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lynch5762 & davsweeney[noted]es

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lynch5762 & davsweeney[noted]es

Postby Lindax on Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:08 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Blatant account sitting abuse (Edit: account sharing)

Game number(s):

Game 11445895

Comments: Here's the part of the game chat that matters, could it be anymore obvious?

2012-07-28 23:16:49 - lynch5762: davsweeney watching on lynch's account - wow!!! that was silly
2012-07-28 23:17:49 - Lindax: What happened to lynch?
2012-07-28 23:20:06 - lynch5762: lynch is still here I am just watching
2012-07-28 23:20:15 - lynch5762: we are chatting about politics
2012-07-28 23:23:10 - lynch5762: still davsweeney typing, lynch is actually paying attention

Last edited by Lindax on Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby davsweeney on Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:44 am

Hey Lindax - You are about to look a complete idiot. I was doing exactly what I said I was doing. I didn't take any of Lynch's of turns, I just looked at his game while he was playing. They can check and see I didn't take his turns (I think). I didn't advice him or anything, I was talking to him about politics.
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby eddie2 on Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:11 am

hate to tell you dave but you could of been on lynchs account validly taking his turns because it was a speed game... you are not allowed on anyones account apart from that....
when on another players account you are not allowed to interact with other players in game chat.
lindax won't look stupid here you broke 2 rules of the site.

Do i think the rule is a bit silly yes i do. but it is there and will be followed in this case.
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby lynch5762 on Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:47 am

Lindax wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Blatant account sitting abuse

Game number(s):

Game 11445895

Comments: Here's the part of the game chat that matters, could it be anymore obvious?

2012-07-28 23:16:49 - lynch5762: davsweeney watching on lynch's account - wow!!! that was silly
2012-07-28 23:17:49 - Lindax: What happened to lynch?
2012-07-28 23:20:06 - lynch5762: lynch is still here I am just watching
2012-07-28 23:20:15 - lynch5762: we are chatting about politics
2012-07-28 23:23:10 - lynch5762: still davsweeney typing, lynch is actually paying attention


Well okay... My first C & A report against me so I guess I should feel special now but seriously lindax??

#1.... No one took a single turn for me in this game, therefore, no "account sitting" even exists. If any internal reports are required, they will confirm the same.
#2.... It is obvious in game chat, that you did not agree with one of my moves, but did you not also disagree with many of the other player's moves as well? I am confused about the reasoning behind you filing this report. Was it because of the fact that you won, but yet you still found the other player's moves to be inadequate compared to you? Just curious.
#3.... Davsweeney is a friend of mine and yes he has my pw in case of emergencies. We were having a lengthy conversation on skype about something that had nothing to do with this game. He wanted to watch the game and I mistakenly told him that it was a foggy game so he logged in to observe. Obviously he could have observed the game without even doing so and I repeat... He never took a single turn for me he, was just trying to watch the game.
Last edited by lynch5762 on Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby greenoaks on Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:13 am

so this would be Account Sharing, which is against the rules.
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby lynch5762 on Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:30 am

greenoaks wrote:so this would be Account Sharing, which is against the rules.

Yes you are correct about this... As per the rules, we should both be busted and removed from the site.

(note; greenoaks you are guilty of the same infraction along with many others... no problem I say. Kindly refund our premium payments and I will gladly walk away)
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby davsweeney on Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:04 am

If watching my friend play a game is illegal then I am not interested in being on this site. If you want to punish someone go ahead and punish me. If you are going to let petty people like Lindax ruin the fun for others, then I don't want to be a part of it.

Let's use some common sense, if I was really doing nefarious in Lynch's account to help win the game, would I have posted in the chat. I am smarter than that. I was just watching.

Another thing, if it's against the rules, why not put it on the Rules page. I am looking at the rule page right now and see nothing on it.
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:54 am

I don't really see any abuse going on here. The two of you have been around long enough and with the recent account sitting cases involving clans you should know better. I am going to NOTE this.



Players are allowed to account-sit for others as long as they are not opponents within the game. When sitting for a player, it is common courtesy to post who you are and how long you will be sitting for the player so that other players in the game are aware of who they are actually playing.
Being on another player's account for ANY reasons other than taking turns when they are in danger of missing a turn, or posting to necessary Tournament or Clan related public forum topics, is not allowed. Abuse of this privilege can be considered account sharing and could result in a Bust for both accounts.
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby lynch5762 on Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:52 am

Evil Semp wrote:I don't really see any abuse going on here. The two of you have been around long enough and with the recent account sitting cases involving clans you should know better. I am going to NOTE this.



Players are allowed to account-sit for others as long as they are not opponents within the game. When sitting for a player, it is common courtesy to post who you are and how long you will be sitting for the player so that other players in the game are aware of who they are actually playing.
Being on another player's account for ANY reasons other than taking turns when they are in danger of missing a turn, or posting to necessary Tournament or Clan related public forum topics, is not allowed. Abuse of this privilege can be considered account sharing and could result in a Bust for both accounts.

Fair enough.... It was a harmless event to say the least but it won't happen again.

For the record... We do take account sitting pretty damn seriously in the Pack. We have gone through many extremes to notify anyone concerned when it becomes necessary to sit for another member. If you don't believe me, just take a moment to browse through our war threads and you will see. I have personally sent PM's out to opposing players to notify them when an unexpected situation arises to make sure that they were aware of the situation and I have even offered them the option to chose a sitter that is not directly involved in the game.

So in summary.... Please---------- and thank you for taking the time to address this quickly Semp!
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby greenoaks on Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:44 pm

lynch5762 wrote:
greenoaks wrote:so this would be Account Sharing, which is against the rules.

Yes you are correct about this... As per the rules, we should both be busted and removed from the site.

(note; greenoaks you are guilty of the same infraction along with many others... no problem I say. Kindly refund our premium payments and I will gladly walk away)

i don't log into anyone's account
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby therev1957 on Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:24 am

greenoaks wrote:
lynch5762 wrote:
greenoaks wrote:so this would be Account Sharing, which is against the rules.

Yes you are correct about this... As per the rules, we should both be busted and removed from the site.

(note; greenoaks you are guilty of the same infraction along with many others... no problem I say. Kindly refund our premium payments and I will gladly walk away)

i don't log into anyone's account

that is because no one will give you their password :o :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney

Postby greenoaks on Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:58 am

therev1957 wrote:
greenoaks wrote:
lynch5762 wrote:
greenoaks wrote:so this would be Account Sharing, which is against the rules.

Yes you are correct about this... As per the rules, we should both be busted and removed from the site.

(note; greenoaks you are guilty of the same infraction along with many others... no problem I say. Kindly refund our premium payments and I will gladly walk away)

i don't log into anyone's account

that is because no one will give you their password :o :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

so which is it, am i guilty or innocent?
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney[noted]es

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:27 pm

This discussion stops now. If you want to bait and troll go the the lake and take up fishing.
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney[noted]es

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:20 pm

Evil Semp wrote:This discussion stops now. If you want to bait and troll go the the lake and take up fishing.

LOL +1
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney[noted]es

Postby simmons4 on Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:48 pm

cant it just be locked
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney[noted]es

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:43 pm

simmons4 wrote:cant it just be locked

I could lock every thread but then that would be letting the trolls win.
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Re: lynch5762 & davsweeney[noted]es

Postby greenoaks on Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:03 pm

no account sharing at all would solve most problems
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