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Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney- Completed!

Tournaments completed in 2013

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby VioIet on Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:24 am

benga wrote:I see that you have fixed you quaterfinals group so that you won't play Goran :)

Anyway hf all in quarters!

I would actually love to play Goranz! Hopefully my team will meet his in the next round! The more challenging the opponent, the better! The better the competition, the faster you'll improve. And also, I use to determine the groupings. I figure that is the most fair and random way.

Jsnyder (who happens to be my teammate) has been missing too many invites. I am looking for a replacement for him.

GoranZ wrote:Over and Over? What are you talking about. No one is sending invites over and over. They send 2 within 48 hours(and thats it)

I was sending invites over and over, and it can be quite tiresome.

GoranZ wrote:Hmm lets look your approach from players perspective: Opponent misses an invite, you don't resend the invite within 48 hours game gets deleted and when you resend the invite players to the team that originally joined, don't join the new game. The excuse will be simple: "We don't have time now, we will have next month".(USING EXACTLY YOUR EXCUSE TO NOT RESEND INVITES...). What we do in this case? Even TD wont be able to moderate this problem that you create in the first place.

That is perfectly understandable. Things come up and life gets in the way. If someone doesn't have the time for it, I understand completely. Once they let me know, I can go ahead and look for a replacement. We all get busy at one point or another.

GoranZ wrote:Violet what you do is exactly what Night Strike says... you send your reinvites after one, two, tree or even four weeks. That is obviously way too much anyway you look at it. On top the time is random, so players cant make any plans for their future games.

Yes, that is true! That's why I recommend this tourney for premium members. I don't recommend that a freemium join, because they won't be able to play the nine games in each round.

GoranZ wrote:BTW To my understanding "complete standings" means standings of completed games, while uncompleted go in "To Be Determined" section.

Completed means for all games to be finished. If a game is not completed, you can just say "In Progress."
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby chapcrap on Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:58 pm

We had a player miss invites in our games. Can you please resend them?
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby VioIet on Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:15 pm

The invites have been re-sent. Thanks for letting me know!
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Violet: oh, what big news?
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby Falkomagno on Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:03 pm

Oh my dear Vio. I just catch up with this thread. That Goranz is really a Pain in the ass! But of course is always good to extract the best from all situation, and sometimes annoying critics (or in this case, disrespectful) can help to improve yourself, and also notice which points are you not going to concede.

I can tell you that i like the way you manage the tourney, and I'm having a lot of fun in it. also, i think is valid the point raised about posting partial results in your first post, instead of puting it in the second page. Also the teams who advance in the very same post would be more easily accesible for people like me who don't like to read the whole forum to figure it out were the statisc, positions and results are.

You are doing great! Your patience (and some others including myself) is being tested, and the way of handling it shows that you are a very nice person. kuddos!
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby GoranZ on Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:31 pm

Falkomagno wrote:Oh my dear Vio. I just catch up with this thread. That Goranz is really a Pain in the ass! But of course is always good to extract the best from all situation, and sometimes annoying critics (or in this case, disrespectful) can help to improve yourself, and also notice which points are you not going to concede.

lol You can only dream for respect if you cant keep your word... or if you are setting games ;)
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby VioIet on Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:46 am

Falkomagno wrote:Oh my dear Vio. I just catch up with this thread. That Goranz is really a Pain in the ass! But of course is always good to extract the best from all situation, and sometimes annoying critics (or in this case, disrespectful) can help to improve yourself, and also notice which points are you not going to concede.

I can tell you that i like the way you manage the tourney, and I'm having a lot of fun in it. also, i think is valid the point raised about posting partial results in your first post, instead of puting it in the second page. Also the teams who advance in the very same post would be more easily accesible for people like me who don't like to read the whole forum to figure it out were the statisc, positions and results are.

You are doing great! Your patience (and some others including myself) is being tested, and the way of handling it shows that you are a very nice person. kuddos!

