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A Chance to Write History: WWIII [Ongoing]

Tournaments completed in 2013

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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII [Updated 8/7 Battle 4]

Postby whakamole on Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:11 pm

in plz if its not too late
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII [Updated 8/7 Battle 4]

Postby WorldCup4James on Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:43 pm

whakamole wrote:in plz if its not too late

Certainly not too late! Perfect timing :D =D>

whakamole replaces blitzkreig2, for the remainder of the tournament.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII [Updated 8/7 Battle 4]

Postby whakamole on Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:33 am

WorldCup4James wrote:
whakamole wrote:in plz if its not too late

Certainly not too late! Perfect timing :D =D>

whakamole replaces blitzkreig2, for the remainder of the tournament.

can i get my own name on the score tables? :D

(like, where my wins are tabulated. i'll do the hard work to post a winning scenario myself ;) )
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII [Updated 8/7 Battle 4]

Postby bplp49 on Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:52 am

I'm in .. please
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII [Updated 8/7 Battle 4]

Postby WorldCup4James on Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:29 am

bplp49 wrote:I'm in .. please

Wonderful! One more player in, and we're that much closer to getting this tournament full and relighting the fire again! =D>

bplp49 takes over jcmontys, for the remainder of the tournament.

We've got just 4 games left in this round; once they finish, I'll update the boards and the tourney will go on to Round 5! :D
FOUR openings in A Chance to Write History: WWIII. All premium players accepted; help me fill these vacancies! :)
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Confederation Defends Suez, 5 Fronts to 2

Postby WorldCup4James on Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:21 pm

September 14 Update

On this date
Interestingly, read the Wikipedia article about September 14; in 1960 on this date, OPEC was founded. 8-)

Standings Board (click here)

The Confederation has completely routed the attacking EDF; Egypt, on behalf of Russian and non-Gulf Arab states' support, has defended the Suez!

A full update will follow after our Medal of Honor Qualifiers, which now commence as usual, featuring the top 2 Confederation players from the 5 winning fronts that the Confederation claimed.

Game 11664677
Game 11664678

Once these games finish, we'll have our summation of Battle 4 and kick off Battle 5!

Thanks for your patience!
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII [Updated 9/14 Battle 4]

Postby WorldCup4James on Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:19 pm


Updated Standings Board
show: Standings

Would you like to choose the Map AND Settings for the next round? Write and Post a Battle Scenario for Our Fifth Battle!

Choosing the map and settings is very influential and, if you choose wisely, can land you a ton of points and a spot in the Playoffs.

Just write a brief paragraph on a possible World War III scenario. Identify 2 key sides, one for the Confederation and one for the Alliance and the map and settings.

Then post it on the tournament page
here: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=159969&start=0

It's that simple!

We've now completed four battles, but four key events remain ahead, and each one of you has the opportunity to write history! I will now be accepting any scenario proposals for the next 7 days (until CC Time: 2012-10-10 21:00:00).

Contextual Requirements
To ensure the plot is not disjointed, I advise you make some sort of reference, be it significant or minute, to the events of the EDF attack on the Suez (the European environmental group, Earth Defense Forces, which came to power in Battle 3, have failed at an invasion of the Suez Canal to, ironically, seize oil).

You may also make reference to the UN ousting of the Brazilian military junta (Battle 2) or to the workers' revolt put down in China (Battle 1).

The events in your scenario do not have to necessarily stem directly from the events in Egypt, Europe, Brazil, or China, but there should be some link made.

Possible Ideas to help you out:
  • International response to the failed EDF invasion.
  • Domestic unrest in Europe for reverting back to contradictory, environmentally unfriendly practices.

Work with these ideas or come up with something new!

Here's an example. If you choose to write a scenario, it should look something like this; scenario, followed by sides and maps and settings:
show: Scenario

...was only 5 sentences long.

Writing history is NOT required of course, but there is a General Achievement Medal (the Nostradamus Award), which will be given to the player who has the most number of scenarios written. Please consider taking part! :o :?

I'm giving all players 7 days (until CC Time: 2012-10-10 21:00:00) so that should give you plenty of time if you have an idea! And it doesn't have to be in depth at all, just something simple so we can get some community involvement in the tournament. ;)

FOUR openings in A Chance to Write History: WWIII. All premium players accepted; help me fill these vacancies! :)
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[PostBattle5Scenario:Day

Postby whakamole on Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:07 pm

The Himalayas rise majestically in the distance.

Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, and the occasional Dogri conversation is exchanged excitedly.

