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cooldeals and westbo[cleared]es

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cooldeals and westbo[cleared]es

Postby wreckead on Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:17 pm


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s): 12298678

I am very suspicious of the play in this game, the above players sat next to each other building stacks, not bothering to defend their borders and building around elsewhere. they made no attempt to attack each other and make their bonus's safe when there were plenty of chances and were deploying in other places to hit other players only. One even placed a large card bonus next to the other without any attack even though his so called opponent was easily beaten, just waiting for his friend to do the dirty work so he can clean up. in the end cooldeals suicided on me and allowed westbo to take both me and him out gaining all the cards and eventually winning the game.

I hope you look at this properly as i had my suspicions after how it went down and double checked the log. after checking what and where they placed their troops it seems obvious to me what was happening.

They were in my view working together to farm points......
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby cooldeals on Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:32 pm

3 facts he missed.

1) we did defend our borders. Check the logs more carefully. We had large equal stacks on our border.
2) the game is escalating. In which it is bad strategy to attack without the hope of getting cards. Red had terts I could not see that were likely in the other continent so why would I auto his stack for no reason.
3) Blue suicided on me. He tried to take me out and when he got to the end he found 2 stacks instead of 1 that were not connecting. I had I believe 18 on the bunker and 11 on the LA nuke. He had about 21 in Denver. If he really wasn't suiciding he would have tapped the attack or stopped but he autoed the 18 for good measure and then ended when he could not take me out. Had he not autoed me we both would have still had a chance.
4) Because he showed he was a player who did not know when to stop on a failed takeout I assumed he would attack me again and I took the closest bonuses to keep him from using the troops against me and forted to my border where reds stack was in hopes red though we were still strong enough to resist him.

I rest my case. It was blues move not mine that gave red the game. I actually have red foed because of a previous dispute on his play. Sounds like a real buddy I collude with huh.
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby *Pixar* on Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:49 pm

I know cooldeals myself and I know he would not team up he is a one man show and considering you're on my foe list wreak im pretty sure i foed you because you autoed my stack next too you i agree its a bad strategy esc you go for kills not just the stack next to you.
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby GeneralRisk on Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:54 pm

Wreckead did the same to me in a multi player ARMS Race esc game. Tried to take me out when he had no chance and when I attacked him back, he accused me of throwing the game. Best to Foe him and move on, as I have done.
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby wreckead on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:04 pm

1. you both were deploying away from your borders, making little or no attempt to defend them. not 1 attack was made by either of you on each other during that time.

2. why would you allow a player to have a bonus next to you with very little troops on it, in the early stages you could quite easily have taken that for little or no loss. also why would red happily take another bonus from that one weakening himself without fear of you hitting him?

3. I did not suicide on you. You had 2 large stacks and 5 cards ready for cashing i took out 1 stack to stop you having such large numbers next go. Red had i believe about 18 on his ter and had already cashed his cards. I had more than enough troops left to not worry about either him or you taking me out. You deployed 18 next onto your 11 stack and did a total suicide attack on me leaving yourself with only 4 troops but strangely not trying to take my last places. They were not only single troops blocking your way to my bonus but you ploughed on anyway. Even though we were both now obviously weak red still allowed you to keep your bunker bonus which had i believe only 5 troops in it and the uranium bonus on only a 1 and decided to attack a neutral bonus which he had attacked 3 times before and each time was nuked on it and allowed you to deploy again. I then only took back my bunker but You again deployed all on me and suicided again leaving both of us completely dead and allowing red to clean up.

I did at first just think you were suicide attacking in spite because i interrupted your plans, a very bad move but it happens, but only on seeing how things panned out and after double checking the log to see what and where you both were deploying were my suspicions raised.

I mean, irrational play happens, people attack in anger also, all that can be handled.........But point farming or outright cheating is wrong and i felt this needed looking at.

If i am wrong then i would be the first to admit it, but i dont feel that is the case here. The report about my pm abuse is just pathetic as i have seen more abuse in a church..........Just misdirection i guess.
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby jsnyder748 on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:14 pm

Your making yourself sound like an idiot. There is no secret diplomacy here. If your going to do a c and a report make sure it isn't just because you are mad at a certain player or for losing the game.

