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persianempire SS avatar[changed]SN

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Re: persianempire SS avatar

Postby betiko on Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:30 am

greenoaks wrote:
freakns wrote:
greenoaks wrote:
betiko wrote:so tell me greenoaks, doyou really have problems seeing the difference? it's worse than i thought.
using a nazi symbol as your avatar is making its apology like it or not. wether persian empire knew or not that this specific skull and bone pattern is the one used by the SS is not my problem (you have to be pretty ignorant if you've lived during the WW2 like he did and not knowing that though). I don't see why swastikas wouldn't be allowed if this is allowed. both nazi symbolisms.

skull and crossbones are pirates symbols, the whole world knows that.

almost noone knows some nazis the world has never heard of also used a skull and crossbone symbol.

again, clearly non european. its not my fault you have no idea what totenkopf is.
also, pirates are not "good guys", no matter what movie you have watch, historically they were as brutal as anyone...

just to be clear, i dont give shit what someone has as their avatar, im just representing historical facts here, and those facts saying he is having SS symbol as his avatar. weather is that OK or not is not for me to say...

i also stated facts.

wolves are used to scare children. this is a child friendly site.

all avatars with wolves need to be removed.

You have demonstrated a fact, you have no idea of history, and when you were a child you haven't been taught to distinguish circles from triangles ect.
You obviously understand fast, but you need people to explain you slowly.

ok, let's do it with little animals, because that seems to be a reference you understand:




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Re: persianempire SS avatar

Postby Funkyterrance on Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:55 am

agentcom wrote:A couple disparate thoughts:

First, always amazed by the different opinions different people hold on what should and should not be allowed. Generally, I would say that there's a divide that runs right down the Atlantic Ocean. The Europeans generally accept and promote rules against certain images and the Americans generally disfavor and argue against these rules. I won't bore you with all the armchair sociology that's running through my head right now.

Second, it will be interesting to see which side of the line this skull-and-bones falls on. It makes logical sense that if the swastika--a symbol of Nazism--is prohibited, the symbol of the "worst" part to the Nazi party should likewise be prohibited. However, it also makes sense that, at least in modern times, the swastika is so visually unique as to be recognized as a symbol of Nazism; whereas, a skull and crossbones could mean many things.

And third, there are plenty of reasons to hate the Nazis, but this topic has given me another one: those guys had the coolest fking uniforms and the coolest fking symbols of any army that I can think of. I mean look at those uniforms with eagles and crosses and swastikas and skull-and-bones! If they would have been the "good guys" then we all would be appropriating their symbols in our avatars. There would be high school football teams called the Jamestown Nazis with big old swastikas on their helmets and eagles on their chests. Just aesthetically, every symbol they used was simply fierce.

I agree in that just the uniforms themselves must have been rather intimidating. They're scary. However, I think the atrocities that they represent overshadows any "beauty" they may have.
Last edited by Funkyterrance on Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: persianempire SS avatar

Postby agentcom on Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:59 am

freakns wrote:you clearly arent European if you think those are "cool" uniforms.
also, you all, again, are missing the difference. i have nothing but uber respect for Wehrmacht. those were exceptional soldiers and war generals, one of best world has ever seen. on other hand, there are Waffen-SS and Schutz-Staffel, both had nothing to do with soldiers. most distinguish SS officers werent even soldiers, but politicians. and those were the people wearing those "cool" uniforms. intimidating? only because we know what they represent.
and you are correct about swastika and totenkopf. swastika represents Nazi party, while totenkopf represents SS division the worst part of whole regime.

How do my aesthetic tastes have anything to do with whether I am European? Do Europeans have fundamentally different tastes in say art or music? A better indication that I'm not European is that a referred to "high school football" in "Jamestown." I'm not really sure how you missed that one. I mean there's about 3 different indications in that one sentence that I'm not European. However, I fail to see what that has to do with aesthetics. If I had to describe the Nazi symbols in a word, I believe the proper terminology is "bad-ass." And as I noted, this sucks because they caused mass death and suffering in their non-war activities on a level that has only occurred a few times in the history of mankind.

