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tainaron & snusleppa Account Sitting Abuse [cleared] BG

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tainaron & snusleppa Account Sitting Abuse [cleared] BG

Postby alster on Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:19 am

Annoyed with:


Got an invite to join Game 11562226. Problem is, which annoys me like hell, is that tainaron seems to be the one making all the moves for team1. Comments for round 1 and 2 in the game chat, but since snusleppa's IP-flag hasn't changed, I guess that tainaron made his move in round 3 as well. What the hell? You sent out an invite, but then you don't make any moves? So basically I got an invite to play a dub against tainaron handling two accounts. Not sure what the mod practice is here, but I think this is pretty shady to say the least.

These "two" accounts have open games right now as well:
Game 11562230
Game 11562213
Game 11562176

Is the idea there also that snusleppa has the time to join the games but not the time to play?

See a lot of other recent games where tainaron appears to fly solo as well:
Game 11562220
Game 11562201
Game 11502754
Game 11562183
Game 11562177

etc. etc., just scroll down the game list. Looking at the games, you also see tainaron / snusleppa taking back-to-back turns once an opponent in team2 has been eliminated (indicating no intent to see if "snusleppa" can take his move within 24 hours).

It looks potentially like tainaron has simply taken over snusleppa's account. But if not, this appears to be pretty excessive account sitting. Think an IP-check to may be warranted to see what the hell tainaron is doing playing dubs all by himself.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: Annoyed with one man dubs team....

Postby hmsps on Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:14 am

I have accepted several invites from the accused and have had any complaints. I have to say i am impressed that the OP accepted the invite as he and his pals usually only join low rankers and usually freemium hoping they will deadbeat.

Man up and move on.
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Re: Annoyed with one man dubs team....

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:36 am

Lets keep it on topic here please
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Re: tainaron & snusleppa Account Sitting Abuse [pending] BG

Postby snusleppa on Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:31 pm

We will accept whatever verdict the MOD's will make in this case of course but as far as we can see there are no set limitations for account sitting in the cases where one player is not able to take his/her turns.

In this specific case the account sitting happened due to my relocation to Myanmar where it has turned out much more complicated to have regular internet access than what I anticipated. Especially I struggled over the first weekend and that is when Tainaron took all my turns knowing that I would not be able to have access. In hind site I can see that it was probably not a good time for Tainaron and me to start up new games and this we will avoid for the future when it's clear that I might struggle to get online for a couple of days.
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Re: tainaron & snusleppa Account Sitting Abuse [pending] BG

Postby alster on Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:37 am

snusleppa wrote:We will accept whatever verdict the MOD's will make in this case of course but as far as we can see there are no set limitations for account sitting in the cases where one player is not able to take his/her turns.

In this specific case the account sitting happened due to my relocation to Myanmar where it has turned out much more complicated to have regular internet access than what I anticipated. Especially I struggled over the first weekend and that is when Tainaron took all my turns knowing that I would not be able to have access. In hind site I can see that it was probably not a good time for Tainaron and me to start up new games and this we will avoid for the future when it's clear that I might struggle to get online for a couple of days.

Ok - fair enough mate. And thanks for the inbox messages. But I can't help still being a bit annoyed since tainaron told me:

tainaron wrote:Hey,

A set of 14 games were started by me on the 21 or 22 August and Snus joined them. Some of the games were filled and then Snus alerted me on the 23rd that he may or may not have Internet over the weekend in Myanmar. The game that we played was filled on the 25th (I believe).

I don't understand why tainaron would send out invites after you told him that you would have problems playing during the coming days. I would personally not start up any new games when about to hand over to an account sitter. By sending us the invites when he did, he basically invited us to play only him managing both his own and your account from the start. This annoys me and I think it is wrong of him to blatantly and knowingly expand the number of games he would account sit for you. I understand that the need for account sitting, but if being invited to a dubs game I expect to play two different people. If one of them needs an account sitter down the road, fair enough, but to start out facing just one player playing both accounts is just strange and annoying. But I'm not gonna push this.

EDIT: I think people in general takes account sitting to easy going. I try think to think of account sitting as an exception and a privilege to be able to do; that is why I'm annoyed by this casual use of it.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: tainaron & snusleppa Account Sitting Abuse [pending] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:34 am

tainaron & snusleppa have been cleared of account sitting abuse.

This appears to be an isolated time frame that lines up with Snus's story
I am going to pm both of them and let them know they should be more patient when sitting for another player.
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Re: tainaron & snusleppa Account Sitting Abuse [cleared] BG

Postby tainaron on Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:47 am

Thanks, we will definitely be more patient if this situation arises again :)

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