THE PACK [Competitive] [Very Selective recruitng]

just maybe it was an elaborate scheme from TUFO to infiltrate THE PACK

Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
THE PACK [Competitive] [Very Selective recruitng]
codierose wrote:THE PACK [Competitive] [Very Selective recruitng]
so much for the very selective
just maybe it was an elaborate scheme from TUFO to infiltrate THE PACK
betiko wrote:if you change your pw just before disapearing, it is intentional to screw your team and it is deliberate point dumping.
lord voldemort wrote:4 games is not intentionally deadbeating...and is a far cry from 1000 games. Completely different circumstances. He is still a brig fro goodness sake...its not like he gave all his points away. Or started a bunch of public games and handed them away.
Stop being so butt hurt cause he was unreliable and YOU trusted him in your clans games. Its like you are looking for a scapegoat in case you lose this challenge.
Get this right...youre allowed to miss turns...Who knew??? You're allowed to leave cc and not announce it to the entire world?? Who knew right??
betiko wrote:lord voldemort wrote:4 games is not intentionally deadbeating...and is a far cry from 1000 games. Completely different circumstances. He is still a brig fro goodness sake...its not like he gave all his points away. Or started a bunch of public games and handed them away.
Stop being so butt hurt cause he was unreliable and YOU trusted him in your clans games. Its like you are looking for a scapegoat in case you lose this challenge.
Get this right...youre allowed to miss turns...Who knew??? You're allowed to leave cc and not announce it to the entire world?? Who knew right??
stop being so subjective please. changing your PW just before you decide to leave CC is a total different story and it's intentional team screwing.
Nicky15 wrote:It seems you guys took a major gamble with him. And it backfired. As far as I can see you put him in these teams/the games started after the report on COF which highlighted just how unreliable Chuuuuck was, with his real life issues and missing turns etc.
As much as this sucks for you, unless you had some kind of bust up with him, prior to him dead beating, and you can prove that he did this on purpose, and not just because of more real life issues. Then I don't see that you have a case. He has every right to change his password at any time.
grifftron wrote:I hope the outcome of this case is not affected by the CoF case. I myself respect CoF and that case had nothing to do with the pack, Chuckkkkkk was already going to make that case before he was ever in the pack. I wish people would not bring that case up in this one, keep it on track and be fair people, whoever loses a game because of someone deadbeating would be upset, period... lets keep the clans out of this and talk about the deadbeating action itself.
betiko wrote:stop being so subjective please. changing your PW just before you decide to leave CC is a total different story and it's intentional team screwing.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
Serbia wrote:betiko wrote:stop being so subjective please. changing your PW just before you decide to leave CC is a total different story and it's intentional team screwing.
Sharing passwords like that is essentially account sharing. I know it seems the vast majority of competitive clans are sharing accounts, and think nothing of it (as it's so openly talked about, and treated as a given), but it's against the rules. Account sitting is only meant to be done when you KNOW you're going to be away from CC, and can give a temporary password to someone else to cover for you. It is not meant as an insurance against missing turns. If chuuuuck knew that others had his password, then changing his password was the only responsible thing to do.
Sharing passwords like that is essentially account sharing. I know it seems the vast majority of competitive clans are sharing accounts, and think nothing of it (as it's so openly talked about, and treated as a given), but it's against the rules. Account sitting is only meant to be done when you KNOW you're going to be away from CC, and can give a temporary password to someone else to cover for you. It is not meant as an insurance against missing turns.
Lindax wrote:Serbia wrote:YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE HIS PASSWORD 24/7 ANYWAY.
Sharing passwords like that is essentially account sharing. I know it seems the vast majority of competitive clans are sharing accounts, and think nothing of it (as it's so openly talked about, and treated as a given), but it's against the rules. Account sitting is only meant to be done when you KNOW you're going to be away from CC, and can give a temporary password to someone else to cover for you. It is not meant as an insurance against missing turns.
Mmmm.... Your colleague TD chapcrap disagrees with you.
When can we get a definite and clear answer from somebody with authority about this issue?
AndyDufresne wrote:Lindax wrote:Serbia wrote:YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE HIS PASSWORD 24/7 ANYWAY.
