Conquer Club

Peterdeman (bigotry)[busted/noted]SN

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Re: Peterdeman (bigotry)[pending]SN

Postby Funkyterrance on Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:46 am

DJPatrick wrote:There are LESS and LESS pps playing on this site...maybe one of the big reasons is that it's becoming debating society? Sure we don't want to let offensive WHATEVERprobes run rampant but can pps please stop trying to create their own perfect world on a WarGame internet site? Fight to the death to stop bullying and racist attacks but please STOP the C&A reports over nuances...I've manned street barricades against oppressive authorities in my own country but I get the shits with constant bickering over what may or may not offend people elsewhere...If something is not already outlawed in the CC Rules, take it up with the CC Philosophy Mods...don't come drive plaYERS away in droves because the fucking Romans didn't build enough aquaducts... :evil:

Watch out, symmetry will cut out your tongue if you aren't careful. ;)
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Re: Peterdeman (bigotry)[busted/noted]SN

Postby DJPatrick on Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:44 am

I hAve a lot of time for symmetry...on balance...I do what he does here myself for a job for a Govt Department as an Equity Advisor and as a the real world, there are a lot more grey areas and it's about living/working with each other = pps being banned/fired is the last resort and a bit of a fail on my part...oh and the other difference is that, here on CC , I actually play some bloody games ...
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Re: Peterdeman (bigotry)[pending]SN

Postby Symmetry on Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:16 am

Funkyterrance wrote:
DJPatrick wrote:There are LESS and LESS pps playing on this site...maybe one of the big reasons is that it's becoming debating society? Sure we don't want to let offensive WHATEVERprobes run rampant but can pps please stop trying to create their own perfect world on a WarGame internet site? Fight to the death to stop bullying and racist attacks but please STOP the C&A reports over nuances...I've manned street barricades against oppressive authorities in my own country but I get the shits with constant bickering over what may or may not offend people elsewhere...If something is not already outlawed in the CC Rules, take it up with the CC Philosophy Mods...don't come drive plaYERS away in droves because the fucking Romans didn't build enough aquaducts... :evil:

Watch out, symmetry will cut out your tongue if you aren't careful. ;)

Damn right- he should have used "FEWER and FEWER".
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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