The alliances have been made. The line has been drawn. Dozens of languages and hundreds of dialects will come together as one. They will run out the last vestiges of imperialism, heretofore clinging despite their official ouster. The time has come for the Indian people them to speak as one.
After being turned back in their seige of the Suez Canal, the EDF was hungry for victory and not a little desperate for support. Where better to turn than the noble peoples of the Indian subcontinent? People with great intrinsic appreciation for the land and for nature, by their accounting. The EDF thought it perfect- an opportunity for a true alliance prepared in every way to turn back the impending wave led by the confederacy of UN commercialist imperialism. For the EDF and the hatchling Alliance, the writing was on the wall: they needed manpower to stem the tide or they ran the risk of being crushed.
After decades of unrest to the northwest, the mineral and religious conflicts which did not quite simmer to the level of global warfare, international interest had finally come to acknowledge that better than one-fifth of the world's population was indeed Indian. And the EDF came to find that the subcontinent was ready to join the fight. The world was about to hear from its most populous nation, since the near-genocide of the chinese farmers. Finally, they would hear from one fifth of its manpower.

One fifth of its warriors.

Representing the Alliance: United Peoples of India, with considerable assistance from EDF Alliance forces fleeing from Egypt

Representing the Confederation: The UK, Russia, and other major capitalist interests from the UN, who will no longer be tolerated to manipulate and exploit the subcontinent

Map: Indian Empire

Escalating spoils (the "home side" using its growing population but unwilling to engage their nuclear program just yet)
Adjacent forts (common spirit only gets you so far in a land of dialects and population sub-groups)
Foggy (the UN has overlooked India a long time... perhaps too long)
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Battle 5 Begins Soon]

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:07 pm

Looks like I missed the deadline.

Good job, whakamole!
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Battle 5 Begins Soon]

Postby WorldCup4James on Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:05 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Looks like I missed the deadline.

Good job, whakamole!

Yes, the deadline expired Wednesday evening. But you're still in the lead, Dukasaur! whakamole does have time to catch up, and he's locked away his first scenario.

I was swamped this week with a nice mid-term on the history of Hitler and Nazi Germany. Should be kicking things off again this weekend as soon as I can though.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Battle 5]

Postby generalhead on Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:35 am

I'll play if you still need someone, put me where you want to put me please.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Battle 5]

Postby WorldCup4James on Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:45 am

generalhead wrote:I'll play if you still need someone, put me where you want to put me please.

Excellent! You're in

generalhead replaces ornge27.

I am aware of all the missing players, and am doing my best to find new players. I have advertised in my signature as well as in the Play-Now thread.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Battle 5]

Postby andypl0nd0n on Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:25 am

Count me in please
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Battle 5]

Postby WorldCup4James on Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:31 am

andyplondon wrote:Count me in please


andyplondon replaces cj1990.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Battle 5]

Postby generalhead on Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:23 am

I don't know if you are still accepting these or if this is right?
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Battle 5]

Postby Hank44Soccer on Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:07 am

James, I'm very impressed with this tournament.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Battle 5]

Postby WorldCup4James on Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:10 am

Hank44Soccer wrote:James, I'm very impressed with this tournament.

Why thank you Hank! Glad to see you back in the community. :)

November 4 Update


The Battle Remains Undecided!

As shown by our updated standings board, Fronts 3 and 6 have seen their 16 games divided equally by the 2 factions, each taking 8 wins home. As a result, neither side has claimed victory, and, according to the rules, the best player from the Alliance will face off against the best player from the Confederation. This now takes place in both fronts.

Thus, our games are,

Front 3 Tie-Breaker

Game 11895549--Leverpuller vs. ltcomdata

Front 6 Tie-Breaker

Game 11895550--unionman vs. czech59

As of now, the Confederation has a 3 front-2 front lead.

This means the Alliance representative players in these games will have to win both of these tie-breaker games in order for the Alliance to win the battle!

Good luck! May the best side win!
FOUR openings in A Chance to Write History: WWIII. All premium players accepted; help me fill these vacancies! :)
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Alliance Steals Victory After 2 Close Tie-Breakers

Postby WorldCup4James on Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:09 am

November 12 Update

Standings Board (click here)

Indeed, the Alliance representatives have claimed victory in both the tie-breaker games and, as a result, have secured a triumph for the Alliance and pushed back successfully against the Western resource-exploiting powers!

Two clutch, high-stake victories were required for the Alliance to win the Battle, and, sure enough, that's what happened!

Game 11895549
Game 11895550

A full update will follow after our Medal of Honor Qualifiers, which now commence as usual, featuring the top 2 Alliance players from the 4 winning fronts that the Alliance claimed.

Medal of Honors Qualifier Games

Game 11932085
Game 11932086

Once these games finish, we'll have our summation of Battle 5 and kick off Battle 6!

Thanks for your patience!

The score of the war is now,
  • 3 battle victories claimed by the Confederation,
  • 2 battle victories claimed by the Alliance!

