Nicky15 wrote:These these rules are to make a fair and level playing field for everyone.
Really? If I don't have sitters from my time zone who will be able to supervise me in case of emergency? New rules are against those that play fair.
Once again, what I wrote previously.
GoranZ wrote:More I think about the new rules more I'm against them... I fell that I'm being targeted with new rules because of someone else's misuse. And whats most important proposed rules don't even target the problem, they target players like me who have done nothing wrong, nor they think of doing of something wrong in the future.
Example: Majority of my clanmates are from US time zones so now I have huge problems when it comes of emergency supervision from 9 AM to 2 PM. And now I have to find new sitters who are compatible to my playing style, and are from my time zone, and preferably from my clan.
One very specific question: Is it CD team job to propose sitting rules? according to me NO.
But CD team could have proposed something like this:1. The announcing in chat, of the name of the person who has covered a turn will now be mandatory.
2. Only 100 turns(number taken by example) can be supervised in a war for all war participants no matter the reasons(exception can be huge RL disasters like earthquake or hurricanes... those clan members supervisions wont count)
3. For every 3(number taken by example) new turns 1 point negative punishment.
Simple solutions that targets those alliances that have a habit of supervising members for strategic reasons and not those clans that play by the rules.