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Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account[bussted]es

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Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account[bussted]es

Postby BigFuzzyBunny on Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:14 am

His record is far too good (as his his playing skills) to be a new account.


Troy wood

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 11520158
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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account

Postby BigFuzzyBunny on Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:23 am

May want to look at Game 11487628 also where is slaughtered a Captain in 1 day.
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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:28 am

Troy wood is busted with troy boi, nat hill and supersimo.
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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account

Postby hmsps on Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:50 am

Evil Semp wrote:Troy wood is busted with troy boi, nat hill and supersimo.
nice quick bust
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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account[bussted]

Postby codierose on Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:29 pm

whats the user group hes in GUESTS is it a multi forum
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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account[bussted]

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:40 pm

codierose wrote:whats the user group hes in GUESTS is it a multi forum

Essentially. It's for banned users in general.

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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account

Postby cookie0117 on Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:16 pm

Evil Semp wrote:Troy wood is busted with troy boi, nat hill and supersimo.

Why is the Troy wood account an active account??

It was created on the 3 August 2012, the troy boi account was created 31 July 2012. troi boy is the original account, so is suposed to be the one that can buy back premium, not one of the later cheating accounts
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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:53 pm

cookie0117 wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:Troy wood is busted with troy boi, nat hill and supersimo.

Why is the Troy wood account an active account??

It was created on the 3 August 2012, the troy boi account was created 31 July 2012. troi boy is the original account, so is suposed to be the one that can buy back premium, not one of the later cheating accounts

Not true. He can buy back premium for any one of his accounts.

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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account

Postby cookie0117 on Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:33 am

Victor Sullivan wrote:
cookie0117 wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:Troy wood is busted with troy boi, nat hill and supersimo.

Why is the Troy wood account an active account??

It was created on the 3 August 2012, the troy boi account was created 31 July 2012. troi boy is the original account, so is suposed to be the one that can buy back premium, not one of the later cheating accounts

Not true. He can buy back premium for any one of his accounts.


So he has been allowed to close his original account and start with a new one he has dumped points onto. That seems to go against everything the site says. So if a person wants to close their account and start again they just create a new one and dump points onto it and bingo bango they have a new user name and record and extra points. I really hope your wrong as that is disgusting and makes a mockery of the rules.
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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account[bussted]

Postby MoB Deadly on Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:21 am

Yeah but lack is $25 richer in real money, and troy is richer in invisible meaningless points ;)
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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account

Postby Lindax on Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:30 am

cookie0117 wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:
cookie0117 wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:Troy wood is busted with troy boi, nat hill and supersimo.

Why is the Troy wood account an active account??

It was created on the 3 August 2012, the troy boi account was created 31 July 2012. troi boy is the original account, so is suposed to be the one that can buy back premium, not one of the later cheating accounts

Not true. He can buy back premium for any one of his accounts.


So he has been allowed to close his original account and start with a new one he has dumped points onto. That seems to go against everything the site says. So if a person wants to close their account and start again they just create a new one and dump points onto it and bingo bango they have a new user name and record and extra points. I really hope your wrong as that is disgusting and makes a mockery of the rules.

Yeah, doesn't seem right. That would mean that you can simply change your username for $25.

I thought you could only ever use the original account again....

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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account[bussted]

Postby BigFuzzyBunny on Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:23 pm

I agree, he is set at a low status and is going be be stealing points from opponents that are at the same skill as him, simply because he is only listed as a Corporal. He has the skills of a Captain and gets the win points of a Corporal.. Are you at least going to keep an eye on him and see if one or 2 other accounts are opened by him?
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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account

Postby Woodruff on Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:56 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:
cookie0117 wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:Troy wood is busted with troy boi, nat hill and supersimo.

Why is the Troy wood account an active account??

It was created on the 3 August 2012, the troy boi account was created 31 July 2012. troi boy is the original account, so is suposed to be the one that can buy back premium, not one of the later cheating accounts

Not true. He can buy back premium for any one of his accounts.

Wait, wait, this a recent change? Because I am POSITIVE that it used to be a requirement that the individual could only buy back for their ORIGINAL ACCOUNT. If you can't, this is gonna open up a HUGE can of worms, in my opinion. It would definitely be a case of, once again, rewarding multis (which seems to be becoming a trend...).
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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account[bussted]

Postby Victor Sullivan on Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:36 pm

It was like that a couple years ago... :|

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Re: Troy wood suspeced of being a duplicate account[bussted]

Postby jgordon1111 on Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:51 pm

hmmm, I was under the impression that you could only buy back the original.

If not this is very strange indeed,and bad as woodruff has pointed out.
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