Field of Gettysburg by pamoa
Lee’s invasion of the North intended to close the war.
All vanished at Gettysburg July 1st, 2nd & 3rd 1863
with war’s largest casualties and the end of Lee’s offensives
my intention is to catch the dynamic of those three days of battle
when despite all Confederate initiatives Lee couldn't break the Union stronghold carefully planned by Meade
the map is structured around two main ideas
the heaviness of the chain of command in those days
using the pair General & Troops bonus and the conditional border with the oneway attack to Armies Commanders in order to be able to plan a frontal assault
and the dynamic of three days of battle
using the weakness of some pair position to be attacked first as it did happen
useful links :
Civil War Trust
United States Military Academy Department of History
v04 small new features : Cavalry range of 2 instead of bonus, Victory condition, added Long Lane Battlefield, removed Devil's Den - Big Round Top attack route
28 starting positions coded by pair = 14 General & Troops pairs = 7 Union + 7 Confederate
3 Confederate Corps Commanders starting 2 neutral
2 Cavalry Reserve starting 2 neutral
2 Army Commanders starting 2 neutral
5 Battlefields starting 1 neutral
2 Crossroads starting 2 neutral
42 in total
+1 per turn without bonus for territories
+1 each General & Troops pairs (recognisable by the name)
-1 decay on each Battlefield
conditional borders
in order to attack through a Battlefield you must hold the respective Corps or Army Commander of the attacking Troops
example: to attack Rock Creek Johnson Troops must hold Ewell (Corps) or Lee (Army)
oneway attack route
Union Generals and Confederate Corps Commanders attack oneway their respective Army Commander
example: Gen. Johnson attack two ways Ewell Corps Commander which attack one way Lee or Gen. Sedgwick attack one way Meade
all Corps and Army Commanders bombard eachother
example: Ewell Corps Commander can bombard Meade, Hill and Longstreet
attack range is two
victory condition
hold all five Battlefields
similar to Austerlitz the map is made of linked positions instead of surfaces
for the moment the background is made with the image of a map downloaded on the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division
previous attempts Secesh Heresy: Gettysburg, Day 2 / Gettysburg
previous ideas Gettysburg/ Picketts Charge / Civil War: Gettysburg / gettysburg map / The Battle of Gettysburg
my credential Holy Roman Empire / France 1789 / Austerlitz / Switzerland / Central Asia: Struggle for Oil