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geots & SirJohn13[cleared]es

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Re: geots & SirJohn13[pending]es

Postby silversun6 on Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:43 pm

ill say what i think as i think i played more games with goets more than any other play outside the clan (285 games, most of them 8 player esc - we started when we both were majors or captains) i played less games with sirjohn (117 :) )
as general note - until the recent reports i never seen, felt or heard anything off with any of them.

regarding the claim it self.
at first glance i dismissed it because not attacking players at Antarctica is just common sense, i dont think i ever attacked first at this map at all.
but after a second look i do see something off.i looked through sirjohn recent Antarctica games (with goets) and this is what i saw:
Game 12000919 sirjohn attacked here a neighboor first
Game 11913136 sirjohn attacked here a neighboor first , twice
Game 11913135 sirjohn attacked here a neighboor first
Game 11913134 sirjohn attacked here a neighboor first
Game 12053909 sirjohn attacked here a neighboor first
Game 11608519 sirjohn attacked here a neighboor first

Game 12053909 geots attacked here a neighboor first
Game 11858412 geots attacked here a neighboor first

considering all those games had both geots and sirjohn - and none of the attacks were involving on vs the other this is wired. didnt expect to see this. maybe someone should get a closer look there , i truly hope im wrong.

the pelo game is different, i dont know if its possible to see if geots reduced the neutrals stack but if he did this is big. if its true its 100% cheating..

i started to write this while i was sure they both are clear , after a bit of digging im not 100% sure.

for me opposing to dkmaster ill avoid games with both of them in it :( .

as i stated before i hope im wrong on this one.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[pending]es

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:23 pm

I don't know to what extent SirJohn13 is culpable, and I've not looked at the games listed in the OP. Unfortunately though I'm going to burn my bridges as far as playing with AFOS clan mates goes with what I have to say here. I've certainly joined the last multiplayer esc game that I'll ever play with them, which is a pity as they are all nice guys. However I've seen enough 'funny business' to make me suspicious. It may indeed all turn out to be harmless, or merely bad luck, but one can't help but feel there is more when (in some cases) 5 members of the same clan are all playing in the same game.

The game I find particularly odd is Game 12000918

I've looked through the game log now and it's quite evident to me that there was collusion or control of two accounts - mc05025 & geots. In Round 8 yellow sends just a small group of men from Xeu Village to Cen Village's border (this is strange in itself) and makes no attack on the cyan stack on Cen Village. Instead he forts the remainder (only 5 men) back to Xeu Village. Cyan then launches an attack from Cen Village, ignores the yellow 1s that he could have gone through and instead goes thru Cen5/Cen10, circumvents yellow altogether and instead heads through lots of neuts to get an elimination elsewhere. Yellow's previous move had in fact helped him by removing Cen8 & Xeu13 (which start as neut 3s) thus making cyan's job that much easier. Anyone who plays this game can tell you that yellow's move made no sense tactically (why only send a small army forward the way he did, if not to just remove those tough neut 3s?). The elimination of non-AFOS players looks all too suspicious to me - first me, then silversun6, then Kingm. Coincidence? And there's more. After the elimination of silversun6 in Round 10 cyan then deployed 95 and moved to Xeu3 (shielding yellow when he could have eliminated him). Yellow then cashed and kept his stack behind cyan's. The two of them then traded on Xeu1 (totally unnecessary for cyan to do as he was winning cards on other terrs) which was essential for them in order to beat slate (Egel). Cyan effectively kept yellow safe (shielded him) and allowed him to card, and once Egel was defeated yellow didn't even try and attack. Combine these very suspicious moves with the fact geots (playing yellow) had his flag changing from Russia to Europe to Greece (while mc05025's was also changing from Greece to UK during the same week) and I'd say there is sufficient evidence of collusion and/or account checking (i.e. logging in to see foggy maps) that exists between members of AFOS. Game 12000926 also raised the concerns of another (non-AFOS) player - enough for him to say 'Never again' in a PM to me.

