Conquer Club

Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney- Completed!

Tournaments completed in 2013

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Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney- Completed!

Postby VioIet on Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:22 am

So, you think you are good at Das Schloss. If so, then this is the tourney for YOU.

I'm interested in seeing how the best Das Schloss teams at CC would do if faced off against each other. I've already done a dubs tourney just like this, and I would like to try a triples one now.

May the best Das Schloss Champions Win.

show: Tourney Info
Organizer: VioIet

Map: Das Schloss

Settings: auto, seq, chained, no spoils, fog, no trench

Team Type: Trips

# of Teams: 16 (this number can change based on interest)

If this tourney receives a lot of interest, I will make a quads tourney with the same format. I've already done a dubs, and I had a good turnout.

show: Tourney Summary
This tourney will have four rounds.

Round 1: Preliminaries

Duration- 3 weeks (3 games per week)

16 teams will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will have 4 teams.

All 4 teams in the same group will play each other three times. This will make a total of 9 games. These 9 games will be sent out over a 3 week period- 3 games per week.

The top 2 teams in each group will advance to the next round.
In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by the team that won the most games in the head to head match. If that doesn't determine a winner, the teams will play a best 2 of 3 tie-breaker series.

Also, let's take this situation:
If 3 teams all go 6-3 and the fourth goes 0-9. I will have the three tied teams replay each other twice, and tally up the scores of those.

Quarter Finals:
There will be 8 teams left in the tournament.
The 8 teams will be divided into two groups of four.
I will make sure all the teams in these groups, did not previously face each other in round 1.

Each team will play the other teams in their group three times each. The top two teams in each division advance to the semi-finals.

Semi- Finals:
Four teams will be left.

The teams will be divided into two groups of two.
Once again, each team will have never faced each other before in prior rounds.

Each team will play each other five times.

The winner of each group will advance to the final.

Final Round:

The two final teams will play in a best 3 of 5 series.
The winning team will win the tourney.

show: Policy on Missed Invites
I have low-tolerance for missed invites. It's takes a lot of time for me to type and send all the invites, and I am not a fan of having to do it again.

I understand that things happen, and players may occasionally miss invites. However, if an invite is missed, I will wait until the end of the round to re-send that invitation. If the game deletes, I will re-make it at the end of the round.

This tourney is set up so that each team will receive 3 invites per week during the first and second rounds of this tourney. Of course, in the event of missed invites, games may start at different times, and more or less invites may occur during that week.

If a player misses their invite, they will have to wait until the end of the round for their games to be re-made. If a player politely notifies me of the miss, I will often make an exception and re-send the invite. Also, the pw for all tourney games is Violet. If you accidentally miss, you can rejoin yourself by typing in the pw.

show: Sign-Ups
1. VioIet & Falkomagno & jsnyder748
2. chapcrap, GoranZ, and mviola
3. ukberger, gunn217, alt1978
4.momo33, QuikSilver and ttblanch
5. dragonz20, silvanus, donovan THE DARK
6. anonymus genoke DJ Teflon
7. Kingm, hmsps,EddieMay
8. BGtheBrain, TheJonah, TheCrown
9. eaglebyrob, Steiner75, Zap Brannigan
10. Gabriel13, NoSurvivors, Xroads
11. aaronvollrath, friesuschrist, beeps
12. slickstick, soundman, madmom
13. Benga, Jug68,V.J.
14. Hook2, darkseb, checker555
15. ubcman64, codierose, RKCVED
16. Unityhill, Jdhammer, Jltile1

show: Round 1 Standings
Group 1
16. Unityhill, Jdhammer, Jltile1- 1 win
5. dragonz20, silvanus, donovan THE DARK- 4 wins (advances on tiebreaker)
10. Gabriel13, NoSurvivors, Xroads - 4 wins
8. BGtheBrain, TheJonah, TheCrown- 9 wins (advances)

Group 2
12. slickstick, soundman, madmom - 3 wins
1. VioIet & Falkomagno & jsnyder748 - 5 wins (advances)
11. aaronvollrath, friesuschrist, beeps- 3 wins
13. Benga, Jug68,VJ.- 6 wins (advances)

Group 3
14. Hook2, darkseb, checker555 - 5 wins (advances)
4.momo33, QuikSilver and ttblanch- 3 wins
15. ubcman64, codierose, RKCVED - 3 wins
2. chapcrap, GoranZ, and mviola- 7 wins (advances)

Group 4
3. ukberger, gunn217, alt1978- 0 wins
9. eaglebyrob, Steiner75, Zap Brannigan- 5 wins
6. anonymus genoke DJ Teflon- 6 wins (advances)
7. Kingm, hmsps,EddieMay - 7 wins (advances)

show: Round 2 Standings
Group A

kingm, hmps, eddiemay- 6 wins
bgthebrain, thejonah, thecrown- 6 wins
Hook2, darkseb, checker- 5 wins
Violet, DD, Falkomagno- 1 win

