greenoaks wrote:freakns wrote:greenoaks wrote:betiko wrote:so tell me greenoaks, doyou really have problems seeing the difference? it's worse than i thought.
using a nazi symbol as your avatar is making its apology like it or not. wether persian empire knew or not that this specific skull and bone pattern is the one used by the SS is not my problem (you have to be pretty ignorant if you've lived during the WW2 like he did and not knowing that though). I don't see why swastikas wouldn't be allowed if this is allowed. both nazi symbolisms.
skull and crossbones are pirates symbols, the whole world knows that.
almost noone knows some nazis the world has never heard of also used a skull and crossbone symbol.
again, clearly non european. its not my fault you have no idea what totenkopf is.
also, pirates are not "good guys", no matter what movie you have watch, historically they were as brutal as anyone...
just to be clear, i dont give shit what someone has as their avatar, im just representing historical facts here, and those facts saying he is having SS symbol as his avatar. weather is that OK or not is not for me to say...
i also stated facts.
wolves are used to scare children. this is a child friendly site.
all avatars with wolves need to be removed.
You have demonstrated a fact, you have no idea of history, and when you were a child you haven't been taught to distinguish circles from triangles ect.
You obviously understand fast, but you need people to explain you slowly.
ok, let's do it with little animals, because that seems to be a reference you understand:
