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Unacceptable language (abuse) [Cleared] DCR

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Unacceptable language (abuse) [Cleared] DCR

Postby Bosworth1 on Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:23 am

Game: 11770036


Not entirely sure the user name is appropriate, but the language this player has used towards me is definetely inappropriate. Swearing and personally insulting me.

I tend to log on once or twice a day to take turns, no more, I wait patiently for my turn, this player should do the same.

The player has also left similar message on my wall.
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Re: Unacceptable language (abuse)

Postby JCR on Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:57 am

Bosworth1 wrote:[Game]Game: 11770036[/Game]


Not entirely sure the user name is appropriate, but the language this player has used towards me is definetely inappropriate. Swearing and personally insulting me.

I tend to log on once or twice a day to take turns, no more, I wait patiently for my turn, this player should do the same.

The player has also left similar message on my wall.

added links.

They are unlikely to do anything about this as they (the mods) are fairly leniant on language on this site. This by comparison to other conversations I have seen (had myself) is pretty tame. He is obviously new, impatient and judging by the name alone, immature.
Foe him and rate accordingly and move on.

FYI. I am not a mod. Just another player.
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Re: Unacceptable language (abuse)

Postby Bosworth1 on Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:06 am

Cheers, I am usually quite lenient but he called me a sack of s--t merely because I was not online to take my turn. He does not seem to realise he's in a totally different time zone.
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Re: Unacceptable language (abuse)

Postby Chewie1 on Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:27 am

Bosworth1 wrote:Cheers, I am usually quite lenient but he called me a sack of s--t merely because I was not online to take my turn. He does not seem to realise he's in a totally different time zone.

Wow Ive been called a lot worse on this site and just shrug my shoulders and wipe him/her of the board.
Need to be careful you dont overreact, yes name calling is dumb but there are a lot of bad losers on any internet games that type before they think.
The mods have better things to do than chase name callers :roll:
As previous advice Foe and move on.
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Re: Unacceptable language (abuse)

Postby deathcomesrippin on Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:32 pm

JCR wrote:
Bosworth1 wrote:[Game]Game: 11770036[/Game]


Not entirely sure the user name is appropriate, but the language this player has used towards me is definetely inappropriate. Swearing and personally insulting me.

I tend to log on once or twice a day to take turns, no more, I wait patiently for my turn, this player should do the same.

The player has also left similar message on my wall.

added links.

They are unlikely to do anything about this as they (the mods) are fairly leniant on language on this site. This by comparison to other conversations I have seen (had myself) is pretty tame. He is obviously new, impatient and judging by the name alone, immature.
Foe him and rate accordingly and move on.

FYI. I am not a mod. Just another player.

JCR has the right of it. Language is a pretty lenient area unless it crosses into areas such as bigotry and/or homophobia. Just swearing is usually answered with "Foe and move on." I apologize that you are offended, it was pretty offensive, but unfortunately it is not punishable.

As for his name, I will run it up the flagpole and see if that is cool or not.
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