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zeena & Kroll [Busted] DCR

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zeena & Kroll [Busted] DCR

Postby stephen88 on Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:10 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis


Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Other:Logging on and off at the same time. Turns taken straight after one another. If you look at the game its obvious multi or at the very least a secret diplomacy as they are both the strongest players and have borders of ones with each other at pretty much everyone!

Game number(s):

[game] 12169380[/game]

Comments:Logging on and off at the same time. Turns taken straight after one another. If you look at the game its obvious multi or at the very least a secret diplomacy as they are both the strongest players and have borders of ones with each other at pretty much everyone!
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Re: zeena & Kroll

Postby Koganosi on Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:19 am

stephen88 wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis


Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Other:Logging on and off at the same time. Turns taken straight after one another. If you look at the game its obvious multi or at the very least a secret diplomacy as they are both the strongest players and have borders of ones with each other at pretty much everyone!

Game number(s):

Game 12169380

Comments:Logging on and off at the same time. Turns taken straight after one another. If you look at the game its obvious multi or at the very least a secret diplomacy as they are both the strongest players and have borders of ones with each other at pretty much everyone!

Fixed the game link.

Edit: Just to check the game and their log off times, seems fishy, might be friends or just multies. Try to survive I quess mate. Maybe a verdict will come in time!


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Re: zeena & Kroll

Postby darth emperor on Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:30 am

Koganosi wrote:Edit: Just to check the game and their log off times, seems fishy, might be friends or just multies. Try to survive I quess mate. Maybe a verdict will come in time!

I'm not so sure, true that their times are very together, but also the OP is not so far away. Also this is their first game together (red has played 5). Also they have been attacking each other (of course you got more attacks). Also you are only 3 players, so I find normal that you they have a lot of borders together. Well, atleast they are in the same country. I think it's more that you are playing with 2 noobs, and seeing you with the highest rank they mostly attack you.

To summarize, I'm not saying that their game is clean, but that the evidence is very low. (just 4 rounds of one game) But the check should be done

EDIT: I just saw myself, how zeenna was online, he played, (the other was offline), then zeenna logout, the other got online and played :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: zeena & Kroll

Postby Gillipig on Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:31 pm

darth emperor wrote:
Koganosi wrote:Edit: Just to check the game and their log off times, seems fishy, might be friends or just multies. Try to survive I quess mate. Maybe a verdict will come in time!

I'm not so sure, true that their times are very together, but also the OP is not so far away. Also this is their first game together (red has played 5). Also they have been attacking each other (of course you got more attacks). Also you are only 3 players, so I find normal that you they have a lot of borders together. Well, atleast they are in the same country. I think it's more that you are playing with 2 noobs, and seeing you with the highest rank they mostly attack you.

To summarize, I'm not saying that their game is clean, but that the evidence is very low. (just 4 rounds of one game) But the check should be done

EDIT: I just saw myself, how zeenna was online, he played, (the other was offline), then zeenna logout, the other got online and played :lol: :lol: :lol:

You'd think they would at least hide their online status.
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Re: zeena & Kroll

Postby stephen88 on Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:32 pm

True but if they are noobs they may not have the intelligence to hide their status?

Ive played people before who have clearly been cheating but work round it. However when they are getting 30 troops per turn and dont even clip each other??? The only time they attack each other is if they are taking a new country that either no one or I own!

Thanks anyway guys
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Re: zeena & Kroll [Pending] DCR

Postby mccallan25 on Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:49 pm


I have no doubt they are guilty. I am going through the same crap.
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Re: zeena & Kroll [Busted] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:41 am

zeena & Kroll are BUSTED as multis.
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