If you want to try to turn me into a Nazi apologist for thinking that they had well-designed uniforms, that's on you. I trust the the people on this site are smart enough that your misinterpretation is not going to affect my image.

greenoaks wrote:
betiko wrote:so tell me greenoaks, doyou really have problems seeing the difference? it's worse than i thought.
using a nazi symbol as your avatar is making its apology like it or not. wether persian empire knew or not that this specific skull and bone pattern is the one used by the SS is not my problem (you have to be pretty ignorant if you've lived during the WW2 like he did and not knowing that though). I don't see why swastikas wouldn't be allowed if this is allowed. both nazi symbolisms.

skull and crossbones are pirates symbols, the whole world knows that.

almost noone knows some nazis the world has never heard of also used a skull and crossbone symbol.

again, clearly non european. its not my fault you have no idea what totenkopf is.
also, pirates are not "good guys", no matter what movie you have watch, historically they were as brutal as anyone...

just to be clear, i dont give shit what someone has as their avatar, im just representing historical facts here, and those facts saying he is having SS symbol as his avatar. weather is that OK or not is not for me to say...

More of the same. Greenoaks never said pirates are "good guys." His comment made no normative statement about the actions of pirates.

Second of all, the reason "why swastikas wouldn't be allowed if this is allowed" is the near-universal recognition of the swastika as a Nazi symbol. As you can tell from the response in this thread, not everyone knows about this.

However, and brownie points for whoever can find this, I think I remember a case from a while back involving an avatar depicting some symbol of some group that was associated with the Nazi Party, but was from one of the bordering countries. I think the user was asked to change the avatar ... or maybe it was a screenname. I have a really only have a vague recollection. Anyone else remember that?
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Re: persianempire SS avatar

Postby Funkyterrance on Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:02 am

agentcom wrote: ...I think I remember a case from a while back involving an avatar depicting some symbol of some group that was associated with the Nazi Party, but was from one of the bordering countries. I think the user was asked to change the avatar ... or maybe it was a screenname. I have a really only have a vague recollection. Anyone else remember that?

I think I vaguely remember this...
Wasn't is the person's username was the name of a lesser known Nazi war criminal or something to that effect?
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Re: persianempire SS avatar

Postby agentcom on Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:23 pm

Funkyterrance wrote:
agentcom wrote: ...I think I remember a case from a while back involving an avatar depicting some symbol of some group that was associated with the Nazi Party, but was from one of the bordering countries. I think the user was asked to change the avatar ... or maybe it was a screenname. I have a really only have a vague recollection. Anyone else remember that?

I think I vaguely remember this...
Wasn't is the person's username was the name of a lesser known Nazi war criminal or something to that effect?

Coulda been. I really think it had to do with some Nazi party or military force from Eastern Europe or something like that.
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Re: persianempire SS avatar[pending]SN

Postby sniffie on Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:01 pm

I'm looking into this.

But, I'll tell you guys right already, I have seen enough photo's the point is clear and I also am not interested in any history lessons, Stay on topic please.

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Re: persianempire SS avatar

Postby betiko on Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:22 pm

macbone wrote:Look, persian, do a simple Google Images search. Open up a window with, click on your avatar, and drag it to the search bar, like this: ... 9&biw=1280
All of the results say it's the SS Death's Head. It's the same thing as having a Ku Klux Klansman or a Nazi swastika as an avatar.

and the best point is macbone's actually. I didn't know you could search an image like that on google. it makes no doubt where he got it from and tha he knows exactly what it is.
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Re: persianempire SS avatar[pending]SN

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:26 pm

Well Greenoaks, Im glad we can all be mature with this. Wolves arent seen as nightmares all the time. Comparing this symbol to wolves? Lets see:

You hear stories of kids being raised by wolves on occasion.
You hear stories of Nazis killing innocent people constantly.

Now that wasnt so hard, now was it? I dont know why you want to defend persian's avatar by making silly remarks such as "Wolves are a childs nightmare" or whatever you said, but lets face it. You dont hear about a wolf killing a person everyday. Anyone on this site knows what a Nazi is and knows what they did. Lets review it again:

A wolf is noted for its fur being very attractive (note that some people wear it!), and they are the ancestors (if you believe in evolution) of dogs which many people can say they have.
A Nazi is known for killing innocent people, and being the most infamous soldiers in the world. Anything worn by them is seen as a powerfully offensive symbol, and whether people know of this one or not, it should not be allowed becasue of that.

Understand todays lesson?
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Re: persianempire SS avatar[pending]SN

Postby GeneralRisk on Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:38 pm

sniffie wrote:I'm looking into this.

But, I'll tell you guys right already, I have seen enough photo's the point is clear and I also am not interested in any history lessons, Stay on topic please.

