on a side not,,,
EESHA, i sent you a wall message and an inbox about my accusations. I didnt do it to piss you off, i done it so you knew what was going on and so you had the opportunity to respond/defend yourself. Again, i may be wrong, but felt it warranted a further look. Im sorry if i have offended you, but im only trying to play a game on an even playing field.
If you feel the need to attack me,,, do it on the board mate. As i said, id be happy to play a few 1v1 games.
As far as not being able to beat them,,, check the last game mate,,, beat you all

sirgermaine wrote:This gets brought up all the time; people make games that are favorable-looking to new recruits, and get loaded up with NR's, many of whom deadbeat. That said, I would put the odds of multi abuse at near zero. I am not familiar enough with the specifics for farming rules to have a sense on that.
I dont understand how you could say the odds of multi abuse are near zero!!!
There are sooo many that its hard to just say,,, oh, that seems legit, all new recruits must love playing Archipelago. Even if 3/4 are 1st gamers... lol. They just must "ALL" love playing EESHA and fahadeen.
Are you two friends?