Map Name:Copenhagen Sightseeing
Mapmaker(s):Graphics and gameplay by Flapcake - XML by crazymilkshake5
Number of Territories:49 (14 neutral starters) Map size 760x840
Special Features:9 multiply bonus +1 for every 2. 3 autodeploy +1 each. Hold 4 of 5 sights for one round to win.
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:Copenhagen is just an exciting city as any ohter city, as a tourist you will be overwhelmed by all the many things you can experience and see. Moreover, I love Copenhagen because I was born there and is employed by the city
Info for the 5 sigths:
ChristianiaQueens SoldiersH.C. AndersenLittle mermaidTivoliTERRITORIES:49 areas in total
15 areas always starts with 3 troops neutral (territories with metro, transport and sights icons)
Bonuses:7 Bonus AreasĆsterbro 5
Vesterbro 5
Amager 3
NĆørrebro 4
City south 6
City north 8
Christianshavn 3
Metro +1 for every 2 held
Autodeploy + 1 troop all territories with transport icons.
Hold any 4 of 5 sights for one round to win.
Distribution of troops:34 starting positions2 players - 11 territs each
3 players - 11 territs each
4 players - 8 territs each
5 players - 6 territs each
6 players - 5 territs each
7 players - 4 territs each
8 players - 4 territs each
Color blind test results.Deuteranope (a form of red/green color deficit)Protanope (another form of red/green color deficit)Tritanope (a blue/yellow deficit- very rare)Map Image:- Click image to enlarge.
- Click image to enlarge.