As I said in my opening paragraph, it could all amount to nothing and I'll apologise in advance. That said I still think it serves as a warning to anyone who wishes to get involved in a multiplayer game which often features five players from the same clan and who, in all likelihood, have the ability to log-in to each other's accounts.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[pending]es

Postby jltile1 on Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:56 pm

Seems as yellow didn't have the five cards you did so of course eliminate you and double cash as he did seems like he was after cards. I don't know about the signing in of the change of flags but seems as most people knew where each other were at the point he went for kill. And why waist troops on a couple spoils get the guy with five.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[pending]es

Postby mc05025 on Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:28 pm

Chariot of Fire wrote:I don't know to what extent SirJohn13 is culpable, and I've not looked at the games listed in the OP. Unfortunately though I'm going to burn my bridges as far as playing with AFOS clan mates goes with what I have to say here. I've certainly joined the last multiplayer esc game that I'll ever play with them, which is a pity as they are all nice guys. However I've seen enough 'funny business' to make me suspicious. It may indeed all turn out to be harmless, or merely bad luck, but one can't help but feel there is more when (in some cases) 5 members of the same clan are all playing in the same game.

The game I find particularly odd is Game 12000918

I've looked through the game log now and it's quite evident to me that there was collusion or control of two accounts - mc05025 & geots. In Round 8 yellow sends just a small group of men from Xeu Village to Cen Village's border (this is strange in itself) and makes no attack on the cyan stack on Cen Village. Instead he forts the remainder (only 5 men) back to Xeu Village. Cyan then launches an attack from Cen Village, ignores the yellow 1s that he could have gone through and instead goes thru Cen5/Cen10, circumvents yellow altogether and instead heads through lots of neuts to get an elimination elsewhere. Yellow's previous move had in fact helped him by removing Cen8 & Xeu13 (which start as neut 3s) thus making cyan's job that much easier. Anyone who plays this game can tell you that yellow's move made no sense tactically (why only send a small army forward the way he did, if not to just remove those tough neut 3s?). The elimination of non-AFOS players looks all too suspicious to me - first me, then silversun6, then Kingm. Coincidence? And there's more. After the elimination of silversun6 in Round 10 cyan then deployed 95 and moved to Xeu3 (shielding yellow when he could have eliminated him). Yellow then cashed and kept his stack behind cyan's. The two of them then traded on Xeu1 (totally unnecessary for cyan to do as he was winning cards on other terrs) which was essential for them in order to beat slate (Egel). Cyan effectively kept yellow safe (shielded him) and allowed him to card, and once Egel was defeated yellow didn't even try and attack. Combine these very suspicious moves with the fact geots (playing yellow) had his flag changing from Russia to Europe to Greece (while mc05025's was also changing from Greece to UK during the same week) and I'd say there is sufficient evidence of collusion and/or account checking (i.e. logging in to see foggy maps) that exists between members of AFOS. Game 12000926 also raised the concerns of another (non-AFOS) player - enough for him to say 'Never again' in a PM to me.

As I said in my opening paragraph, it could all amount to nothing and I'll apologise in advance. That said I still think it serves as a warning to anyone who wishes to get involved in a multiplayer game which often features five players from the same clan and who, in all likelihood, have the ability to log-in to each other's accounts.

First of all I do not know Geots pw and he doesn't know mine. We hadn't ever log in with each other account.

On game 12000918 I played very very well, understood everything, made traps that people failed to see and won the game. It was one of my best game, really proud of my strategy. If you want to I can explain exactly what happened and how CoF failed to understand my strategy even after the end of the game.

OK I am reading what he is writing and I ll make some comments as almost everything are lies.

'yellow sends just a small group of men from Xeu Village to Cen Village's border' He didn't he sent all his available troops

'makes no attack on the cyan stack on Cen Village' thats true. He reached with something like 60 troops and I had 64 (I do not remember the exact numbers but they are close) so he stopped without attacking in order not to suicide.

'Instead he forts the remainder (only 5 men) back to Xeu Village' Man how clueless you are. Those were the auto deployed troops from his castle. He just wanted to protect the village. He still had a stack of 60

'Cyan then launches an attack from Cen Village, ignores the yellow 1s that he could have gone through and instead goes thru Cen5/Cen10, circumvents yellow altogether and instead heads through lots of neuts to get an elimination elsewhere'

Of course I did that. yellow had 60 troops close to me and many territories. On the the other side you have just killed someone without cashing and you reinforced 6 troops. Which is very stupid because then I knew that you were really weak at both castles and I knew how to split... so easy to kill you. So I just searched the map in order to kill you.

