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Chemical Dragon - stalking[cleared]es

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Chemical Dragon - stalking[cleared]es

Postby mybad on Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:15 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: cyber stalking

Game number(s):

Game 11884321
Game 11894125
Game 11921859

Comments: each game had not been posted for more than 10 or 15 seconds. the first time he joined I thought it was just bad luck. the second time was very strange and I asked him about it - read the chat. three times is incredibly creepy I am convinced he is somehow monitoring my wall or games my girlfriend posts. this is not an accusation I make lightly and I hope it is a misunderstanding like maybe some strange CC policy I don't know about regarding free accounts where somebody automatically jumps in your games or something... what is this? how is it possible??? how do we know our privacy hasn't been further violated? foed and reported and hoping for a reasonable explanation because this is very unsettling.
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Re: Chemical Dragon - stalking

Postby Serbia on Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:00 pm

You realize that you're about to be busted for account sharing with brooke314 because of the following comment from Game 11894125:

2012-11-04 18:08:28 - brooke314: I never play without fog. this is my gf's account. I was just setting up a game for her and myself to play.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: Chemical Dragon - stalking

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:38 pm

You are creating public games so anyone can join. You did what you should do by foeing so he can't join any more games with you or should I say your girl friend. He isn't doing any thing wrong so this is CLEARED.

Like Serbia said what you are doing could be considered account sharing or having multiple accounts. I will look into it some more to see if any action is necessary. One suggestion would be for you and your girl friend to be online at the same time, create the game and give her the game number to join.
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Re: Chemical Dragon - stalking[cleared]es

Postby Funkyterrance on Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:45 pm

Stealing points from your gf, now that is a new low. :P
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Re: Chemical Dragon - stalking[cleared]es

Postby mybad on Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:04 pm

how is he joining games as soon as they are made? is my complaint not understood? it's more than unlikely that he just happens to be looking for a game each time I make one and joins them before I can in 10-15 seconds. my girlfriend and I are being stalked and harassed on your website, and you're more worried about how I create a game?
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Re: Chemical Dragon - stalking[cleared]es

Postby jltile1 on Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:46 pm

mybad wrote:how is he joining games as soon as they are made? is my complaint not understood? it's more than unlikely that he just happens to be looking for a game each time I make one and joins them before I can in 10-15 seconds. my girlfriend and I are being stalked and harassed on your website, and you're more worried about how I create a game?

Stalked lmao. Your stalking your girlfriend maybe. Maybe if its your girlfriend you should pull out a board game and play, thats if you don't want people who joined this site to play to join your games. Maybe you should pay for a account and you will have a few more options :roll:
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Re: Chemical Dragon - stalking[cleared]es

Postby jltile1 on Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:51 pm

Also It is very clear that there is no girlfriend after lookin at the games. It is all him talking no girl to be found. And that must be the way he is trying to steal points. All games listed seems as he is playing every move. Not account sharing but a multi for sure!!!
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Re: Chemical Dragon - stalking[cleared]es

Postby mybad on Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:15 pm

I played out those games because of the circumstances like a teammate would if someone weren't able to play. this was actually out of courtesy for him, since she didn't want to play him. your accusations of it being a multi are baseless. she made her account in NJ while I was in Florida. we have been playing it like a board game, where I set it up, then she plays with me. CC made it so you have to pay to play a private game now and that's their mistake. she just happens to prefer this style of play over Landgrab. she's the reason I came back after 2 years.
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