Most categories are now FULL.The following spots are available:
2 spots in Asteroid Impact (Solar System)
4 spots in Decadence and Debauchery (Operation Drug War)
6 spots in Grey Goo (City Mogul)
2 spots in Alien Invasion (All Your Base)
The following have signed up but didn't get their chosen map:
TheSaxlad overpop.
claudio overpop.
Frox333 polit. frag.
bobzimmerman antarct.
aaronvollrath polit. frag.
malevolous antarct.
Vaicius antarct.
what,me worry? mass ins.
timothyc killer bees
ZionT global warm
Theldin killer bees
ChefWeebles killer bees
fiction mass ins.
westbo glob warm.
Interestingly enough, there are 14 of you and there are 14 open spots, so this will work fine as long as you're willing to take a different map. I offer you the following choices:
- Choose a different map (although the same problem could recurr if you all rush for the same map)
- Let me put you into any remaining space. (obviously this is the easiest for me.)
- Stand reserve in your original map (probably a fairly decent chance you'll get to play)
- Quit outright (although I hope you don't pick this one.)