Yeah, the dude makes a bit of a habit of it.
Homeless's Ratings Left pageThe most obvious abuses:
Pav71 rated all 1 stars and given a deadbeat tag for a game he never missed a turn:
Game 11153000Marshal Mike, same 1 star ratings, also tagged as a deadbeat despite winning both games he played against homeless, and never missing a turn in either.
The gamesMagnum1944, 1 star ratings, tagged as a deadbeat, won the game, never missed a turn.
Game 11170141Money quote:
2012-05-30 05:02:25 - homelessnimeck: what kind of bullshit is this? I take over your territories and they reset to red at the end of the turn?
2012-05-30 05:13:21 - homelessnimeck: nice talking to you too fag
I just picked these out of the top ten.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein