Coleman wrote:We were play testing but everyone got tired and quit. Anyway I think we were doing something wrong. Can East German Division 4 attack West German Division 4, 8, Central German Division 6, and East German Division 6 or is it just East German Division 6?
We were doing the former...
Also, trying to take the turrets first doesn't seem to work, because everyone hates you when you do that.
I'm keeping track of how things look before each round via power point, I'll upload it when we finish sometime later today.
Oh, and it is my Birthday Today. I'm officially 20 as of roughly 2 hours ago.
The trenches are linear, you cant warp to other trenches so east german 4 can attack east german 6, east german 6 can attack central german 6.
Why do people hate when you take the turrets (batteries)? too powerful? i should also mention that the trees that separate the divisions are passable. they are just graphic borders.
and happy birthday! i've been savign a beer for the occasion, cheers.