Thank you so much Falko! Your kind words are much appreciated, and I'm very happy that you're enjoying the tourney! It certainly has been a blast so far! :)

And yes, I agree I should have put the results in the OP, or at least somewhere on the second page. I meant to reserve the second post just for that, but completely forgot at the time. I think I did add a table that Nosurvivors made to the first post. I could never get greenoak's table to work out.

My holidays have been extremely busy, so I haven't sent out any new games in the past two weeks. Most groups/teams have already received all their games for this round. But for those who haven't, I will be sending out invites soon.
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Violet: oh, what big news?
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby NoSurvivors on Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:46 pm

GoranZ wrote:lol You can only dream for respect if you cant keep your word... or if you are setting games ;)

She's certainly got more respect than both you and I combined do.. :lol: so who are you to talk of respect?
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby darkseb on Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:42 pm

GoranZ wrote:Overall score: Winners from the last tournament didn't had more victories then my team, although they had much easier road to the final.


I'm not quite sure what you means because if you are talking about the dubs tourney that Hook and I won we played against you and Chap. From what i remember we were the two best team of all the dubs tourney and we won 4-1 against you. In semi final our both team got 6W. So i think the final was fair and square. Otherwise i have to agree i like to be post about the standing of each team from time to time. I have no clue what is the score for the quarterfinal.

i hope you will meet Viola and her crew on the battlefield so you settle this out for good :lol:
Best luck for those that will be playing in the Semi.
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby VioIet on Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:08 am

darkseb wrote:
I'm not quite sure what you means because if you are talking about the dubs tourney that Hook and I won we played against you and Chap. From what i remember we were the two best team of all the dubs tourney and we won 4-1 against you. In semi final our both team got 6W. So i think the final was fair and square. Otherwise i have to agree i like to be post about the standing of each team from time to time. I have no clue what is the score for the quarterfinal.

i hope you will meet Viola and her crew on the battlefield so you settle this out for good :lol:
Best luck for those that will be playing in the Semi.

QFT. Darkseb and Hook were an amazing dubs team and they deserved that tourney win.

Very few games have ended in the Quarter-finals. When more games end, I will post the standings. I might even be lucky enough to get NoS to make me another table. If so, I'll put it in the OP.
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Violet: oh, what big news?
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby greenoaks on Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:21 am

VioIet wrote:QFT. Darkseb and Hook were an amazing dubs team and they deserved that tourney win.

Very few games have ended in the Quarter-finals. When more games end, I will post the standings. I might even be lucky enough to get NoS to make me another table. If so, I'll put it in the OP.

does anyone know when round 1 will start?
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby darkseb on Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:50 pm

greenoaks wrote:
VioIet wrote:QFT. Darkseb and Hook were an amazing dubs team and they deserved that tourney win.

Very few games have ended in the Quarter-finals. When more games end, I will post the standings. I might even be lucky enough to get NoS to make me another table. If so, I'll put it in the OP.

does anyone know when round 1 will start?

Round 1 ? we are doing the Quarterfinal arent we :roll:
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [Quarterfinals]

Postby greenoaks on Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:44 am

darkseb wrote:
greenoaks wrote:
VioIet wrote:QFT. Darkseb and Hook were an amazing dubs team and they deserved that tourney win.

Very few games have ended in the Quarter-finals. When more games end, I will post the standings. I might even be lucky enough to get NoS to make me another table. If so, I'll put it in the OP.

does anyone know when round 1 will start?

Round 1 ? we are doing the Quarterfinal arent we :roll:

not accourding to the heading. ;)

just a tip for Violet - when a new round starts change the heading of the first post so everyone know at a glance where the tourney is at. Round 1, Round 2, Semi-Finals, Finals, whatever it is. it shows the players you are on top of things.
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [Quarterfinals]

Postby NoSurvivors on Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:31 pm

greenoaks wrote:
darkseb wrote:
greenoaks wrote:
VioIet wrote:QFT. Darkseb and Hook were an amazing dubs team and they deserved that tourney win.

