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[CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (37-24 of 61) - Final 9/18

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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (18-10 of 61)

Postby Jackofalltrades on Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:07 pm

Game 11353344 One for Empire, long and hard fought by both well played! =D> got 1 or 2 rounds of helpful dice towards the end that tipped the battle, but sound strategy by both teams.
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (4-3 of 61)

Postby malevolous on Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:02 pm

Gypsys Kiss wrote:The English army had marched over 250 miles in a little over 2 weeks across Northern France. They were tired, demoralised and, more importantly, suffering from dysentry. There was no way they could have retreated to Harfleur, or have been reinforced from there. The French could have attacked any time after Henry crossed the Somme, but chose to wait. The only English bolt hole available was Calais, which was where Henry was heading before the French cut it off, forcing Henry into battle. It wasnt bad luck, it was a series of bad decisions, not least of which was attacking across a ploughed field, with cavalry after recent rain and then sending heavily armoured men-at-arms into a quagmire. If they had stood firm Henry would have been forced to attack because of the deteriorating condition of his army and he would have lost.

It was arrogance and incompetence that cost the French so dearly on that day.

Now, where do you get your dice????

I'm not saying the french had perfect commanders, who didn't make mistakes, thats pretty much my point. And you are probably right, the town they would have withdrawn to could well have been Calais, though if the french had waited for a beautiful, sunny day in October or November in northern France, the english probably could have made it back to Harfleur :lol: . Also, I'm pretty sure there was no major calvary charge at agincourt, as the first wave of infantry created the bottleneck, and most of the knights who attacked had to dismount and leave their horses in favor of joining that mass of infantry. If there was a charge, it wasn't mentioned in my texts.... maybe you have a different source? Regardless, the french had a time crunch, and picked a spot along the road to make a stand. The French commanders did make mistakes, but my point is that the highest commander, the king, was not the one who made them. My point, as stated previously, is that we in conquer club act as the highest point of command, and the way war works is the high command can't do everything. Just like King Charles VI, we sometimes send an attack at 6:1 odds, and the news comes back that we lost it. Thus, my point still stands as stated previously, there is no such thing as luck (assuming you have a perfect understanding of physics, and are omniscient, you know how everything will work out), but the dice represent all the things that are out of a comander's hands that can steal victory from defeat, or sometimes, defeat from victory.
If you'd like to argue that point, be my guest, but please don't make a discussion of what the local subordinates did look like a logical counter to an argument about high strategy.
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (20-10 of 61)

Postby Denise on Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:35 pm

I'm late, but not too late to be bored enlightened by malevolous's extensive knowledge of some war (I'm too lazy to figure out which). That's a relief! :P

EMPIRE wins, of course.
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (4-3 of 61)

Postby Gen. Ramsarelli on Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:36 am

QoH wrote:
Gen. Ramsarelli wrote:
Ya know Aaron, your extensive knowledge of frivilous trivia never ceases to amaze me. :) And I mean that in a good, complimentary way. Not to mention the fact it makes 'it twitch' when you flex your brain power like that! ;) lmao (the wife aint too happy about it either!)

Now you're just being creepy. Aaron was enlightening us with some quality knowledge about random, probably useless stuff, but then you go an ruin it and creep everyone out except chapcrap. He probably enjoyed it.

Yeah, my sense of humor often times is not received well. ;). I certainly never mean any disrespect with anything I say though and not really knowing the people on here thoroughly and their lifestyles makes it shaky ground saying anything sometimes. Plus the fact that I'm pretty sure that was the night I had a couple hours to burn and was throwing a few back just loitering around the forums. :)
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (14-7 of 61)

Postby jricart on Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:24 pm

peanutsdad wrote:
jricart wrote:Nice, Empire is pulling a little advantage!


Yeah, it's definitely been a tough go of it for us. A couple of crucial missed turns, some good and bad dice for each side, but we're not giving up, we'll come back and win this yet =D> =D>

It looks like we are closing the deal!

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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (30-14 of 61)

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:18 pm

peanutsdad wrote:
jricart wrote:Nice, Empire is pulling a little advantage!


Yeah, it's definitely been a tough go of it for us. A couple of crucial missed turns, some good and bad dice for each side, but we're not giving up, we'll come back and win this yet =D> =D>

I will have to say in my later games I had some sick nasty dice to start them off, but overall I think it was a good war, I see at least ONE more win that should be coming on for EMPIRE so I would like to say thanks to all of those in mythology for a good war, being good sports and letting this whole thing happen. Best of luck in your next war!
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (30-14 of 61)

Postby mudfighter on Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:40 am

Now it's official, Game 11351021.

Thank you Mythology, had some tough fights (including this game - 17 rounds!).
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (31-14 of 61)

Postby peanutsdad on Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:40 pm

As always it's been a pleasure gents and ladies of Empire, Congratulations on the win. We should have been harder to kill but alas, it was just not meant to be this time around. Good luck in the next round.
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (31-14 of 61)

Postby jasholz on Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:32 pm

Yes good luck in the rest of the Cup
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (31-14 of 61)

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:40 am

I feel like a lot of games were much closer than the score indicates, you guys fought hard, and the games just fell our way in the end in some of them, thanks for a fun war.
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (31-14 of 61)

Postby malevolous on Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:35 pm

peanutsdad wrote:As always it's been a pleasure gents and ladies of Empire, Congratulations on the win. We should have been harder to kill but alas, it was just not meant to be this time around. Good luck in the next round.

Tragically, we are bereft of ladies at the moment, but we'll take it as a compliment nonetheless :) Good war!
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (33-18 of 61)

Postby mkcummins on Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:11 pm

close enough....some of us act like we're loaded on estrogen....cheers, mythmen.
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Re: [CC3] EMPIRE vs. Mythology (37-24 of 61) - Final 9/18

Postby chemefreak on Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:29 pm

Moved to completed (24hr shadow). Privs removed. Dropbox updated. Medals issued.
:twisted: ChemE :twisted:
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