Sharing passwords like that is essentially account sharing. I know it seems the vast majority of competitive clans are sharing accounts, and think nothing of it (as it's so openly talked about, and treated as a given), but it's against the rules. Account sitting is only meant to be done when you KNOW you're going to be away from CC, and can give a temporary password to someone else to cover for you. It is not meant as an insurance against missing turns.
Mmmm.... Your colleague TD chapcrap disagrees with you.
When can we get a definite and clear answer from somebody with authority about this issue?
I am sure the C&A Team is working diligently on this case (and all others). It's not like this case has been up for weeks!
jgordon1111 wrote:The odd thing is most of the players hollering in the negative here are not clan players,why is that?
Leehar wrote:And secondly, why on earth did they think Tofu kicked him out anyway? It certainly wasn't because he remained an upstanding individual... (Indeed, I don't want to cast aspersions on Chucks character without knowing much about him myself, but some of the facts don't present a stalwart image).
Leehar wrote:jgordon1111 wrote:The odd thing is most of the players hollering in the negative here are not clan players,why is that?
On this case, or on sitting as a whole?
I'd say you were wrong on both counts.
For the case, because no offence to Pack, but I (and I think others that have posted as well) think it's Packs reward for the risks they took. Because it's not like they didn't know what came with the territory. The evidence was all there in Chuuck being an unreliable teammate; from the CoF case that they're so willing to sweep under the rug. Indeed, I think this exact scenario is one Cof mentioned in his rebuttal to Chuuck's C&A report, that Chuuck had changed his password before leaving on random absences? That wasn't enough for Cof to avoid the noose, but the signs were all there
I don't buy this excuse that they 'didn't know' because those details only come out after he had joined Pack, firstly because (as I think someone else mentioned), they still were fine with entering him into ID games after that fact! And secondly, why on earth did they think Tofu kicked him out anyway? It certainly wasn't because he remained an upstanding individual... (Indeed, I don't want to cast aspersions on Chucks character without knowing much about him myself, but some of the facts don't present a stalwart image)
With regards to your second point, Serbia for example is part of a clan (G1) so that doesn't really hold water. Indeed most of his clan do share that view, and while I sincerely doubt I've seen any other clans members share the view, they are allowed to have it, even if a lot of us disagree with what they say.
Leehar wrote:jgordon1111 wrote:The odd thing is most of the players hollering in the negative here are not clan players,why is that?
On this case, or on sitting as a whole?
I'd say you were wrong on both counts.
For the case, because no offence to Pack, but I (and I think others that have posted as well) think it's Packs reward for the risks they took. Because it's not like they didn't know what came with the territory. The evidence was all there in Chuuck being an unreliable teammate;Chuuuck told us he quit TOFU because he didnt get along with COF from the CoF case that they're so willing to sweep under the rug.WTF u talking about us sweeping it under a rug. When I got wind of Chuuuck going to file a report against COF, I told him staight out how I felt about it and told him that what goes on in a clan stays in a clan even after leaving. Indeed, I think this exact scenario is one Cof mentioned in his rebuttal to Chuuck's C&A report, that Chuuck had changed his password before leaving on random absences? That wasn't enough for Cof to avoid the noose, but the signs were all there
I don't buy this excuse that they 'didn't know' because those details only come out after he had joined Pack, firstly because (as I think someone else mentioned), they still were fine with entering him into ID games after that fact! And secondly, why on earth did they think Tofu kicked him out anyway? You talk in hindsight and we did not know he was kicked out. You continue to appear to be a packer basher.
Lindax wrote:Serbia wrote:YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE HIS PASSWORD 24/7 ANYWAY.
Sharing passwords like that is essentially account sharing. I know it seems the vast majority of competitive clans are sharing accounts, and think nothing of it (as it's so openly talked about, and treated as a given), but it's against the rules. Account sitting is only meant to be done when you KNOW you're going to be away from CC, and can give a temporary password to someone else to cover for you. It is not meant as an insurance against missing turns.
Mmmm.... Your colleague TD chapcrap disagrees with you.
When can we get a definite and clear answer from somebody with authority about this issue?
betiko wrote:is it ok or not to know the password of a clanmate if it's not a temporary one for vacation leave. this is not the first time it's been brought up.
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