I respect what your saying but I can not prove my point without a image. The Germans have used Totenkopf since the 1700 sImage.....................During World war 2 even some Muslims wore itImageImageEven today ImageUnited States Air Force 400th Missile Squadron uniform, from sometime between 1995 and 2005, with modified Totenkopf on shoulder sleeve insignia................................By wars end Waffen SS Totenkopf were not only soldiers but in fact arguably the best the world had ever seen. After 1940 the SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV), meaning "Death's-Head Units", was the SS organization responsible for administering the Nazi concentration camps for the Third Reich. While the Totenkopf (English: Death's Head) was the universal cap badge of the SS, the SS-TV also wore the insignia on the right collar to distinguish itself from other SS units
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Re: persianempire SS avatar[pending]SN

Postby betiko on Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:47 pm

the skull and bones you are showing is the same only on the muslim hat. So the graphic of persian's avatar does not make reference to anything else to the SS ones

does it makeit ok for this sniper unit of the marine corpse to use the SS symbol? I mean what the f*ck?

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Re: persianempire SS avatar[pending]SN

Postby freakns on Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:54 pm

greenoaks wrote:i also stated facts.

wolves are used to scare children. this is a child friendly site.

all avatars with wolves need to be removed.

SS werent used to scare children. i can tell you what they did with children, and it is scary, so maybe you thought that?

agentcom wrote:How do my aesthetic tastes have anything to do with whether I am European? Do Europeans have fundamentally different tastes in say art or music? A better indication that I'm not European is that a referred to "high school football" in "Jamestown." I'm not really sure how you missed that one. I mean there's about 3 different indications in that one sentence that I'm not European. However, I fail to see what that has to do with aesthetics. If I had to describe the Nazi symbols in a word, I believe the proper terminology is "bad-ass." And as I noted, this sucks because they caused mass death and suffering in their non-war activities on a level that has only occurred a few times in the history of mankind.

actually, your failing in history gave you away big time, not your taste or high school football(we do have high school football in Europe too... only you call it soccer)

agentcom wrote:If you want to try to turn me into a Nazi apologist for thinking that they had well-designed uniforms, that's on you. I trust the the people on this site are smart enough that your misinterpretation is not going to affect my image.

i have never ever said that. ive pointed out you have no idea what those uniforms represent. let me try to rephrase it. lets say some crazy bitch that looks like victoria secret model have killed whole class of 10yr olds. were you still consider her sexy as hell? if you do, then there is something wrong with you, and it has nothing to do with your aesthetic taste, because when youd see her you wouldnt thought "damn, thats the finest piece of ass i have seen", youd though "damn, thats that crazy bitch that killed all those kids"
again, im not saying you are Nazi supporter or Nazi apologist, im saying you have no idea what those things represent.

agentcom wrote:Second of all, the reason "why swastikas wouldn't be allowed if this is allowed" is the near-universal recognition of the swastika as a Nazi symbol. As you can tell from the response in this thread, not everyone knows about this.

clearly not everyone here knows anything about WW II, but that doesnt mean it didnt happen... if you dont know what totenkopf is, then its all right to wear it around?
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Re: persianempire SS avatar[pending]SN

Postby sniffie on Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:05 pm

Locking this, Feel free to talk about Nazi's, WWII, Totenkopf etc. here:

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Re: persianempire SS avatar[pending]SN

Postby sniffie on Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:54 am

The avatar has been changed.

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Re: persianempire SS avatar[pending]SN

Postby agentcom on Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:53 am

sniffie wrote:I'm looking into this.

But, I'll tell you guys right already, I have seen enough photo's the point is clear and I also am not interested in any history lessons, Stay on topic please.


It seemed to me that history was an important part of this case. In fact it was determinative of the issue. I found this response to be kind of odd.

Maybe you meant that you had heard enough of the history to make a decision? If this report had been filed without the history behind it, I think it would be a spurious report.
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Re: persianempire SS avatar[pending]SN

Postby sniffie on Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:26 am

agentcom wrote:
sniffie wrote:I'm looking into this.

But, I'll tell you guys right already, I have seen enough photo's the point is clear and I also am not interested in any history lessons, Stay on topic please.


It seemed to me that history was an important part of this case. In fact it was determinative of the issue. I found this response to be kind of odd.

Maybe you meant that you had heard enough of the history to make a decision? If this report had been filed without the history behind it, I think it would be a spurious report.

What i meant was: I live in Europe, in Holland, right next to Germany. I know what happened here in 1932-1945,

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Re: persianempire SS avatar[changed]SN

Postby agentcom on Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:09 pm

Ahhh gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up :)
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Re: persianempire SS avatar[changed]SN

Postby poohcrumbs on Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:12 pm

the guys a racist
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