Very few games have ended in the Quarter-finals. When more games end, I will post the standings. I might even be lucky enough to get NoS to make me another table. If so, I'll put it in the OP.

does anyone know when round 1 will start?

Round 1 ? we are doing the Quarterfinal arent we :roll:

not accourding to the heading. ;)

just a tip for Violet - when a new round starts change the heading of the first post so everyone know at a glance where the tourney is at. Round 1, Round 2, Semi-Finals, Finals, whatever it is. it shows the players you are on top of things.

Goran, take note, this is how you politely make a sugguestion.

VioIet wrote:
darkseb wrote:I might even be lucky enough to get NoS to make me another table. If so, I'll put it in the OP.

Hint hint, nudge nudge? :ugeek: I will see if you are lucky enough to have my assistance... (yes, ofc, m'lady -tips hat and walks off classily-)... :lol:. When would you like em?
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby GoranZ on Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:22 am

NoSurvivors wrote:
GoranZ wrote:lol You can only dream for respect if you cant keep your word... or if you are setting games ;)

She's certainly got more respect than both you and I combined do.. :lol: so who are you to talk of respect?

You are correct in this one... Even my high respect can not compensate your low one, and that combined is less then Violets ;)... As I previously said your have big mouth but you don't have a sword meaning I'm wasting my time replying to you... No need to reply to my posts and waste our time(instead I recommend that you learn how to play so we can fight in the battlefield).

darkseb wrote:
GoranZ wrote:Overall score: Winners from the last tournament didn't had more victories then my team, although they had much easier road to the final.


I'm not quite sure what you means because if you are talking about the dubs tourney that Hook and I won we played against you and Chap. From what i remember we were the two best team of all the dubs tourney and we won 4-1 against you. In semi final our both team got 6W. So i think the final was fair and square. Otherwise i have to agree i like to be post about the standing of each team from time to time. I have no clue what is the score for the quarterfinal.

Hmm... lets see the stats after the end of the semis for last tournament(tiebreaker ratio is included):
23 from 31(74%) - GoranZ, chapcrap(Group 1)
23 from 31(74%) - benga, Zoki77(Group 1)
19 from 31(61%) - ViperOverLord, squishyg(Group 1)
19 from 31(61%) - darkseb, Hook2(Group 2)
19 from 31(61%) - hmsps, stevenshome(Group 2)
18 from 31(58%) - andyr601, ddslu(Group 2)

Its more then obvious that Group 2 victorious team had a lot easy entry to the finals...

Now lets see the stats after the end of the finals:
24 from 36(67%) - GoranZ, chapcrap
23 from 36(64%) - darkseb, Hook2

You still think that you were better then any of Group 1 teams? I'm not convinced, you had less victories then us, you didn't had more victories from bengas team(although u played more games), and Vipers team crushed you in the quarterfinals.... Your team only had much better dice in the finals ;)

As I previously said your road to finals was much easier then ours, and you only enter it because the tournament organizer designed the tournament to help her own advance as much as she can.
VioIet wrote:Quarter Finals:I will make sure all the teams in these groups, did not previously face each other in round 1.

What this means in reality? It means that the the team that ended first in the current round will have stronger teams as opponents(the team that they already beat will be excluded) in the next round... Its the opposite for the weaker team, they will never face the team that already beat them until the finals giving them unfair advantage that can be noticed in the stats that I previously presented.

darkseb wrote:i hope you will meet Viola and her crew on the battlefield so you settle this out for good :lol:

That wont happen... Her team was lucky enough to get into the quaterfinals, I think that they will have a victory or two but not more, really they hardly deserve the advance.

NoSurvivors wrote:Goran, take note, this is how you politely make a sugguestion.

Hahahahaha... Already done the polite way.
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby NoSurvivors on Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:40 am

GoranZ wrote:
NoSurvivors wrote:
GoranZ wrote:lol You can only dream for respect if you cant keep your word... or if you are setting games ;)

She's certainly got more respect than both you and I combined do.. :lol: so who are you to talk of respect?

You are correct in this one... Even my high respect can not compensate your low one, and that combined is less then Violets ;)... As I previously said your have big mouth but you don't have a sword meaning I'm wasting my time replying to you... No need to reply to my posts and waste our time(instead I recommend that you learn how to play so we can fight in the battlefield).

Let me rephrase that. She has more of my respect than you ever will. Also please note before you say it that your opinion of my respect means nothing to me. Vio is a very thorough, thoughtful, organized and compassionate organizer, as well as an overall excellent person. IMO you should strive to be more like her. Anyone who makes a hissy toward someone like that because he isn't getting what he wants, is a no life and a loser in my books-- sorry, but I call em like I see em.

Attacking my rank again. I see. I have had a colonel's hat for the past day and a bit (I think I lost it by 4 points moments ago though xD) and I have been as high as brigadier. So puh-lease. If you think you scare me, you have another thing coming. In the forums-- in an online game-- people like you don't scare me, nor does your star. I eat stars for breakfast <3.

GoranZ wrote:
NoSurvivors wrote:Goran, take note, this is how you politely make a sugguestion.

Hahahahaha... Already done the polite way.

Where, exactly? This ought to be good.

Note: I do not deny having a big mouth-- but it's only because Vio is WAY too nice to stick up for herself, and is 10x smarter than me. She knows that you aren't worth her time :lol:. I wish I was wise enough to get that, but this is way too fun ;).
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby GoranZ on Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:32 pm

NoSurvivors wrote:
GoranZ wrote:
NoSurvivors wrote:
GoranZ wrote:lol You can only dream for respect if you cant keep your word... or if you are setting games ;)

She's certainly got more respect than both you and I combined do.. :lol: so who are you to talk of respect?

You are correct in this one... Even my high respect can not compensate your low one, and that combined is less then Violets ;)... As I previously said your have big mouth but you don't have a sword meaning I'm wasting my time replying to you... No need to reply to my posts and waste our time(instead I recommend that you learn how to play so we can fight in the battlefield).

Let me rephrase that. She has more of my respect than you ever will. Also please note before you say it that your opinion of my respect means nothing to me. Vio is a very thorough, thoughtful, organized and compassionate organizer, as well as an overall excellent person. IMO you should strive to be more like her. Anyone who makes a hissy toward someone like that because he isn't getting what he wants, is a no life and a loser in my books-- sorry, but I call em like I see em.

Attacking my rank again. I see. I have had a colonel's hat for the past day and a bit (I think I lost it by 4 points moments ago though xD) and I have been as high as brigadier. So puh-lease. If you think you scare me, you have another thing coming. In the forums-- in an online game-- people like you don't scare me, nor does your star. I eat stars for breakfast <3.

GoranZ wrote:
NoSurvivors wrote:Goran, take note, this is how you politely make a sugguestion.

Hahahahaha... Already done the polite way.

Where, exactly? This ought to be good.

Note: I do not deny having a big mouth-- but it's only because Vio is WAY too nice to stick up for herself, and is 10x smarter than me. She knows that you aren't worth her time :lol:. I wish I was wise enough to get that, but this is way too fun ;).

Hehehehehe I'm shocked by your speech :lol:
But since I don't want to read how many points you had(And you don't have them now) and how much you want to be respected(Since you are not) and I certainly don't want to read what you ate for breakfast :lol: I will press that magical Ignore button and save us all from your empty talk ;)

P.S. Drop a line when you have something interesting to say :)
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby NoSurvivors on Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:31 pm

NoSurvivors wrote:
GoranZ wrote:
NoSurvivors wrote:Goran, take note, this is how you politely make a sugguestion.

Hahahahaha... Already done the polite way.

Where, exactly? This ought to be good.

Please answer my question :).

