Moderator: Tournament Directors
mviola wrote:t's ok though, I understand you don't have the intelligence required to follow the situation closely. I'll just foe you because you're an idiot who didn't know when to stop.
TheCrown wrote:I just find it strange to be in a tourney and I have been playing my 9 games for quite some time and another group had not even started theirs. Seems like every group getting 3 games at the same time to start the tourney would have gotten everyone involved at the same time. Then maybe every 2 weeks send out the next 3 games for everyone, and then 2 weeks later send out the last 3 games for everyone. Then the whole tourney would have been active and moving forward within a month. All results would have come in about the same time. This would have saved about 4 months time in the preliminaries round.
And maybe it's a guy thing, but we like to see standings of how the teams are progressing. Team 1 = 3-1, Team 2 = 2-5, etc.
TheCrown wrote:I just find it strange to be in a tourney and I have been playing my 9 games for quite some time and another group had not even started theirs. Seems like every group getting 3 games at the same time to start the tourney would have gotten everyone involved at the same time. Then maybe every 2 weeks send out the next 3 games for everyone, and then 2 weeks later send out the last 3 games for everyone. Then the whole tourney would have been active and moving forward within a month. All results would have come in about the same time. This would have saved about 4 months time in the preliminaries round.
And maybe it's a guy thing, but we like to see standings of how the teams are progressing. Team 1 = 3-1, Team 2 = 2-5, etc.
darkseb wrote:I have to agree with this... I wonder what is the score right now![]()
But it appears BG's team his winning so its pointless to play the rest of the game
mviola wrote:
Also, I'm pretty sure it says 3 invites every week for 3 weeks, not 9 games starting in the span of a week.
mviola wrote:Exactly the point I'm trying to make here. It's poor planning and execution on her part.
NoSurvivors wrote:Can't defend my friend.. What, is that against the CC rules too bubb?if it truely helps you sleep at night, I'm sorry bubb, I am wrong, you're right.. Does that help your e-feelings at all? Is that what you wanted to hear? Good.. Now stop being a jerk and maybe learn to read the format of the tourney when joining tourneys.. Seriously bubb.. Did they not teach you that skill in grade 1?
VioIet wrote:That was the post that I kept trying to point Goranz to; the one that I constantly edit.
GoranZ wrote:I know about that one but those stats doesn't belong in second page.
VioIet wrote:I probably should have made a blank post on page 1 so that I could later insert it there. That way people could find it in an easier manner. My bad on that one.
NoSurvivors wrote:GoranZ wrote:I know about that one but those stats doesn't belong in second page.VioIet wrote:I probably should have made a blank post on page 1 so that I could later insert it there. That way people could find it in an easier manner. My bad on that one.
VioIet wrote:mviola wrote:
Also, I'm pretty sure it says 3 invites every week for 3 weeks, not 9 games starting in the span of a week.
Mviola, where did 9 games start in the span of a week? There is no team in the tournament who had 9 games start in a week. I am not sure why you are fibbing here.
Since when having no room on first page is a problem? There are handful other ways to achieve the same effect within 1 post.
To be precise 9 days if I accept the last invite today.
no its not against the rules to have no brain... Since you are dumb enough to figure it out on your own I'll translate it to you. I did read the format but yesterday I accepted 4 invites, currently I have 2 new. Last week I started 3 games which puts all games within a week.
The game that I was re invited into was Game 11724875Watch game... I don't see Hook2 in it but if you do you should visit a Doctor, he can help you. For your information more then 1 game was missing, and some games are still missing even now.
For all normal world standings mean current standings regardless if the round is finished or not, except for you. But since we are not mind readers you should have written what you mean in the first page.
I quoted when did u edit out your posts... and it was over 1 month between some action from you. Your logic is amazing it works only for you
Actually you not knowing the current rules has a lot with what you are doing wrong in here. Btw the rule is almost 2 years old
VioIet wrote:Goranz, here is a break-down of your team's games and exactly what happened:
October 13- 6th, 7th, 8th games started
Oct 11- 3rd game started
October 3- 1st , 2nd, 4th, 5th games started
1 game hasn’t started yet. This is 8 games starting in 10 days. This is a week in a half. But why was this?
The week of- 09/23- first set of 3 invites sent out (in all three- someone missed an invite, so they did not start.
The week of 09/30- second set of three invites sent out, and invites for the first three games re-sent. 2 of the first three games started, and 2 of the second set of games started. One invite was missed in the second batch of games- which is why only 2 started in that batch. An invite was missed for the second time in a row in the first 3-set of games. I did not re-send that invite. So only two of those games started. This makes four games total starting on the same day, October 3.
The week of 10/07- the third set of three invites were sent out. That should’ve been about two nights ago. I would have sent those games out sooner, however I tried to give your group some extra time, as a courtesy. All three of those games started today.
Last night, October 12, I re-made the game that had been deleted. Normally, this game would’ve had to wait about another month to be re-made. However, in game finder, I still had spots left over for Group 3. So it wouldn’t be too confusing to make this game now while those slots were still available. Keep in mind, this game should’ve started the week before 09/30. Due to missed invites, it started late.