'yellow's previous move had in fact helped him by removing Cen8 & Xeu13 (which start as neut 3s) thus making cyan's job that much easier' He made 2 3s a 1 and he helped me??? I started with 80 troops and after killing you I had more than 10 I think in both stacks from your 2 castles.

'Anyone who plays this game can tell you that yellow's move made no sense tactically (why only send a small army forward the way he did, if not to just remove those tough neut 3s?)' As I said he sent anything he had to make an elimination. But failed as he found me the strongest player (I had played first and took a village very quickly)

Here is screenshot after my elimination proving geots tried to kill the one at the left side but stopped and also how I just searched the map and killed the easiest target


'then deployed 95 and moved to Xeu3 (shielding yellow when he could have eliminated him)' OK here are some advance strategies which obviously fail to understand.

Here is the screenshot after grey played and killed red at rebel castle (but my troops and yellow troops are the same.

untitled 2.jpg

As you can see I had to deploy 95 troops. I couldn't kill geots who had 63 at the gate of clan Rhu castle and a castle and 9 troops at the village (an other lie). But as you can see there were 3 more players to play (except from geots) with 4 spoils. So if the first one (grey) did not have the clan rhu castle he would be forced to kill the one at the remaining unprotected castle (possibility 2/3 as it happened). So the third player would remain at clan rhu trapped. So I estimated (right) that the third player will attack geots and try to eliminate him and kill ALL regions outside the castle which I was blocking. So geots with no regions outside the castle would be unable to attack and kill the third player (blue at my case) as he was trapped inside the castle. That exactly happened and prettymuch gave me the game.
So I protected him and blocked me at the same time.

' yellow didn't even try and attack' Attack what? he had no troops as sir john killed them all and the only thing able to attack was my 119 stack. He did not suicide.

Combine these very suspicious moves with the fact geots (playing yellow) had his flag changing from Russia to Europe to Greece (while mc05025's was also changing from Greece to UK during the same week)

Geots travel a lot
I am from greece but now I live at UK. But I am in greece right now for christmas. I log in a lot with greek IP as my base is here and I can remotly control my main pc which located in greece.

As I detailed explain why anything at this post are lies and bad estimations I will not trouble to answer any other questions from CoF. If you can not understand my gameplay do not accuse me... try harder
Last edited by mc05025 on Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[pending]es

Postby mc05025 on Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:54 pm

Additional, if you watch round 10 of blue you will be sure that he did not see anything. If he was able to see from my account or geots he wouldn't have attacked geots who was protected by me and he wouldn't have attack one of my castles if he wanted to play friendly to me (actually attacking my castle was bad play as he forced me to kill him)

We have played many games with each other. It is normal to see in some games a friendly play as it it is normal to see an unfriendly play at other games. You just see only the first group of games but I can provide many games in which geots or sirjohn destroyed me or destroy each other.

For example on Game 12096907John attacked my stack and reduce it (freestyle escalating) with the excuse that I was very strong. This is something I never do as it will most likely give the game to other players and I was mad with John (even if he was very lucky because Nuke helped him a lot and finally win)

Game Game 12050032 still on

John had a lucky set with 3 spoils. If I was him I would have killed yellow (but there were 4 people with 4 spoils anyway). But he picked and killed geots even if he did not know his last region and now he will be eliminated for sure. I do not think that in any case John would have picked geots if he wanted to play friendly against him. If geots was CoF or the univrsalheroe they would have made a new case asking why he picked him and got destroyed.

These are only 2 games from my last 4 with them.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[pending]es

Postby Chariot of Fire on Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:13 am

'Instead he forts the remainder (only 5 men) back to Xeu Village' Man how clueless you are. Those were the auto deployed troops from his castle. He just wanted to protect the village. He still had a stack of 60

In Round 8 - 2012-12-14 01:17:38 - geots reinforced Xeu Village with 5 troops from Cen 12

The log doesn't lie. The later hit on Xeu1 also isn't explained.

Anyway - fair credit to you for playing one of your best games. It just struck me as odd that a few players were avoiding each other and/or camping outside non-AFOS players' bases (yellow moving to Cen13 rather than either sit on your village and/or go and take your unprotected castle). No-one seemed to contest any of what you were doing.