GoranZ wrote:Hehehehehe I'm shocked by your speech :lol:
But since I don't want to read how many points you had(And you don't have them now) and how much you want to be respected(Since you are not) and I certainly don't want to read what you ate for breakfast :lol: I will press that magical Ignore button and save us all from your empty talk ;)

P.S. Drop a line when you have something interesting to say :)

Have* points. The only reason I brought them up is because you did. Interesting that it was a valid point to attack my rank when you said it, but when I correct you it is null :lol:. Also, I know what respect I have and whose. The fact that you need to tell me whose I don't makes you seem needy for attention.

But this is not the point of argument. The point of argument is that I would still like to see where you made your requests in a polite fashion. If you can't, then I would like you to apologize to the TO for your rudeness. All I'm sayin'. Stop being a dick. ;). Don't worry, I have had you on foe for a while too.

EDIT: As for what I ate for breakfast, I had toaster stroodles, in case you were wondering.
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] Quarterfinals

Postby VioIet on Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:04 am

Most of the games will now be coming to an end. I will post the standings soon. The semi-finals will probably be in about two weeks.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] Quarterfinals

Postby VioIet on Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:31 am

I've been extremely busy, but this weekend will provide me with some more spare time. I plan to start the Semi-finals tomorrow, if I can. I know at least one game is still in progress from the Quarterfinals. But hopefully enough games have finished to compile accurate results and determine which teams will progress to the semis.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney Quarterfinals

Postby VioIet on Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:58 pm

Group A

kingm, hmps, eddiemay- 6 (possibility of 1 point to give)
bgthebrain, thejonah, thecrown- 6 (2 points were given)
Hook2, darkseb, checker- 5 (2 points were taken)
Violet, DD, Falkomagno- 0 (possibility of 1 point to give)

(3 games still in progress. BG's team looks to clearly be the winner in two of those games. The result of the third game won't have any bearing on the results).

Group B

chapcrap, goranz, mviola- 7
anonymous, genoake, DJ Teflon- 5 (possibility of 1 point to give)
benga, jug, vj- 4 (possibility of 1 point to give)
dragonz20, silvanus, donovan the Dark -1

(1 game undecided, and too soon to determine the results. Also, the results would determine the second team to advance to the semi-finals).

Unfortunately, it is too soon for me to start the semi-finals. I should give it a few more days and wait for some of these games to end, to insure that I have the correct winners. In a week from now, I'll see if it's time to start the semis.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney Quarterfinals

Postby mviola on Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:12 pm

Can we please speed this up? 6 months to play 2 rounds is insane.
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney Quarterfinals

Postby BGtheBrain on Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:27 pm

Last edited by BGtheBrain on Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney Quarterfinals

Postby VioIet on Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:57 am

mviola wrote:Can we please speed this up? 6 months to play 2 rounds is insane.

Lol, I did clearly state in my previous post that I would be waiting for all the games to finish before starting the Semi-Finals.

Also, DS is a long map. When most of the games are going over 17+ rounds, it's going to take awhile. Also its a triples tourney, so you have six people taking their turn each round. If you average it taking 4-5 days to complete one round, then you have each round taking about three months. So we are actually on a good pace, and this tourney will even end before the last one did.

Also the semi-finals and finals will go much faster since you have less teams/less games involved.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney Quarterfinals

Postby VioIet on Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:16 am

I want to say thank you to everyone who participated in the tourney so far. The Quarterfinal rounds was insane with the high level of competition. I don't think I've ever participated in such challenging DS games. I am proud that the tournament contained a very high level of game-play.

Unfortunately, many great teams are now out of the competition. But I want to take this time to congratulate the semi-finalist who are moving onto the next round. The four remaining teams are:

Semi-Finals Group 1:
kingm, hmps, eddiemay
chapcrap, goranz, mviola

Semi-Finals Group 2:
BGthebrain, thejonah, thecrown
anonymus, genoake, DJ Teflon

Congrats and have fun! The semi-finals begin tonight and should last about a month. The official Quarter-Final standings will be placed in the OP.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney Quarterfinals

Postby benga on Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:17 am

we have 5 pts, but since we lost 2-1 to dj not sure if we can claim rights on semis
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