It's Christmas time soon so lets have a war
All games will be played on Christmas map and since it's a limited one, all at one go.
There's no limit on number of clans as we want this to be Christmas Bash.
Here is the proposed number of games (minimum is 41):
for 2 clans 7-7-6 + quad tie, esc,ch,fog
for 3 clans 7-7-6 + 6 man dubs tie, esc,ch,fog
for 4 clans 7-7-7 + 8 man dubs tie, esc,ch,fog
for 5 clans 7-7-6 + 5 man tie, esc, ch, fog
for 6 clans 7-7-6 + 6 man tie, esc, ch, fog
for 7 clans 8-8-8 + 7 man tie, esc, ch, fog
for 8 clans 7-7-7 + 8 man tie, esc, ch, fog
for more then 8 clans tie will be disccused amongst clans that are in tie
When you setup home games you choose your opponents,
but having in mind you play the same amount of games vs each clans.
for 5 clans (your clan vs 4 other clans) 5 games vs each clan
so your choice can be
5 dubs vs A clan
1 dub, 1 trip, 3 quad vs B clan
1 dub, 1 trip, 3 quad vs C clan
5 trips vs D clan
or any other combination you prefer
freestyle, manual, trench, speed
nuclear will be allowed only if all clans agree on it
12h rule will be mandatory
15 games max per player
Anyone up for it?