Funkyterrance wrote:...
Hmm. Then I have to ask, do you like the look of the dotted lines in the latest version you put up or are you just not liking the dotted lines at all? Because I think that the "arrow squares" and arrows on your map are very effective, just that they would be a better fit for the map if they were curved and a little more random looking(like a battle between humans would be).
I have to say I love that image, I think it's dance steps or something but it really appeals to me lol.
If it was for me only...i wouldn't need the lines dotted or otherwise on the map, but yes in the legend to show the attack routes.
tbh, i think the squares, triangles and lines on the map itself are ugly and not needed, but there would be plenty out there (not yourself) who would say otherwise.
but i am continually reveiwing options for the attacks and this may also lead to change the army squares to different options to indicate assault options.
I would ideally like to have no lines or arrows.
the dance steps are indeed a fine image.