But your group unfortunately, seemed to have the most issues with missed invites. Not necessarily from your team, but from the teams you are playing against in your group. So yes, that messed up the natural starting time of the games. I can’t control that your games started later than they were supposed to; and that more than three game started at once due to missed invites. I sent the original invites out at the time they were supposed to. I feel that is what you and mviola are not understanding.
To be precise 9 days if I accept the last invite today.
TheCrown wrote:Dear Vi, when you make your 1st batch of games, you can label them accordingly. For example:
Game Label: Prelims - Group 1 - 1st batch
Game Label: Prelims - Group 2 - 1st batch
Game Label: Prelims - Group 3 - 1st batch
Game Label: Prelims - Group 4 - 1st batch
Game Label: Prelims - Group 1 - 1 vs. 4
Game Label: Prelims - Group 1 - 2 vs. 3
TheCrown wrote:My Avalanche tourneys are made by levels to have everyone going at once... just something to think about. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we appreciate your time you spend on making a tourney. And I especially enjoy your responses on this thread and marvel and how you don't explode at us...
TheCrown wrote: And I especially enjoy your responses on this thread and marvel and how you don't explode at us...
To be precise 9 days if I accept the last invite today.
10 days; however, I began sending out the invites the week of 09/23. I explained all of that above. Mviola has no need to exaggerate, and she doesn't seem to understand what really happened with the invites and why things were delayed.
mviola wrote:The point still stands, even with the estimate that I made. A week or nine days or ten days is too long.
mviola wrote:
Christ, for the last time, no.
My issue is that it took you at least a week to reinvite. If you're going to say in the tourney description you will send out 3 invites every week for 3 weeks, and then when someone misses, it takes you a week to reinvite, it unfairly adds a high game load that no one else in the tourney except for our group got. The first few turns in a Das Schloß game are the most important, and having more of those turns where I need to coordinate with my team is unfair.
VioIet wrote:
Group 2
12. slickstick, soundman, madmom - 3 wins
1. VioIet & Falkomagno & jsnyder748 - 5 wins
11. aaronvollrath, friesuschrist, beeps- 2 wins
13. Benga, Jug68,V.J.- 4 wins
1 game- Violet & Benga
3 games- aaron & benga
benga wrote:We don't need one game, cause we joined that one game and your team didn't.
benga wrote:It just stood there for 2 weeks before the game disappeared.
It should count as our win.
benga wrote:
And it was pretty awkward, as you also joined the game and never cared if it ever started.
benga wrote:So if I don't join my game like you guys didn't you will be sending invites forever?
Okay, I have no problem with that.
VioIet wrote:benga wrote:So if I don't join my game like you guys didn't you will be sending invites forever?
Okay, I have no problem with that.
I don't believe that anyone misses an invite on purpose. If I feel that a particular player is purposely declining their invites again and again, without any good reason- then I will have to come up with an alternative. Most likely- that team member will have to be replaced. But I don't expect to have to do that for any team in this tournament.
benga wrote:
So your teammate received 3 invites and he joined only 2 games,
do you have different approach for your team and others?
And how will you figure out are the misses accidental or not?
VioIet wrote:benga wrote:
So your teammate received 3 invites and he joined only 2 games,
do you have different approach for your team and others?
And how will you figure out are the misses accidental or not?
I have the same approach for every team, regardless if its my team or not. I already stated that above.
I assume all misses are accidental. It doesn't make sense that anyone would purposely be missing. If they are purposely missing, they will need to explain why.
VioIet wrote:Anyone with habitual misses will be replaced.
GoranZ wrote:I'm with benga on this one... Your actions doesn't support your statements. Your teammate misses 1 invite and accepted 2 other in the same time. Can he or you explain that? If you cant will you replace him as you state in your previous messages?
GoranZ wrote:Can you define habitual misses? 3 in whole tournament, 6 or more... For example over 60% of my games in round 1 didn't started on time and yet no one hasn't been even warned.
VioIet wrote:GoranZ wrote:I'm with benga on this one... Your actions doesn't support your statements. Your teammate misses 1 invite and accepted 2 other in the same time. Can he or you explain that? If you cant will you replace him as you state in your previous messages?
Lol, I'm sure it was accidental. He probably didn't come online in time and missed one of them.
VioIet wrote:GoranZ wrote:Can you define habitual misses? 3 in whole tournament, 6 or more... For example over 60% of my games in round 1 didn't started on time and yet no one hasn't been even warned.
It was a different player who kept missing in all of your games. Habitual misses will be when the same player misses time and time again. Nobody did anything wrong, so no warnings are necessary.
GoranZ wrote:
Lets see what numbers say. Times are in CET...
2012-09-19 03:14:43 - Game 11649995 has been initialized
2012-09-19 07:14:37 - Game 11649993 has been initialized
Games started with 4 hours difference which mean your teammate was on at least twice that day(assuming he accepted the invites last).
GoranZ wrote:I will repeat the question: Can you define habitual misses?
GoranZ wrote:Preferably with precise number:
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