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maxfaraday & others [BANNED/WARNINGS] BG

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Re: maxfaraday pointdumping & others taking advantage

Postby Chewie1 on Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:30 am

betiko wrote:
eddie2 wrote:
betiko wrote:
Funkyterrance wrote:It's interesting how max is getting off very lightly in this thread. Is rule breaking determined by popularity now?

You don't get it do you? he is guessed, stripped from premium and will never come back. He was pretty big in the speeders community and we are more concerned about what happened than trying to hit someone on the ground. (maybe you want cc to strip his medals now and blablabla..)

betiko this is not true. I think you are like me who thought point dumping was a perma ban. We were talking about this the other dy in live chat after a player who point dumped was back playing and the rules actually say it is only a 1 month ban for first offense of it.

Point Dumping Infraction disciplinary levels are as follows:
1 Month Website Vacation
Permanent Website Vacation
Note: Users retain the right to rebuttal via E-tickets as with any Infraction.

He got a 1 month forum ban in october for opening a sexist suggestion thread, so he was already in trouble. Someone who point dumps like this is someone who wants to quit and before that wants to make sure he won t be tempted to come back imo. Max is most probably gone forever. You can t deny he s already punished by the site and by himself, so the "why" is the biggest question..

Burnout perhaps?

Look at HA he got overexcited in game chat etc.... after he played way too many games.
Whenever i look for a speeder to play Max was always there playing a couple.
He may have got bored and like you say found away to be banned forever.... but I daresay his multi will come back when he gets the bug to play again.
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Re: maxfaraday pointdumping & others taking advantage

Postby betiko on Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:16 am

Yeah, looks like a 2013 resolution or something: stop playing cc lol. Also last time i saw him before the incident he was a major, haven t seen him too often with that rank so maybe he went on a losing spree from there and got so pissed that he started to point dump and quit?
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Re: maxfaraday pointdumping & others taking advantage

Postby Gillipig on Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:48 am

A shame that he was able to create 280 speed games before being guested.
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Re: maxfaraday pointdumping & others taking advantage

Postby GeneralRisk on Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:06 am

Gillipig wrote:A shame that he was able to create 280 speed games before being guested.
Just plain silly the site dont put a cap on speed games created to 10.
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Re: maxfaraday pointdumping & others taking advantage

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:30 am

Patryssss, Polarræven Poul, egerskydiver, superwang, lorisbs, alvinchek99, & Full Metal J have been WARNED for point collecting (strange name, but thats what its called)

maxfaraday has received a PERMANENT WEBSITE BAN
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Re: maxfaraday pointdumping & others taking advantage

Postby Gillipig on Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:07 am

BGtheBrain wrote:Patryssss, Polarræven Poul, egerskydiver, superwang, lorisbs, alvinchek99, & Full Metal J have been WARNED for point collecting (strange name, but thats what its called)

maxfaraday has received a PERMANENT WEBSITE BAN

Has there been a rule change with the new ownership? I was under the impression that permabanns weren't issued for this type of offences.
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Re: maxfaraday & others [BANNED/WARNINGS] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:17 am

No change. Major Infraction scale is
(1) Warning
(2) 30 day ban
(3) Perma Ban
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Re: maxfaraday & others [BANNED/WARNINGS] BG

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:20 am

Au revoir, max.
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Re: maxfaraday & others [BANNED/WARNINGS] BG

Postby Gillipig on Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:33 am

BGtheBrain wrote:No change. Major Infraction scale is
(1) Warning
(2) 30 day ban
(3) Perma Ban

Hm, so it's just in the forums you can't get permabanned from anymore?
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Re: maxfaraday & others [BANNED/WARNINGS] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:37 am

Most people on the forums get minors for flaming and baiting and so on. Those are minor infractions so dont get perma banned.
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Re: maxfaraday & others [BANNED/WARNINGS] BG

Postby Barney Rubble on Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:12 am

Goodbye Max
Warning for the vultures ?? Really ? At least two raised their ranks by two tiers....Correct me if I am wrong but isnt this just like farmng ?The only difference is you dont have to actually play the newbie.Just asking
I mean intent was there after one game if you ask me but some of these game counts are sad man 44 games and all you get is a warning ?
Sort of making a mockery of the point system,and this forum arent they ?
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Re: maxfaraday & others [BANNED/WARNINGS] BG

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:29 am

Barney Rubble wrote:Warning for the vultures ?? Really ? At least two raised their ranks by two tiers....Correct me if I am wrong but isnt this just like farmng ?The only difference is you dont have to actually play the newbie.Just asking

Even if they were farming for points, the first offense is always a warning. I guess the correct question you are looking for is:

BG is "vulturing" a major or minor infraction?
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Re: maxfaraday & others [BANNED/WARNINGS] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:32 am

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Re: maxfaraday pointdumping & others taking advantage

Postby Funkyterrance on Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:32 am

betiko wrote:
Funkyterrance wrote:It's interesting how max is getting off very lightly in this thread. Is rule breaking determined by popularity now?

You don't get it do you? he is guessed, stripped from premium and will never come back. He was pretty big in the speeders community and we are more concerned about what happened than trying to hit someone on the ground. (maybe you want cc to strip his medals now and blablabla..)

Nah I just think that point dumping is a shitty way to go if you're going to measure a person's contributions to the site. This sounds more like a farewell thread than a response to major cleanup due to max's special form of Au Revoir. He leaves a huge mess for the mods to clean up and all I hear is sentimental bullcrap about how we're going to miss poor, poor max. Ooh, what happened to him, I'm reaaaallly concerned??? Sniff, sniff. Start a farewell thread in his soiled honor if you want to answer max's CC cry for help.
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Re: maxfaraday & others [BANNED/WARNINGS] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:39 am

On that note, Im going to lock this. There is nothing else that needs to be said regarding max's point dumping or the others point collecting.

After further review of how we give disciplinary measures for point dumping cases, we take back this perma ban issued on maxfaraday and replaced it with a 30 day ban. He has already served this allotted time and is allowed to come back once again.



For those who may have forgotten, this rule was amended from being a major infraction into a special case infraction last May of 2011. Any past PD cases before that shall remain as it is.
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