Keep in mind, the Playoffs will be represented by both sides, as each battle sends two players from the winning side to the Playoffs.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Battle 5]

Postby WorldCup4James on Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:39 pm

(Propaganda newspaper of the winning side: the Alliance and the EDF-supported India).
History is written by the victors, they say.


Updated Standings Board
show: Standings

Would you like to choose the Map AND Settings for the next round? Write and Post a Battle Scenario for Our Sixth Battle!

Choosing the map and settings is very influential and, if you choose wisely, can land you a ton of points and a spot in the Playoffs.

Just write a brief paragraph on a possible World War III scenario. Identify 2 key sides, one for the Confederation and one for the Alliance and the map and settings.

Then post it on the tournament page
here: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=159969&start=0

It's that simple!

We've now completed five battles, but three key events remain ahead, and each one of you has the opportunity to write history! I will now be accepting any scenario proposals for the next 7 days (until CC Time: 2012-12-9 23:00:00).

Contextual Requirements
To ensure the plot is not disjointed, I advise you make some sort of reference, be it significant or minute, to the events of the Indian resistance to mining exploitation and their growing bond with the European Earth Defense Forces (which came to power in Battle 3 and attempted a failed invasion of the Suez in Battle 4).

You may also make reference to the UN ousting of the Brazilian military junta (Battle 2) or to the workers' revolt put down in China (Battle 1).

The events in your scenario do not have to necessarily stem directly from the events in India, Egypt, Europe, Brazil, or China, but there should be some link made.

Possible Ideas to help you out:
  • International response to the resistance to Western powers and "economic globalization".
  • Domestic unrest in Europe.

Work with these ideas or come up with something new on your own!

Here's an example. If you choose to write a scenario, it should look something like this; scenario, followed by sides and maps and settings:
show: Scenario

...was only 5 sentences long.

Writing history is NOT required of course, but there is a General Achievement Medal (the Nostradamus Award), which will be given to the player who has the most number of scenarios written. Please consider taking part! :o :?

I'm giving all players 7 days (until CC Time: 2012-12-9 23:00:00) so that should give you plenty of time if you have an idea! And it doesn't have to be in depth at all, just something simple so we can get some community involvement in the tournament. ;)

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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Post Battle6ScenarioDay

Postby WorldCup4James on Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:52 pm

Aussie02 (Game 11932085) and Alexlau (Game 11932086) advance to the Playoffs after winning their respective MOH Qualifiers. =D>

I will now be accepting any scenario proposals for the next 7 days (until CC Time: 2012-12-9 23:00:00).

See the above post for more details on how you can write the next piece of the WWIII history.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Post Battle6ScenarioDay

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:02 am

Good, I didn't miss the deadline! Coming up with an idea!
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Post Battle6ScenarioDay

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:42 am

"Okay, at last we are not alone in the world. The second largest nation on earth is on our side," concluded the Foreign Affairs Minister.

"Trouble is, an angry Russian bear and 300 million Arabs stand between us and our new friend, which will make co-operation difficult," cautioned the Chairman.

"Arabs which would not be angry if not for your premature grab at the Suez," piped up a truculent voice from the other end of the table.

The Chairman glared in that direction. "We all knew the stakes, we all had our say. Please let's not start squabbling over what went wrong in the past. Okay, what can we do better in the future?"

An old general spoke up. "The Suez plan was the right thing to do, although perhaps the timing was bad. But we are not without resources. We have a lot of friends in Africa. Fair-weather friends perhaps; friends who were afraid to line up beside us when it looked like we might not live to see tomorrow, but friends nonetheless. Now that our extinction does not look quite as close as it once did, perhaps it is time to bring them to our orbit."

"You have a plan?"

"Oh, yes. For a century or more, the corporate nabobs of America have built the myth that Africa is incapable of feeding itself. By covertly supporting corrupt regimes and fomenting civil wars, they create artificial food shortages. They then ship food to Africa, thereby accomplishing three goals: perpetuating the myth, keeping Africa subservient and in debt, and keeping food prices high in their own countries to satisfy the rural electorate. They then rape Africa's wealth of strategic metals at rock-bottom prices as payment of the debt which should never have been incurred. It's a brilliant scam, really.

In the last 20 years or so China and other East Asian powers have jumped on the bandwagon and started playing the pity Africa game too.

The really ironic part is that even while starvation is common in Africa, the continent as a whole still exports more food than it imports! Now there's a new homegrown revolutionary movement down there, called Africa Feeds Africans, which is sweeping the countryside. It seeks to put a stop to the exportation primarily of food but also of other resources. It has a lofty goal of exposing all corrupt officials of all political stripes. It is hostile to America and hostile to China, and it very much is in the market for a new friend.

Perhaps a new friend who very much resembles an old friend -- Europa!"

"So what kind of a war are we to expect?" asked a skeptical voice.

"That's the beauty of it. For us, it's a very limited war. Some covert ops here, some resupply flights there. Basically it's a legitimate and spontaneous revolution. We don't have to create it and we don't have to fight, or at least not much. Mainly we just have to help.

And there's an added bonus: the Russians. The Russians used to be major players of the Africa game back in the 1970s, but during the 1990s it all came apart for them and they've pretty much been frozen out of it by American and East Asian money. Giving the Americans and East Asians a black eye here will be pleasing to the Russians. They might even remember that they are Europeans after all!"

"Well, that would be something to see!" declared the Chairman.


Faction representing the Alliance: The A.F.A. (Africa Feeds Africans) revolutionary movement, with aid from Europe, India, and eventually Russia.
Faction representing the Confederacy: Established African dictators and warlords, with aid from the USA, China, and Japan.

MAP: Africa II

Escalating: As a revolution should be.
Adjacent: Local terrain makes reinforcement difficult.
Fog: As much of the action is covert.
“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
― Voltaire
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Post Battle6ScenarioDay

Postby gummiente on Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:44 am

I love your news articles! Very creative! ;)
You da best.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII[Post Battle6ScenarioDay

Postby WorldCup4James on Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:00 pm

The one week allotted for players to post a battle scenario submission for Battle 6 has passed.

The above submission by Dukasaur was the only submission and has gone unopposed.

As a result, his scenario is officially implemented as Battle 6! Congratulations Dukasaur; that's now 3 scenarios for you! Still in the lead for the Nostradumus General Achievement Medal! =D>

The war has spread to yet another continent--Africa!

Games will be out later this week, most likely Thursday.

"Okay, at last we are not alone in the world. The second largest nation on earth is on our side," concluded the Foreign Affairs Minister.

"Trouble is, an angry Russian bear and 300 million Arabs stand between us and our new friend, which will make co-operation difficult," cautioned the Chairman.

"Arabs which would not be angry if not for your premature grab at the Suez," piped up a truculent voice from the other end of the table.

The Chairman glared in that direction. "We all knew the stakes, we all had our say. Please let's not start squabbling over what went wrong in the past. Okay, what can we do better in the future?"

An old general spoke up. "The Suez plan was the right thing to do, although perhaps the timing was bad. But we are not without resources. We have a lot of friends in Africa. Fair-weather friends perhaps; friends who were afraid to line up beside us when it looked like we might not live to see tomorrow, but friends nonetheless. Now that our extinction does not look quite as close as it once did, perhaps it is time to bring them to our orbit."

"You have a plan?"

"Oh, yes. For a century or more, the corporate nabobs of America have built the myth that Africa is incapable of feeding itself. By covertly supporting corrupt regimes and fomenting civil wars, they create artificial food shortages. They then ship food to Africa, thereby accomplishing three goals: perpetuating the myth, keeping Africa subservient and in debt, and keeping food prices high in their own countries to satisfy the rural electorate. They then rape Africa's wealth of strategic metals at rock-bottom prices as payment of the debt which should never have been incurred. It's a brilliant scam, really.

In the last 20 years or so China and other East Asian powers have jumped on the bandwagon and started playing the pity Africa game too.

The really ironic part is that even while starvation is common in Africa, the continent as a whole still exports more food than it imports! Now there's a new homegrown revolutionary movement down there, called Africa Feeds Africans, which is sweeping the countryside. It seeks to put a stop to the exportation primarily of food but also of other resources. It has a lofty goal of exposing all corrupt officials of all political stripes. It is hostile to America and hostile to China, and it very much is in the market for a new friend.

Perhaps a new friend who very much resembles an old friend -- Europa!"

"So what kind of a war are we to expect?" asked a skeptical voice.

"That's the beauty of it. For us, it's a very limited war. Some covert ops here, some resupply flights there. Basically it's a legitimate and spontaneous revolution. We don't have to create it and we don't have to fight, or at least not much. Mainly we just have to help.

And there's an added bonus: the Russians. The Russians used to be major players of the Africa game back in the 1970s, but during the 1990s it all came apart for them and they've pretty much been frozen out of it by American and East Asian money. Giving the Americans and East Asians a black eye here will be pleasing to the Russians. They might even remember that they are Europeans after all!"

"Well, that would be something to see!" declared the Chairman.


Faction representing the Alliance: The A.F.A. (Africa Feeds Africans) revolutionary movement, with aid from Europe, India, and eventually Russia.
Faction representing the Confederacy: Established African dictators and warlords, with aid from the USA, China, and Japan.

MAP: Africa II

Escalating: As a revolution should be.
Adjacent: Local terrain makes reinforcement difficult.
Fog: As much of the action is covert.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: WWIII [Battle 6 of 8]

Postby repooc on Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:58 pm

i'm in
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