1940, was the last great iconic anti-war activist of our age. Thrust into the spotlight as a member of the Beatles—and what an incredible spotlight it was, with the world at their feet—it didn’t take long for Lennon to recognize that he could use his celebrity status to not only communicate his own ideas about the world but change the way people thought about issues of the day. As Time magazine contributor Martin Lewis noted in his remembrance of Lennon on the 20th anniversary of his death: “John Lennon was not God. But he earned the love and admiration of his generation by creating a huge body of work that inspired and led. The appreciation for him deepened because he then instinctively decided to use his celebrity as a bully pulpit for causes greater than his own enrichment or self-aggrandizement.”

Lennon’s interests were as varied as the musical styles he sampled throughout his 20-year music career. They ranged from distrust of authority (seen in “Working Class Hero”), politics (“Gimme Some Truth”) and literature (“I Am the Walrus”) to spirituality (“Across the Universe”) and Primal Scream Therapy (“Mother”), and he immortalized all of them in song. Yet paramount among the causes to which Lennon was committed was his almost single-minded devotion to the anti-war movement, which moved to the forefront in the wake of his 1969 marriage to avant-garde artist Yoko Ono.

Starting with their infamous “Bed-Ins for Peace,” Lennon and Ono turned the tables on the paparazzi that dogged their every move in order to stage their own unique anti-war “happening.” It was an inspired tactic on the duo’s part, and one that has never been successfully repeated by any other celebrity of note since then. Using their honeymoon at the Amsterdam Hilton in March 1969 as a launch pad for their anti-war efforts, the Lennons invited the worldwide media to join them in their hotel suite, where they sat in bed for two weeks straight, from nine in the morning to nine at night, engaging in discussions about world peace. A second Bed-In followed three months later in Montreal, where Lennon wrote and recorded what was to become the unofficial refrain of the peace movement—“Give Peace a Chance.”

As Lennon explained:

What we’re really doing is sending out a message to the world, mainly to the youth, especially the youth or anybody, really, that’s interested in protesting for peace or protesting against any forms of violence… There’s many ways of protest, and this is one of them. And anybody could grow their hair for peace or give up a week of their holiday for peace or sit in a bag for peace. Protest against peace, anyway, but peacefully, because we think that peace is only got by peaceful methods, and to fight the establishment with their own weapons is no good, because they always win, and they have been winning for thousands of years. They know how to play the game violence, and it’s easier for them when they can recognize you and shoot you.

By October 1969, “Give Peace a Chance” had become a universal chant at anti-Vietnam War demonstrations. On November 15, during a peace rally in Washington, DC, the legendary folk singer Pete Seeger led nearly half a million demonstrators in singing “Give Peace a Chance” at the Washington Monument. Asked what he thought about that day, Lennon later remarked, “I saw pictures of that Washington demonstration on British TV, with all those people singing it, forever and not stopping. It was one of the biggest moments of my life.”

Following the Bed-Ins, Lennon and Ono became even more activist-minded, lending their support to the plight of the working class by way of a shipbuilders’ work-in, railing against the Vietnam War, voicing their discontent over the brutal murders of 14 unarmed civil rights protesters in Northern Ireland (memorialized in “Luck of the Irish” and “Sunday Bloody Sunday”), bemoaning the death toll from the uprising at Attica Prison, and holding forth with leading American peace activists of the day such as Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman—all the while, using music as the medium for their message. Released in October 1971, Lennon’s Imagine album would become his musical calling card for world peace.

In December 1971, Lennon appeared at a benefit concert in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for peace activist John Sinclair, who had been arrested in 1969 for selling two joints to an undercover policewoman and was sentenced to ten years in prison (hence the lyric “They gave him ten for two” in Lennon’s song “John Sinclair”). The day before the concert, the Michigan Supreme Court denied Sinclair’s appeal. By this point, Sinclair had been in prison for two and a half years. The rally, which was broadcast live, drew 15,000 attendees, who gathered to hear Lennon perform. The next day, the Michigan Supreme Court reversed its decision, and Sinclair was set free.

Writing for Time, Martin Lewis concludes, “Of all Lennon’s legacies, one of the most enduring, and perhaps the most impressive, is who his enemies were. The true measure of his greatness was that in the 1970s he terrified the most powerful man in the world.” While it’s open for debate whether Lennon had more enduring legacies than inspiring terror in government operatives, there is no doubt that for a little while, at least, he became enemy number one in the eyes of the U.S. government. This resulted in a four-year campaign of surveillance and harassment by the U.S. government—spearheaded by J. Edgar Hoover, an attempt by President Richard Nixon to have him “neutralized” and deported, and an FBI file more than 400-pages deep.

Right up until his death on December 8, 1980, at the hands of an assassin, Lennon remained true to the anti-war activism that had shaped much of his life. The same, unfortunately, cannot be said for the nation he came to call home. According to the latest report by the Institute for Economics and Peace, the U.S. spends $2.16 trillion annually on violence containment—that is, anything related to inflicting, preventing or dealing with the consequences of violence. This includes everything from costs associated with national defense and law enforcement to prisons, counterterrorism and border control. That’s a lot of money—roughly one out of every seven dollars spent per year or $7,000 per American taxpayer annually—to not only administer violence, war and killing but deal with the after-effects of them, as well.

Put another way, the amount we spend—15% of the U.S. economy—to administer and contain violence annually equals the United Kingdom’s entire economic output. That same money, if most of it were channeled into more productive avenues such as education and health care would reduce unemployment by 13%.

One can only imagine what John Lennon would say about a world where more money is spent on feeding the war machine than on feeding the poor.

WC: 1373

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