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Cheating 3 players in same game divide the game.[noted]sn

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Cheating 3 players in same game divide the game.[noted]sn

Postby RobG on Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:00 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse

Play for each other, but they don't attack each other till they are the only one in the game. They now each other by the first name. (see game log)

Game number(s):


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Re: Cheating 3 players in same game divide the game.[pending

Postby aad0906 on Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:56 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse

Play for each other, but they don't attack each other till they are the only one in the game. They now each other by the first name. (see game log)

Game number(s):

Game 11768811


I think we have a group of players that know each other well here because the accused have played more than 60 games with each other (some of them private though). They mainly play together and also with the following players:

Gen Slow Motion
General Wantabee

I think OP got unlucky and joined a game were probably one of the regulars didn't join quick enough and the probably get rid of the "stranger" before attacking each other. This has happened before. If it is very blatant I recall some players were blocked from playing with each other. These could be multi's although it's more likely these are just a bunch of friends/colleagues that play each other a lot, but there could definitely e elements of secret diplomacy here.
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Re: Cheating 3 players in same game divide the game.[noted]s

Postby sniffie on Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:13 pm

I've checked the games and decided to note it for future reference.

Corporal 1st Class sniffie
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