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D-Day: Omaha Beach! [Quenched]

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Postby Coleman on Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:32 pm

unriggable wrote:Easy beach should be 6, not 5.

I disagree, the outer beaches should be 5, only the inside beach should be 6.
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Postby edbeard on Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:57 pm

Coleman wrote:
unriggable wrote:Easy beach should be 6, not 5.

I disagree, the outer beaches should be 5, only the inside beach should be 6.

either you misread what he wrote or you wrote down what you wanted to say incorrectly. either way everyone will now point and laugh at you! :)
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Postby mibi on Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:14 am

Coleman wrote:
unriggable wrote:Easy beach should be 6, not 5.

I disagree, the outer beaches should be 5, only the inside beach should be 6.

i prefer all beaches to be the same, yes the bonus machine will give different numbers and easy beach is harder to hold, but thats the way it is. you don;t want to get stuck on easy beach because you are in the line of fine. it shouldnt be you want to hold easy beach because it has the highest bonus.
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Postby Coleman on Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:23 am

edbeard wrote:
Coleman wrote:
unriggable wrote:Easy beach should be 6, not 5.

I disagree, the outer beaches should be 5, only the inside beach should be 6.

either you misread what he wrote or you wrote down what you wanted to say incorrectly. either way everyone will now point and laugh at you! :)

I'm used to a lot of the people on the site not speaking english very well, so I thought he mixed up the words easy and every. I forgot easy was one of the beach names... :roll:
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Postby mibi on Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:33 am

edbeard wrote:I still think the turrets attack too many places.

Maybe you can add a horizontal restriction (they can only turn so much left and right) like west turret can attack 2,3 in Fox and 1 in Easy while East turret can attack 3 in Easy and 1,2 in Dog.

this way Fox and Dog don't need to defend all 6 territories, while Easy (which is hardest place on whole map to defend) has slightly better chance of being held, whereas right now I don't see it being held often at all

ok turrets can now only attack targets

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Postby Wisse on Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:53 am

why is there standing east, west and central german? d-day was in france the germans did conquer the north of france and thats where d-day was
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Postby Coleman on Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:10 am

Wisse wrote:why is there standing east, west and central german? d-day was in france the germans did conquer the north of france and thats where d-day was

Wouldn't that make it German? :lol:
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Postby Wisse on Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:47 am

Coleman wrote:
Wisse wrote:why is there standing east, west and central german? d-day was in france the germans did conquer the north of france and thats where d-day was

Wouldn't that make it German? :lol:

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Postby mibi on Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:49 am

Wisse wrote:why is there standing east, west and central german? d-day was in france the germans did conquer the north of france and thats where d-day was

yeah i just made those names up, really is was the german 352nd division that defended omaha beach. so i suppose it could be East 352nd division or East German 352nd division but thats a bit of a mouth full.
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Postby Wisse on Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:06 am

mibi wrote:
Wisse wrote:why is there standing east, west and central german? d-day was in france the germans did conquer the north of france and thats where d-day was

yeah i just made those names up, really is was the german 352nd division that defended omaha beach. so i suppose it could be East 352nd division or East German 352nd division but thats a bit of a mouth full.

call it east division
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Postby mibi on Tue May 01, 2007 9:07 am


1. the western turret now faces the targets a bit more
2. the flat aras are now called german divisions

thoughts on game play? bonues? i also dont like the name turret, any suggestions? mortars? maybe bunker instead of pillbox?

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Postby RobinJ on Tue May 01, 2007 10:32 am

Looking good but need to give the German divisions bonuses. How about you make them slightly different shades of green to distinguish between continents? Also, middle beach needs to be worth more because it has more borders
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Postby Coleman on Tue May 01, 2007 10:33 am

You could make them German. :P

ridge turret -- Dachreiter
turret -- Türmchen
west -- Westen
east -- Ost
center -- Mittel
german -- Deutsch
division -- Fach

center german division - Mittel Deutsche Fach
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Postby mibi on Tue May 01, 2007 10:52 am

RobinJ wrote:Looking good but need to give the German divisions bonuses. How about you make them slightly different shades of green to distinguish between continents? Also, middle beach needs to be worth more because it has more borders

the german division ARE different shades of green. but perhaps they need to be more so. and any reasonable bonus for the divisions would give the germans the huge upper hand.

also, the standard bonus formula won't work for this map because of the situational/directed game play. i am more looking for a balance between allies and germans rather than a balance between each separate continent. the game may not play out as allies vs germans initially, but if the bonuses are set up in the right way, they can direct the game play in that direction.
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Postby mibi on Tue May 01, 2007 10:54 am

Coleman wrote:You could make them German. :P

ridge turret -- Dachreiter
turret -- Türmchen
west -- Westen
east -- Ost
center -- Mittel
german -- Deutsch
division -- Fach

center german division - Mittel Deutsche Fach

I like the german division names, but im not sure if the legend would benefit from having "Ost Türmchen 3 can attack western targets"
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Postby cosmin on Tue May 01, 2007 12:44 pm

the map is great, the idea is superb but it is just me or every contry in every continent is a continent border.:?