It was the flag changing that made me raise an eyebrow, which is why I went back to look at the log after the game. I guess you've explained that one too though. Apologies if I was way off the mark.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[pending]es

Postby mc05025 on Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:26 am

You are right.

When playing I was sure that the reinforce was from the castle so I did not check. But it is only a reinforce of 5 troops. Obviosly he wanted to have both his village and castle with small protection.

Oh yes, the later attack at xeu 1 was one more thing that I am proud of.

So, my plan was to kill John and then return back and separate the 2 weak remaining players in order to gain both eliminations. But my problem was that geots did not have a spoil so he had no chances at all to win. So I was afraid he might attack my stack trying at least to take spoil. So before killing John and block geots again I gave him a free spoil. That way he wouldn't be too desperate. He had the chance to reach the 3 cards and if playing again (something impossible but he did know that as he wasn't 100% sure how many troops grey had) win the game. In other words I gave him a tiny chance to win the game in order not to suicide (as the only one available to suicide was myself)

Sorry if I was rude but I did explain the change of geots flag at a message at your wall and in addition you accused me out of the blue in a topic for other players.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:51 pm

all these games seem to be played in the same manner. 2 or 3 make most of the attacks and make a run to try to win. It doesn't really look like bonuses really matter. I don't really see and SD here. Geots and SirJohn13 are CLEARED.

SaMejoHn wrote:b) even if they were to be banned it would be in standard NOT team games so lol it wouldn't hurt my clan or me.

FYI if you are blocked from playing games with someone it includes team games. You are blocked from playing any game together.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[cleared]es

Postby universalchiro on Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:00 pm

Evil Demp,
This case was beyond your ability to understand & judge. A sergeant rank with low deductive & inductive abilities should not have ruled on such a complicated case.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[cleared]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:12 pm

universalchiro wrote:Evil Demp,
This case was beyond your ability to understand & judge. A sergeant rank with low deductive & inductive abilities should not have ruled on such a complicated case.

I thank you for you constructive criticism and and will do my best to only rule on cases that concern lower ranked players. The heck I will. If you have a problem with my findings you can always fill out an e-ticket. If you need help figuring out how to do it maybe a higher ranked player can help you understand the process.

Now all BS aside. I try to be unbiased and impartial. Some might not agree with the decisions I make.

Now if you would care to take me under your wings and teach me the secrets of that map I would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[cleared]es

Postby SirJohn13 on Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:28 am

I am not satisfied with the ruling either. This is the second time universalchiro opens a thread to accuse me and geots of cheating and it is the second time that his allegations are completely unfounded.

What does he have to do to get a warning for spurious reports?
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[cleared]es

Postby scoobyzx10r on Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:22 am

universalchiro wrote:Evil Demp,
This case was beyond your ability to understand & judge. A sergeant rank with low deductive & inductive abilities should not have ruled on such a complicated case.

although if he had ruled in your favour then i'm guessing it would have been ok?
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[cleared]es

Postby jltile1 on Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:11 am

universalchiro wrote:Evil Demp,
This case was beyond your ability to understand & judge. A sergeant rank with low deductive & inductive abilities should not have ruled on such a complicated case.

That's funny you have played 500 games and he has played almost 10000.

Spurious report and yes you should of got a warning as this is the second time.

Very good ruling evil semp. =D>

Time to move on with life , in your own games.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[cleared]es

Postby MrPinky on Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:38 am


This case was beyond your ability to understand & judge. A general with such low deductive & inductive abilities should not have made accusations on such a complicated map. Clearly you have not understood how to play on the Antarctica map at all. If you question that, I challenge you to invite me to a lot of Antarctica games and show me otherwise :D
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[cleared]es

Postby silversun6 on Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:08 am

MrPinky wrote:Universalchiro,

This case was beyond your ability to understand & judge. A general with such low deductive & inductive abilities should not have made accusations on such a complicated map. Clearly you have not understood how to play on the Antarctica map at all. If you question that, I challenge you to invite me to a lot of Antarctica games and show me otherwise :D

i do know how to play it pinky ,both geots and sirjohn attacked players on this map (unlike the usual play) but they didnt attack each other.
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Re: geots & SirJohn13[cleared]es

Postby MrPinky on Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:15 am

I don't question your ability on that map, silversun6. I know that you play it very well. But if you run through the logfile in details and read universalchiro's comments, would you say the same about him?
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