Greetings all! I'm planning to get back into running a tournament or two, and I thought we'd start with a nice friendly rumble in the fog. 16 teams! Every team will play three games per round to minimise the luck factor just a little, the winner of two or more games obviously moving on to the next round. I will add a reasonable score requirement to keep some sort of class around here
16x4 players. Team score requirement; 6000+ Map; New World Quads Sequential No Spoils Unlimited Foggy (Not Trench) Best of three games/round
Team 1 will play team 9, team 2 vs team 10 etc, for round two the same procedure will be applied.
Greetings TQS4581 This is a Quadruples (Quads) tournament, which means teams of 4 players. If you can find 3 players to team with you, and the total score of all four of you exceeds 6000p then you can enter.