but it is great and continue with the work :D
Last edited by cosmin on Tue May 01, 2007 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mibi on Tue May 01, 2007 1:40 pm

cosmin wrote:the map is great, the idea is superb but it is just me or every contry in every continent is a continent border.:?

but it is great and continue with the work:D

yeah there isn't alot of easy territories on this map. the idea is that the german bonuses are easier to get at first, which will allow them a chance to 'dig in' however the allied bonuses become greater once the force is unified.

all the areas in the green north are no associated with any bonus, so it doesnt really matter if they have borders or not. all the bunkers and pillboxes can be held from two territories. three of them can be held with one territory if they have armies in the trench.

the east and west ship can be held with three territories as long as you have the planes also. the east ship can be held by two territories if you have an army on the beach. the center ship will be tough to hold initially as it is 6 territories with 5 borders. however if you have all ships you can hold it with 6 territories from a bonus of +19

the beaches are going to be tough to hold no matter what you do... but this is point... if you have enough armies to hold a beach then that is a serious foothold in taking the rest of the map. 3,000 men died taking that beach head and another 3,000 defending it, so yeah, it wont be easy to take and hold the beach.
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Postby cosmin on Tue May 01, 2007 1:55 pm

thanks for the explanitions. :)

hope to see it quenced and ready for play so i can try some tactics on it :twisted:
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Postby lord twiggy1 on Tue May 01, 2007 4:52 pm

in the upper left and right hand corners there are paratrooper symbols. are they just there or do they do something. if their just there then maybe you could put some more in and make it so that they can attack each othe. and if you controll all of them you get a bonus
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Postby mibi on Tue May 01, 2007 5:01 pm

lord twiggy1 wrote:in the upper left and right hand corners there are paratrooper symbols. are they just there or do they do something. if their just there then maybe you could put some more in and make it so that they can attack each othe. and if you controll all of them you get a bonus

in the legend it says "planes connect to the parachutes one way" meaning... if you have armies on a plane you can attack the country with a parachute across from it.
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Postby mibi on Tue May 01, 2007 9:47 pm


2. -1 bonus for parachute and plane
3. changed name of turret to battery and pillbox to bunker
4. both battery bonus is 3 instead of 4

the map is a bit tall, 750px. sorry, there is a lot of info to pack in the legend, also its 72 territories, so its a large map.

the -1 bonus is to discourage flagrant use of the paratroopers and trying to side step the beach altogether.

thoughts? bonuses? legend?

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Postby Coleman on Tue May 01, 2007 11:20 pm

I think you are still going to have a tough fight ahead of you over the bonus arguments. People don't like directed game play, they think that what a place may be 'worth' is what it should give. I disagree and it makes me wonder how Alexander's Empire made it without giving the seas a bonus. I think the Division bonus is the incredibly easy to defend 18 territories, and I'll love winning against people who doubt it.

I actually quite like the map exactly as it is right now, unless you have some graphical updates planned. I feel that quenching this map would be a good step in the right direction for the rights of the map author to create their own visions. I look forward to play testing this soon.

EDIT: One complaint for when you have me doing the xml. Centering a lot of those circles is going to be hell. Do you think you could give me a version with numbers pasted in centered? That really helps speed up the centering process.
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Postby Coleman on Wed May 02, 2007 2:49 am

We were play testing but everyone got tired and quit. Anyway I think we were doing something wrong. Can East German Division 4 attack West German Division 4, 8, Central German Division 6, and East German Division 6 or is it just East German Division 6?

We were doing the former...

Also, trying to take the turrets first doesn't seem to work, because everyone hates you when you do that. :lol:

I'm keeping track of how things look before each round via power point, I'll upload it when we finish sometime later today.

Oh, and it is my Birthday Today. I'm officially 20 as of roughly 2 hours ago. :roll:
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Postby Wisse on Wed May 02, 2007 3:37 am

i think the turrets don't belong to the map, i don't like the graphics of them
and i think you need to change the font of the numbers that are red
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Postby mibi on Wed May 02, 2007 8:10 am

Coleman wrote:I think you are still going to have a tough fight ahead of you over the bonus arguments. People don't like directed game play, they think that what a place may be 'worth' is what it should give. I disagree and it makes me wonder how Alexander's Empire made it without giving the seas a bonus. I think the Division bonus is the incredibly easy to defend 18 territories, and I'll love winning against people who doubt it.

I actually quite like the map exactly as it is right now, unless you have some graphical updates planned. I feel that quenching this map would be a good step in the right direction for the rights of the map author to create their own visions. I look forward to play testing this soon.

EDIT: One complaint for when you have me doing the xml. Centering a lot of those circles is going to be hell. Do you think you could give me a version with numbers pasted in centered? That really helps speed up the centering process.

Are you saying there should be a division bonus or not? And yes i can give you a versio with the army numbers pasted on there... but no two army circles are identicle so centering wont be a big deal i thinks.
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