This tournament will be a 32 person, 1v1, single-elimination tournament. All games will be played on a Feudal War. Initial game placements/seedings will be made through
Premium and Non-Premium players are allowed to sign up, but if you are a non-premium, please leave a spot open.
Match Details: Number of entrants: 32 (1v1) * Map: Feudal War * Initial Troops: Automatic * Game Type: Standard * Play Order: Sequential * Spoils: No Spoils * Reinforcements: Chained * Fog of War: Yes * Trench Warfare: No * Round Limit: None * Round Length: 24 Hours
To Sign Up: Just post a reply on this thread stating you want in the tournament, and if a spot is open you will get it!
Notes: - All Conquer Club site rules apply to gameplay - Tournament will begin as soon as all slots are filled - Game placement will be determined from - I reserve the right to deny entry into any of my tournaments - Must have completed a minimum of 5 games (or purchased a premium account) to be eligible for my tournaments - Feel free to contact me via PM with any questions/concerns
Last edited by superkeener on Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:23 am, edited 17 times in total.