Lindax wrote:Since this is still going anyway: What's with the higher standards for TeamCC Members? Does that not apply anymore?
And having passwords is pretty much the same as "account sharing", because the "activity on the accounts" often can't be measured. Not to mention the fact that the only "activity" should be taking a turn when in danger of missing it.
Are there different rules for TeamCC? I didn't think so. And having passwords isn't account sharing. Nice try. If it was, a lot of people would be in trouble.
crispybits wrote:First of all - I did exactly what I just did here, and find your post and hit the quote button. Care to look back to the first page, second last post before you accuse me of something I didn't do....
Well, that's not what you did. Let me show you:
crispybits wrote:(which nullifies your "it's only NS, he's no authority" as he's been backed up as correct BY an authority)
See, that's not how I said it. You put something in quotations, like I said it that way and I didn't. I choose my syntax, I don't need you goofing it up.
crispybits wrote:You have the password and you are able to log into someone else's account whenever you feel like it. You felt like it at this time because you got a message saying happy was low on time. But that shouldn't be a 24/7 option for you over weeks and months, that should be something that only happens when happy knows he is going away (on holiday for instance, like he did 2 months before this thread started) and changes to a temporary password. If between all the quotes from senior staff saying that the sharing of permanent passwords and using them whenever you feel like it, and not just during a defined holiday/break sitting period, is abuse and you STILL don't get it... I despair.
No, I get it. You're just wrong. I understand that you think you're right, but you clearly aren't. As I already told Lindax above, if it were a lot more people would be in trouble. There are a lot of examples of this happening and C&A being aware and it hasn't been punished because it's not account sharing. I'm sorry you have a misconception of the rule.
crispybits wrote:Ignoring jdbush's account, because there's nothing here to implicate it (as in no explicit admission that he permanently has happy's password and wasn't handed it by you to take the turn in this game), then at the very least happy's account is permanently shared, and is a (semi-)multi of your own. And that is only going by the admissions you and happy have made yourselves in this thread.
No multis, no sharing. I'm sorry you aren't getting your way, but it's just not against the rules.