Sounds to me like you still need some help figuring out how to play escalating. If you haven't noticed good players do not take bonuses....only cards. Some people may feel the need to brake a bonus if a player is too strong but generally people do not brake other peoples bonuses because it makes themselves weaker when a set in 1-2 rounds could be worth 20-40
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby wreckead on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:18 pm

Pixar wrote:I know cooldeals myself and I know he would not team up he is a one man show and considering you're on my foe list wreak im pretty sure i foed you because you autoed my stack next too you i agree its a bad strategy esc you go for kills not just the stack next to you.

yes you know him soon as he is your sitter.............and i have you foed for similar reasons to his. oh and aswell as the fact that you talk to people like dirt as many will agree.

People foe others for making an attack, wow thats good poxer (deliberate typo soon as you cant seem to spell my name correctly)

Certain higher rank players stick together in their own little club, the fact you are here so quickly just shows that, is this site just a private club or can we all join in?
Last edited by wreckead on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby wreckead on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:26 pm

jsnyder748 wrote:Your making yourself sound like an idiot. There is no secret diplomacy here. If your going to do a c and a report make sure it isn't just because you are mad at a certain player or for losing the game.

Sounds to me like you still need some help figuring out how to play escalating. If you haven't noticed good players do not take bonuses....only cards. Some people may feel the need to brake a bonus if a player is too strong but generally people do not brake other peoples bonuses because it makes themselves weaker when a set in 1-2 rounds could be worth 20-40

Really i could not care less about losing, and i would not make a report just because i was mad at someone, if i did that i would have made many reports before. I think i have only made maybe 1 or 2 in 4 years so that proves that.

I f people like you are just going to call people idiots for making a report which they feel is genuine then it just stops others from making said reports and the whole thing breaks down. This forum is here to voice suspicions of which i had, im sorry you disagree but no need to put me down. I know how to play an esc game but in arms race which was the map we were playing the gameplay is slightly different and i am not talking about bonus sets but just single territories.

So what you are saying is that cooldeals is a bad player for doing a suicide move and not a cheat?
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby jsnyder748 on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:26 pm

Also people opening new 2nd accounts and getting very high ranks in a short amount of games is something that should be looked into tbh. I am seeing that much more recently but thats another issue.

Where are the alleged? How often exactly are you seeing this happening? Please, tell me more!

If you see this AND can actually prove it is a second account wouldn't that be more important to report to C and A?
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby jsnyder748 on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:29 pm

wreckead wrote:
jsnyder748 wrote:Your making yourself sound like an idiot. There is no secret diplomacy here. If your going to do a c and a report make sure it isn't just because you are mad at a certain player or for losing the game.

Sounds to me like you still need some help figuring out how to play escalating. If you haven't noticed good players do not take bonuses....only cards. Some people may feel the need to brake a bonus if a player is too strong but generally people do not brake other peoples bonuses because it makes themselves weaker when a set in 1-2 rounds could be worth 20-40

Really i could not care less about losing, and i would not make a report just because i was mad at someone, if i did that i would have made many reports before. I think i have only made maybe 1 or 2 in 4 years so that proves that.

I f people like you are just going to call people idiots for making a report which they feel is genuine then it just stops others from making said reports and the whole thing breaks down. This forum is here to voice suspicions of which i had, im sorry you disagree but no need to put me down. I know how to play an esc game but in arms race which was the map we were playing the gameplay is slightly different and i am not talking about bonus sets but just single territories.

So what you are saying is that cooldeals is a bad player for doing a suicide move and not a cheat?

I know every map on, yes, I do know that arms race is slightly different strategy. I am just saying that maybe your play style is different from others who play escalating. If you attack an 18 and 11 stack with 21 that is your own choice but it sounds like you threw the game to red by making both you and cooldeals or whatever his name is weaker. then reported 2 people who would never be working together in such a silly game.
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby wreckead on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:35 pm

jsnyder748 wrote:
wreckead wrote:
jsnyder748 wrote:Your making yourself sound like an idiot. There is no secret diplomacy here. If your going to do a c and a report make sure it isn't just because you are mad at a certain player or for losing the game.

Sounds to me like you still need some help figuring out how to play escalating. If you haven't noticed good players do not take bonuses....only cards. Some people may feel the need to brake a bonus if a player is too strong but generally people do not brake other peoples bonuses because it makes themselves weaker when a set in 1-2 rounds could be worth 20-40

Really i could not care less about losing, and i would not make a report just because i was mad at someone, if i did that i would have made many reports before. I think i have only made maybe 1 or 2 in 4 years so that proves that.