Group B

chapcrap, goranz, mviola- 7 wins
anonymous, genoake, DJ Teflon- 5 wins (won tie-breaker)
benga, jug, vj- 5 wins
dragonz20, silvanus, donovan the Dark -1 win
Last edited by VioIet on Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:28 pm, edited 18 times in total.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [1/16]

Postby chapcrap on Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:37 am

chapcrap, GoranZ, and mviola
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [2/16]

Postby ukberger on Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:40 pm

In please

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [2/16]

Postby Momo33 on Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:01 pm

momo33, QuikSilver and ttblanch pls :)
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [2/16]

Postby dragonz20 on Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:26 pm

donovan THE DARK

thanks! :)
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [5/16]

Postby tkr4lf on Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:04 pm

In please.

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [5/16]

Postby Kingm on Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:26 pm

in please

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [5/16]

Postby TheCrown on Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:01 pm

BGtheBrain & TheJonah & TheCrown

in please
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [5/16]

Postby EagleByRob on Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:22 am

In please

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [5/16]

Postby Gabriel13 on Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:05 pm

In with NoSurvivors and Xroads

Love you Vio <3
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [10/16]

Postby aaronvollrath on Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:33 am

in please:

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [10/16]

Postby slickstick on Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:46 am

in pls.

madmom(to be confirmed)
soundman(to be confirmed)
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [10/16]

Postby V.J. on Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:39 pm

Benga, Jug68 and V.J.
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [10/16]

Postby slickstick on Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:15 am

slickstick wrote:in pls.

soundman(to be confirmed)

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [5/16]

Postby tkr4lf on Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:27 am

tkr4lf wrote:In please.


Sorry Violet, but we're going to have to withdraw from the tournament. Next time hopefully. :)
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [5/16]

Postby VioIet on Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:55 pm

tkr4lf wrote:
tkr4lf wrote:In please.


Sorry Violet, but we're going to have to withdraw from the tournament. Next time hopefully. :)

Sorry to hear this, but I understand. Hopefully you can join the next one I do, which will be a quads tourney :)
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [13/16]

Postby Hook2 on Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:45 pm

Please sign up. Thanks.

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [14/16]

Postby codierose on Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:10 am

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [15/16]

Postby unityhill on Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:57 am


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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [15/16]

Postby unityhill on Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:37 am


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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [15/16]

Postby anonymus on Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:51 am

in please;

anonymus genoke DJ Teflon (i just have to ask my team if they have time so may change one or both but i WILL come up with a full team no worries)
/ :?:

Edit i see someone beat us to it anyways..

well if someone dropps out we are in

/ :?:
Click image to enlarge.

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby VioIet on Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:53 am

Group 1
16. Unityhill, Jdhammer, Jltile1- 1 win
5. dragonz20, silvanus, donovan THE DARK- 4 wins (advances on tiebreaker)
10. Gabriel13, NoSurvivors, Xroads - 4 wins
8. BGtheBrain, TheJonah, TheCrown- 9 wins (advances)

Group 2
12. slickstick, soundman, madmom - 3 wins
1. VioIet & Falkomagno & jsnyder748 - 5 wins (advances)
11. aaronvollrath, friesuschrist, beeps- 2 wins (3)
13. Benga, Jug68,VJ.- 6 wins (advances)

1 game still in progress, but it won't change the results.

Group 3
14. Hook2, darkseb, checker555 - 5 wins (advances)
4.momo33, QuikSilver and ttblanch- 3 wins
15. ubcman64, codierose, RKCVED - 3 wins
2. chapcrap, GoranZ, and mviola- 7 wins (advances)

Group 4
3. ukberger, gunn217, alt1978- 0 wins
9. eaglebyrob, Steiner75, Zap Brannigan- 5 wins
6. anonymus genoke DJ Teflon- 6 wins (advances)
7. Kingm, hmsps,EddieMay - 7 wins (advances)
Last edited by VioIet on Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:11 am, edited 7 times in total.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby TheCrown on Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:33 pm

Hey Vi, where are the standings going to be posted?
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby GoranZ on Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:55 am

TheCrown wrote:Hey Vi, where are the standings going to be posted?


VioIet wrote:Semi- Finals:
Four teams will be left.

The teams will be divided into two groups of two.
Once again, each team will have never faced each other before in prior rounds.

And this means that in the semifinal best 2 teams will face each other, and worse two will also face each other... And in the final best team will face best team from a group of worse teams... Meaning the winner might have minimal number of victories and still win the tournament. I have no idea why the organizer is forcing worse teams up to the final.
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Re: Violet's Das Schloss Trips Tourney [16/16] FULL

Postby chapcrap on Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:13 pm

We're waiting on someone to be invited to 3 games
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