For my 32nd tournament, I'm going to buy the winner a 1 year premium membership! This tournament will be a huge single elimination bracket tournament. I'd like to get at least 64 players, but I will start with any amount.
Preemium members only for this tournament.
All games will be sequential, casual, and have 50 round limits.
Game 1: City Mogul Manual, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 2: City Mogul Manual, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 3: City Mogul Manual, Esc, Chained, Foggy, Trench Game 4: King's Court Manual, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 5: Woodboro Automatic, Esc, Chained, Foggy
Game 1: City Mogul Manual, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 2: City Mogul Manual, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 3: City Mogul Manual, Esc, Chained, Foggy, Trench Game 4: King's Court Manual, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 5: Woodboro Automatic, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 6: Trafalgar Automatic, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 7: Route 66 Automatic, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 8: Arms Race! Automatic, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 9: City Mogul Manual, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 10: City Mogul Manual, Esc, Chained, Foggy Game 11: Circus Maximus Automatic, Nuclear, Chained, Sunny
Players will be seeded based on their Map Rank on the map City Mogul. Don't worry about posting this; I'll look it up for you at whichever time I add you to the player list.
If anyone misses two invites, they will be eliminated from the tournament and their opponent shall advance to the next round.
12 Hour Fog Rule will be in action for this tournament, but only on maps where it actually matters. For this tournament, 12 hour courtesy will only be necessary on Trafalgar, Route 66, and Arms Race!. The rule will be in effect for the player who goes first, regardless of whether or not they join first.
As all good players are aware, it can be a big disadvantage joining a 1v1 foggy game first. This is because the opponent who joins 2nd can immediately take their turn, which doesn't allow the player who joined first to take a look at the map. With the 12 Hour Fog Rule in effect, the player with the first turn may not take their turn until:
12 hours into the game have passed or
The player with the 2nd turn types something in the game chat
Violations of the 12 hour fog rule will result in automatic forfeit of the game in which the violation occurred.
Please post on this thread if you want in! Also, don't hesitate to ask any questions!
Last edited by deantursx on Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:52 pm, edited 10 times in total.