santa marta have n2 to prevent
ss bazana from being bombarded so easily by
there's a shield on cygnet, but v2 is on frida.
the border between tf(a) and tf(b) needs to be made clearer. it's very faint.
i've no more gameplay issues.
there's no need, in the upper treasury legend, to say that earnings are cumulative. auto-deploys, by their nature, cannot be non-cumulative. u're better off using that space to say that earnings are auto-deploy, since this fact is hidden away at the bottom.
in the lower treasury legend,
each player can move one-way outward (not up) to earn additional auto-deploy bonuses or can assault from any treasury region to same player's command vessel is clearer than what u have.
additional because every monarch starts with +1 auto-deploy, a fact which isn't explicitly stated elsewhere.
lose the part in the legend about assaults being 1 in any direction. no map needs to say this, since it's in the rules.
the conditional border text might read
a player may use a command vessel region to assault any commander's monarch region, but only if one region of that commander's command vessel is held. i presume that a command vessel can assault any commander's monarch region, including his own.