I f people like you are just going to call people idiots for making a report which they feel is genuine then it just stops others from making said reports and the whole thing breaks down. This forum is here to voice suspicions of which i had, im sorry you disagree but no need to put me down. I know how to play an esc game but in arms race which was the map we were playing the gameplay is slightly different and i am not talking about bonus sets but just single territories.

So what you are saying is that cooldeals is a bad player for doing a suicide move and not a cheat?

I know every map on, yes, I do know that arms race is slightly different strategy. I am just saying that maybe your play style is different from others who play escalating. If you attack an 18 and 11 stack with 21 that is your own choice but it sounds like you threw the game to red by making both you and cooldeals or whatever his name is weaker. then reported 2 people who would never be working together in such a silly game.

I weakened cool to stop him going for me next round, i had plenty troops left for survival as he did after his card cash, red could in no way have taken either of us out next move without pinks 2 suicide moves which took approx 50 troops from that side of the map. red had only about 18 troops on seaborg.

Why are you trying to make it look like i did something wrong? have you even looked at the log?
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby wreckead on Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:10 pm

GeneralRisk wrote:Wreckead did the same to me in a multi player ARMS Race esc game. Tried to take me out when he had no chance and when I attacked him back, he accused me of throwing the game. Best to Foe him and move on, as I have done.

omg all the old boys club is here to stick up for their boy........isn't it strange how you lot stick together, why would you all feel the need to comment here and make unfounded accusations about me.............

Both you and Pixar disliked me attacking you so foed me after many nasty comments posted and messaged to me i foed you back. you are both bad attitude bad losers who do not like anyone affecting your games, of which i am happy not to play with again. I did not report you because im not a baby i can take people raging at me as indeed i have done to others but why do you feel you need to come on here chatting rubbish about your foes?

I make a simple report and all i get is this garbage, what do any of your comments have to do with the case. i dont think any of it has any place here. Basically it is just a witch hunt vs me now to make my accusation seem unbound and bitter when it was not the case. I do not make spurious accusations.
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby jsnyder748 on Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:17 pm

The mods know all :o
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby *Pixar* on Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:26 pm

just wait till it gets cleared and you just wasted your time
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby #1_stunna on Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:45 pm

12:17:31 ‹Pixar› im gonna be fappin to that all night long
10:59:12 ‹rhp 1› holy hell... that did it.. I pissed myself
15:15:52 ‹Ace Rimmer› Sackett58, I think I may get some action this weekend
15:16:05 ‹Sackett58› Right hand or left Ace?
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Re: cooldeals and westbo

Postby BGtheBrain on Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:50 pm

Locked: since cooldeals is a clan mate, I will not handle the case.
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Re: cooldeals and westbo[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:21 am

cooldeals and westbo are CLEARED of secret diplomacy.

I think people are confused about secret diplomacy isn't. Secret diplomacy isn't when an opponent makes an attack that you think he shouldn't have made or doesn't make an attack that you think he should have. When someone makes a retaliatory attack many times someone else will get an advantage from that attack, that doesn't make it secret diplomacy.

I couldn't find anything in the log that would convince me of secret diplomacy. Your evidence is more what you think he should have done and that isn't enough to convince me of SD.
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Re: cooldeals and westbo[pending]es

Postby wreckead on Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:01 pm

Evil Semp wrote:cooldeals and westbo are CLEARED of secret diplomacy.

I think people are confused about secret diplomacy isn't. Secret diplomacy isn't when an opponent makes an attack that you think he shouldn't have made or doesn't make an attack that you think he should have. When someone makes a retaliatory attack many times someone else will get an advantage from that attack, that doesn't make it secret diplomacy.

I couldn't find anything in the log that would convince me of secret diplomacy. Your evidence is more what you think he should have done and that isn't enough to convince me of SD.

Point taken semp. It was just a suspicion.
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Re: cooldeals and westbo[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:44 pm

wreckead wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:cooldeals and westbo are CLEARED of secret diplomacy.

I think people are confused about secret diplomacy isn't. Secret diplomacy isn't when an opponent makes an attack that you think he shouldn't have made or doesn't make an attack that you think he should have. When someone makes a retaliatory attack many times someone else will get an advantage from that attack, that doesn't make it secret diplomacy.

I couldn't find anything in the log that would convince me of secret diplomacy. Your evidence is more what you think he should have done and that isn't enough to convince me of SD.

Point taken semp. It was just a suspicion.

I just want to thank you and cooldeals for the way you guys have responded to my posts and PM's.
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