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StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Cleared] DCR

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StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Cleared] DCR

Postby jimboy on Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:30 am



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 11720024

Comments: 3 man standard game and these two continually hit me whether it was in their best interests or not. They would hit me and leave each other along for easy large bonuses until I was dead. From reading their walls they obviously know each other. This to me was an obvious secret diplomacy and I feel should be punished

2012-09-26 23:05:37 - waltero: This board is all we play. look at our score. We play against each other. you are just a filler.

This to me is a complete admission of guilt as he uses the word "we" and speaks for the both of them.

I felt it was my duty to bring these two into the public eye so that someone else doesn't fall into the same trap.
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Re: StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy

Postby ghostly447 on Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:50 pm

Other game #'s:

Speed Game 11600429 - Stinkn clearly instructs Waltero
Game 11644851 - 2012-09-24 21:35:45 - waltero: Grab it Stinkin!
Speed Game 11688124 - Helps another person learn the map

I wont dig through any more games, but I think these two play together a lot. I am not sure you will pin them for secret diplomacy, but it is pretty much assured they go in with a biased on who they want to win (one or the other, whoever has it best). I guess thats a form of sec. dip. but still, it is not 100%, etc. Iunno
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Re: StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Pending] DCR

Postby afroaction on Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:05 pm

they're both horrible players foe and move on
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Re: StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Pending] DCR

Postby Frox333 on Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:52 am

stupid waist of the mod's time, foe and move on
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Re: StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Pending] DCR

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:22 am

afroaction wrote:they're both horrible players foe and move on

Frox333 wrote:stupid waist of the mod's time, foe and move on

I dont understand... Why are we just suggesting a FAMO for instances of Secret Diplomacy? What if cooks are getting "farmed" for points because they are the third wheel?

I can understand for a bad experience of game chat or maybe a cheap tactic for FAMO, but for Secret Diplomacy I thought reporting is the correct thing to do.
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Re: StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Pending] DCR

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:34 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:
afroaction wrote:they're both horrible players foe and move on

Frox333 wrote:stupid waist of the mod's time, foe and move on

I dont understand... Why are we just suggesting a FAMO for instances of Secret Diplomacy? What if cooks are getting "farmed" for points because they are the third wheel?

I can understand for a bad experience of game chat or maybe a cheap tactic for FAMO, but for Secret Diplomacy I thought reporting is the correct thing to do.

after a brief overview of the past games, I couldnt seem to find anything, except maybe proof of bias. If the mod can go in and find mails saying secret diplomacy is relavent, then so be it, but there is no visible example of secret diplomacy, and since they play just about every game together, there is a sense of bias and possibly past exchanges of a sort of "deal" so to speak (sec. dip.), but there is nothing we can see from here. FAMO (if you wish), but let the mod take it a bit further and see what they can dig up in my opinion.
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Re: StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Pending] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:20 pm

MoB Deadly wrote:
afroaction wrote:they're both horrible players foe and move on

Frox333 wrote:stupid waist of the mod's time, foe and move on

I dont understand... Why are we just suggesting a FAMO for instances of Secret Diplomacy? What if cooks are getting "farmed" for points because they are the third wheel?

I can understand for a bad experience of game chat or maybe a cheap tactic for FAMO, but for Secret Diplomacy I thought reporting is the correct thing to do.

Reporting is the proper thing if you feel there is SD going on in your game. These two obviously feel there is no SD. Which is fine, and they are welcome to post that here, but until I have finished looking at the players and the games, I will withhold the actual judgement :)
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Re: StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Pending] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:12 am

After reviewing their games, and going over the logs, I cannot find any real signs of Secret Diplomacy between the two. In many of their non-team games against each other, they hit all players including the other accused as much as any other player.

StinknLincoln & waltero are Cleared of Secret Diplomacy.
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Re: StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Cleared] DCR

Postby Funkyterrance on Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:12 am

I realize that these guys are cleared but isn't there any kind of rule against what they are doing? If they start a bunch of 3 player games and each of them constantly team up on the third player isn't this essentially point farming? They are getting the third players points between the both of them guaranteed almost every time.
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Re: StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Cleared] DCR

Postby afroaction on Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:45 am

Funkyterrance wrote:I realize that these guys are cleared but isn't there any kind of rule against what they are doing? If they start a bunch of 3 player games and each of them constantly team up on the third player isn't this essentially point farming? They are getting the third players points between the both of them guaranteed almost every time.

Apparently this shit is allowed on this site, friends create 3 man games where the third man is slaughtered.

Check this out:
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Re: StinknLincoln/waltero - Secret Diplomacy [Cleared] DCR

Postby Funkyterrance on Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:45 pm

While the mods have to give them the benefit of the doubt, yeah, its hard to believe that conflict of interest doesn't at all interfere with the fair play of these games. I quit playing small free for all games a long time ago due to this kind of thing. Even if it wasn't going on I got suspicious, human nature and all. Now its 8 player or nothing.
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