Conquer Club

Barrett 50.Cal[busted]es

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Barrett 50.Cal[busted]es

Postby KraphtOne on Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:17 pm


Barrett 50.Cal

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis


There are 50 different reasons that this person is a multi... Whether or not you'll find a matching IP... we'll see
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby *Pixar* on Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:25 pm

i agree, not big fan of this guy either
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby KraphtOne on Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:54 pm

just saying, kinda odd that someone i've never played before has me foed... someone that had clickies on first game they played
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:06 pm

KraphtOne wrote:just saying, kinda odd that someone i've never played before has me foed... someone that had clickies on first game they played

Very odd,the very first game ever on CC is FS and he has click maps,second game is FS and he wins.

Most of his games are FS, this dude has been here before. And straight out the gate bought premium,no couple of games first. This reeks of multi
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:09 pm

Yep... Kid has foed me too, and I have won 5 of 6 freestyle games.
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Dibbun on Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:12 pm

He is an annoying twerp in live chat, spamming his callouts in every channel, you cannot get through to him, I personally have told him multiple times... yet he persists in deviant behavior, much to my chagrin.
nagerous wrote:Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums

Army of GOD wrote:Congrats to Dibbun, the white jesus, and all of his mercy and forgiveness.

Jdsizzleslice wrote: So you can crawl back to whatever psychosocial nutjob hole you came from.
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Great-Ollie on Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:47 pm

Must agree here I think he is multi as well.
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Barrett 50.Cal on Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:26 am

Well actually I only brought premium around 1 week ago ive been on this site for around 3 months ish I would say, also my ips don't match but I have a friend of whom I flat with who plays this game also and I have known them for a very long time and they have been on here much longer then me. Why do I have clickies? Easy answer, I didn't have clickies at first I was using the conquer club clickable maps which I had, then I found out about the grease monkey script which I must say is a whole lot better, people only hate on me because I foe them when I lose to them because of extremely bad dice. Haters gon hate, if you think im multi you can I don't care point of the matter is that im not, I just have sense and I know how to play this game, ive played the board game since I was year 7 at primary and im now year 12, I also brought the xbox arcade game like 9 months ago for 1200 msp, and ive practised on their, untill my mate told me about this site, hence the reason why I posted a thread asking if I would be considered a multi if me and my mate played games together when he game over, we both played in the same house on computers next to each other, if any mod has questions I have logical answers and proof to all of them :) So give me a pm and ill answer all, I suspect it would be King Achilles
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby D00MandD3A7H on Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:50 am

Barrett 50.Cal wrote:Well actually I only brought premium around 1 week ago ive been on this site for around 3 months ish I would say, also my ips don't match but I have a friend of whom I flat with who plays this game also and I have known them for a very long time and they have been on here much longer then me. Why do I have clickies? Easy answer, I didn't have clickies at first I was using the conquer club clickable maps which I had, then I found out about the grease monkey script which I must say is a whole lot better, people only hate on me because I foe them when I lose to them because of extremely bad dice. Haters gon hate, if you think im multi you can I don't care point of the matter is that im not, I just have sense and I know how to play this game, ive played the board game since I was year 7 at primary and im now year 12, I also brought the xbox arcade game like 9 months ago for 1200 msp, and ive practised on their, untill my mate told me about this site, hence the reason why I posted a thread asking if I would be considered a multi if me and my mate played games together when he game over, we both played in the same house on computers next to each other, if any mod has questions I have logical answers and proof to all of them :) So give me a pm and ill answer all, I suspect it would be King Achilles

Mate your grammar is poor. Did you say you were 12? That age is a terrible alibi.
I just have sense and I know how to play this game, ive played the board game since I was year 7 at primary and im now year 12

There you have it guys, 5 years experience is why he is so great at this game.
Oh wait I think he is talking about school, maybe that makes more sense.

Game 11067288

2012-05-07 21:03:26 - Barrett 50.Cal ended the turn and got spoils
2012-05-07 21:03:26 - Incrementing game to round 2
2012-05-07 21:42:23 - torcav2 received 4 troops for 14 regions
2012-05-07 21:42:31 - Barrett 50.Cal received 4 troops for 14 regions

What the hell? So did he also have the Conquertell Script/Enhancement/Tool to alert him for his turn after 38m 57s elapsed?
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Barrett 50.Cal on Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:56 am

Well actually I placed a egg beater over the keyboard to hold down the B button haha ive got a photo and I used it alot so yea guts bro :/ I was studying so I use it to begin when im afk
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Barrett 50.Cal on Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:58 am

Oh and I said year 12 that is 16 - 17 year olds, year 7 is like 11 and 12 year olds. And if you dont believe me that I use a egg beater, check some of my other 24 hour games theres a few of them, I must of had lagg then though cause it usually begins within 5 secs when the screens turned off :)
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Masli on Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:04 am

Wouldn't surprise me to see the following post from a C&A mod :

Busted with MyNamesJosh, Jack-Goff, Ura Clown, Finalfantasy,NoongaTax, alching & Faze HerpNDerp

But ofcourse... I could be wrong
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Barrett 50.Cal on Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:07 am

Oh and they are obviously all my accounts aye? Ever stop to think I play this at school sometimes to complete my turns within the range given? Nope well I do and obviously due to the the whole school is on the same ip address so they will be account names from students at palmy boys high, told you I have a logical explanation for everything, im not a multi so stop hating
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Masli on Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:39 am

It's always possible that a lot of people from the same school, all named Josh (says so on your profile), play on cc.
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby agentcom on Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:58 am

Barrett 50.Cal wrote:people only hate on me because I foe them when I lose to them because of extremely bad dice.

