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Postby therev1957 on Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:06 pm


The accused are suspected of:
intentional deadbeating

Game 11605204

Comments: I know you are suppose to have 5 instances, but this is a blatant deadbeat. He talks in chat while deadbeating and claims that his deadbeating was to his advantage.

Game Chat
2012-08-31 20:04:31 - Gigi1: lol, nice drop pink.
2012-08-31 20:08:17 - therev1957: pretty much
2012-08-31 20:09:22 - Gigi1: dont get greedy.
2012-08-31 20:10:52 - Gigi1: lol green surely you realize that pink is on my tail.
2012-08-31 20:21:19 - Gigi1: are you sure you dont want to work out a deal pink?
2012-08-31 20:23:03 - therev1957: I don't think so
2012-08-31 20:23:38 - Gigi1: k
2012-08-31 20:29:45 - Gigi1: about time someone bombs pink. LOL
2012-08-31 20:32:10 - Gigi1: you can have my 1 spoil pink.
2012-08-31 20:32:23 - therev1957: thank you :)
2012-08-31 20:32:48 - therev1957: might be just what I need
2012-08-31 20:44:45 - therev1957: way to go yellow deadbeat!
2012-08-31 20:46:12 - Gigi1: LOL, sorry pink, you didn't get my 1 spoil.
2012-08-31 20:46:34 - Gigi1: I didn't want to work with you neither. LOL
2012-08-31 20:47:47 - therev1957: that is sad...really good sportsmanship!
2012-08-31 20:49:00 - Gigi1: LMAO. I didn't think you had too good of sportmanship either.
2012-08-31 20:49:37 - therev1957: what not having a truce when I knew you were owned by me?
2012-08-31 20:49:49 - Gigi1: I asked you whether or not you wanted to work out a deal. And you said you didn't think so.
2012-08-31 20:50:00 - therev1957: that is not sportmanship that is smarts
2012-08-31 20:50:11 - Gigi1: Looks to me like you think sportmanship is only one way transaction.
2012-08-31 20:50:45 - therev1957: deadbeating is not good sportsmanship in any book
2012-08-31 20:50:53 - Gigi1: You gained nothing from me.
2012-08-31 20:51:07 - Gigi1: People deadbeat all the time.
2012-08-31 20:51:29 - Gigi1: I gain more from deadbeat, than not deadbeat.
2012-08-31 20:51:34 - therev1957: oh so that makes it ok?
2012-08-31 20:51:59 - Gigi1: Look whiner, you get greens 5 spoils because he deadbeat.
2012-08-31 20:52:30 - Gigi1: Now you like deadbeat right?
2012-08-31 20:53:54 - therev1957: no I still don't like deadbeating!!!
2012-08-31 20:54:06 - therev1957: I would have had his spoils anyway
2012-08-31 20:55:39 - Gigi1: No you would not have, if he took his turn and cashed in his spoils he could have gone into the missile launch, and next turn they would have gone neutral. You would not have gotten his spoils at all.
2012-08-31 20:56:48 - Gigi1: You should thank me for distracting red and blue. LOL
2012-08-31 20:57:21 - therev1957: duh I already thought of that he goes into thhe missile launch I don't take the next to the last one until the next time
2012-08-31 20:57:38 - therev1957: I have played this map before
2012-08-31 20:58:28 - therev1957: then neutral reverts to 15 and he still has one left which I kill the next turn!

And yes I unfoed to copy chat then refoed!
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Re: Gigi1

Postby sirgermaine on Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:42 pm

To my knowledge, blatant or not, one instance will at most get a noted.
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Re: Gigi1

Postby rhp 1 on Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:57 pm

FAMO... dude is goofy....
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Re: Gigi1[pending]es

Postby Frox333 on Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:02 pm

LOL, more than 1 instance bud
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Re: Gigi1

Postby therev1957 on Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:09 pm

sirgermaine wrote:To my knowledge, blatant or not, one instance will at most get a noted.

that is all a want :) for him to get a noted! :o

rhp 1 wrote:FAMO... dude is goofy....
duh isn't that what is said didn't I? Sometimes I wonder if people actually read all the post before they give their 2 cents (well in this case not even a half cents) worth!

therev1957 wrote:And yes I unfoed to copy chat then refoed!
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Re: Gigi1

Postby rhp 1 on Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:36 pm

therev1957 wrote:
sirgermaine wrote:To my knowledge, blatant or not, one instance will at most get a noted.

that is all a want :) for him to get a noted! :o

rhp 1 wrote:FAMO... dude is goofy....
duh isn't that what is said didn't I? Sometimes I wonder if people actually read all the post before they give their 2 cents (well in this case not even a half cents) worth!

therev1957 wrote:And yes I unfoed to copy chat then refoed!

i read what you typed.. just don't know why you would even care enough to take the time to post this... that's all.. but if it spins your motor, knock yourself out...
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Re: Gigi1[pending]es

Postby Sniper08 on Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:36 pm

rhp 1 wrote:
therev1957 wrote:
sirgermaine wrote:To my knowledge, blatant or not, one instance will at most get a noted.

that is all a want :) for him to get a noted! :o

rhp 1 wrote:FAMO... dude is goofy....
duh isn't that what is said didn't I? Sometimes I wonder if people actually read all the post before they give their 2 cents (well in this case not even a half cents) worth!

therev1957 wrote:And yes I unfoed to copy chat then refoed!

i read what you typed.. just don't know why you would even care enough to take the time to post this... that's all.. but if it spins your motor, knock yourself out...

clearly you cant read didnt rev just say he only wants it to get noted so thats why he has taken the time to do it. twice in the same thread you have proven that you just post without reading next time try not to troll.
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Re: Gigi1[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:07 pm

With the chat it is obvious that gigi1's intention was to deadbeat so I am going to NOTE this report. I think gigi1 should be careful because I thought he was trying to keep a lower ranked player from winning which would be throwing a game.
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Re: Gigi1[pending]es

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:54 pm

*Changes the topic to NOTED*
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