The accused are suspected of:
jdbush was directed by chapcrap to take a turn for a member of the opposing team(happyfeet). (See attachment)
No indication was left in game chat by jdbush nor chapcrap that the turn had not been taken by happyfeet. (See game chat)
Game number:
Game 11441863
Other: jdbush ignored the instructions left by happyfeet's teammate and instead made a move which strongly benefited the other team. This poor move turned a highly probable kill of chapcrap into very unlikely kill which ended up failing.
(Some more detail on this move: jdbush(Taking turn for happyfeet at chapcraps request) did not follow the plan laid out in team game chat. The plan (which was fairly obvious) was to kill chapcrap and use the cards to win the game by deploying on Mexico City to yield 7v3 to take Bogota from chapcrap. (~86% chance of success) The remainder of chapcrap would have been easily taken out on Flow520's turn with a set trade in. Indeed, the set trade in did easily take out the rest of chapcrap, but the 3 troops on Bogota which were to be taken by happyfeet remained.)
Game Chat:
2012-08-01 11:04:11 - Flow520 [team]: I think we need to take out red before he trades
2012-08-01 11:37:01 - happyfeet [team]: green?
2012-08-01 14:55:29 - Flow520 [team]: I dont know if we can get green in time
2012-08-01 15:38:48 - happyfeet [team]: snap :: 6~?0㘳◉㚰ᖩ⧍㙎㚱อᨭ䚮㫑䚱䕒ᦱ
2012-08-01 19:52:34 - Flow520 [team]: yes, 3 card set
2012-08-02 18:14:30 - Flow520 [team]: I guess take bogota, then fort Darak to Madrid so I can try and take out red with my set.
2012-08-02 20:28:02 - Flow520 [team]: Please dont miss your turn.
2012-08-02 20:52:55 - happyfeet [team]: helloe
2012-08-02 20:53:29 - Flow520 [team]: Phew, glad you could make it : D
2012-08-02 20:53:57 - Flow520 [team]: try to take bogota so I cat try to take out red
2012-08-02 20:54:02 - happyfeet [team]: some one else is playing lol
2012-08-02 20:54:18 - happyfeet [team]: hmm...i dont know who it is
2012-08-02 20:54:41 - Flow520 [team]: Doe that mean someone else can not follow directions left in game chat?
2012-08-02 20:55:41 - happyfeet [team]: i guess lol
2012-08-02 20:55:49 - Flow520 [team]: Wait, did chapcrap take your turn?
2012-08-02 20:56:05 - Flow520 [team]: Who is this?
2012-08-02 20:56:12 - happyfeet [team]: no he wouldnt
2012-08-02 20:56:18 - happyfeet [team]: this is happy now
2012-08-02 20:56:23 - happyfeet [team]: i just got on
2012-08-02 20:56:43 - happyfeet [team]: and someone who thought i was getting close must have taken my turn
2012-08-02 20:57:00 - Flow520 [team]: Ugh, that move killed our chances.
2012-08-02 20:57:09 - happyfeet [team]: chap might of had someone do it since i was getting close on time
2012-08-02 20:58:18 - Flow520 [team]: Would that someone have also told chapcrap to take Mumbai because I had the card?
2012-08-02 20:59:39 - Flow520 [team]: Oh well, odds are bad, but it is the only move worth doing.
2012-08-02 21:01:34 - Flow520 [team]: I'm kind of upset at this. Whoever took your turn did the move that was most benificial to the other team.
2012-08-02 21:02:35 - Flow520 [team]: I think there was foul play here. Your opinion please.
2012-08-02 21:03:33 - Flow520 [team]: snap :: 7~?0㘲◉㚰ᧉ▩☩㘭ඩ㙍䚩㖨䚱㨱㚱
2012-08-02 21:10:04 - jgordon1111: GG all
2012-08-02 21:30:15 - happyfeet [team]: i found out who it was
2012-08-02 21:30:26 - happyfeet [team]: jdbush
2012-08-02 21:31:09 - happyfeet [team]: who isnt very good
2012-08-02 21:31:55 - happyfeet [team]: sorry about that i wouldnt have missed and it does suck
So I added a link Picture of jdbush's profile showing chapcrap solicited jdbush to take a turn for a member of the opposing team (happyfeet).
[Edit: Added link to attachment.]