That's probably the worst reason to foe I've ever heard.
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Barrett 50.Cal on Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:22 pm

It may be a bad reason to foe, but there are no rules against who I can and cannot foe, this is why people hate me, purely cause I foe them, no one actually believes this shit they just want me gone cause im an aggressive player
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:24 pm

Barrett 50.Cal wrote:It may be a bad reason to foe, but there are no rules against who I can and cannot foe, this is why people hate me, purely cause I foe them, no one actually believes this shit they just want me gone cause im an aggressive player

I only hate you bc you didn't understand my strategy and began calling me names for it...
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Barrett 50.Cal on Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:28 pm

You ruined the whole game for me in one turn -.- and let the lower level win. It wasn't stratergy it was mindless
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Barrett 50.Cal on Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:58 pm

Oh and theres 2800 boys at my school, palmerston north boys high
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Master Fenrir on Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:16 pm

Barrett 50.Cal wrote:Oh and theres 2800 boys at my school, palmerston north boys high

Barrett 50.Cal wrote:told you I have a logical explanation for everything

Explain why you would attend such a sausage fest and why your name isn't WA2000, which is the way better gun.
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:37 pm

Master Fenrir wrote:
Barrett 50.Cal wrote:Oh and theres 2800 boys at my school, palmerston north boys high

Barrett 50.Cal wrote:told you I have a logical explanation for everything

Explain why you would attend such a sausage fest and why your name isn't WA2000, which is the way better gun.

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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:39 pm

Barrett 50.Cal wrote:You ruined the whole game for me in one turn -.- and let the lower level win. It wasn't stratergy it was mindless

First of, you were the lowest ranked at that time. Secondly, yes, I ruined your game in thay last turn, bc I could win if I was lucky vs you. Pure diceluck and praying to the dice gods.
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby KraphtOne on Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:20 pm

Barrett 50.Cal wrote:Well actually I placed a egg beater over the keyboard to hold down the B button haha ive got a photo and I used it alot so yea guts bro :/ I was studying so I use it to begin when im afk

2012-05-07 21:03:26 - Barrett 50.Cal ended the turn and got spoils
2012-05-07 21:03:26 - Incrementing game to round 2
2012-05-07 21:42:23 - torcav2 received 4 troops for 14 regions
2012-05-07 21:42:31 - Barrett 50.Cal received 4 troops for 14 regions

if you had an "egg-beater" over the B key it would have started the round immediately... would look something like this

2012-05-07 21:42:23 - torcav2 received 4 troops for 14 regions
2012-05-07 21:42:23 - Barrett 50.Cal received 4 troops for 14 regions

Also, you played risk for 5 years before you came here... congrats you know how to play the board game...

Had you started playing nothing but classic settings and done well then possibly you could use your "5 years of experience :lol: " as an alibi for winning so well so early...

You play nothing but freestyle games... and... nope, ya know what... you're a multi, it's obvious... done with this thread :-$
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:35 pm

Barrett 50.Cal wrote:Well actually I only brought premium around 1 week ago ive been on this site for around 3 months ish I would say, also my ips don't match but I have a friend of whom I flat with who plays this game also and I have known them for a very long time and they have been on here much longer then me. Why do I have clickies? Easy answer, I didn't have clickies at first I was using the conquer club clickable maps which I had, then I found out about the grease monkey script which I must say is a whole lot better, people only hate on me because I foe them when I lose to them because of extremely bad dice. Haters gon hate, if you think im multi you can I don't care point of the matter is that im not, I just have sense and I know how to play this game, ive played the board game since I was year 7 at primary and im now year 12, I also brought the xbox arcade game like 9 months ago for 1200 msp, and ive practised on their, untill my mate told me about this site, hence the reason why I posted a thread asking if I would be considered a multi if me and my mate played games together when he game over, we both played in the same house on computers next to each other, if any mod has questions I have logical answers and proof to all of them :) So give me a pm and ill answer all, I suspect it would be King Achilles

Why on earth would you make a thread asking if you would be considered a multi,if you and your friend are playing on 2 separate computers?

You seem to think you have covered all answers, playing the board game and playing xbox can only give you so much help.

The real problem is you are a freestyler straight out of the gate. That is not a Noob setting,you cant learn that from the board game or xbox!

And you knew who to foe before you even played them, i.e,the fast freestylers that play frequently,that way you didnt lose points to them.

So knowing and foing them says you already knew who not to play, in what way did you come by this info?

remember you have already claimed that you foe those with lucky dice,yet Krapht says you got him foed and you dont have any games against him,how is that possible he has lucky dice against you when you haven't played him before?
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Re: Barrett 50.Cal[pending]sn

Postby Barrett 50.Cal on Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:23 pm

I have played against krapht before actually. Theres to many of your pointless questions for me to answer, so ill wait for the mod and ill answer all his :) I dont need to explain my life to you js, and freestyle? That's not skill mate even I can admit freestyles are all about speed and dice it's pretty obvious from the name and actually on xbox they do have a freestyle setting on the game risk :)
I think you guys are just jelly you dont get to play against someone so much tanker then you :) Haters gon hate but a ip check will prove nothing because the school ip is linked to the school website, which you can also run a ip check on, just to check im not lying, so yea dont give much of a poopie about my english either, I dun no ne3d dis gr@mma
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