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mc05025 [CLEARED] BG

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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Dibbun on Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:44 pm

1 month ban for gross game abuse would be appropriate, since it is intentional game abuse since a mod is specifically telling him to stop cheating.
nagerous wrote:Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums

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Jdsizzleslice wrote: So you can crawl back to whatever psychosocial nutjob hole you came from.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby IcePack on Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:56 pm

Dibbun wrote:1 month ban for gross game abuse would be appropriate, since it is intentional game abuse since a mod is specifically telling him to stop cheating.

1) he hasn't done anything against the rules (yet)
2) equal & consistent treatment to all

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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby rhp 1 on Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:10 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:Look.

You miss the turn, you arent some kind of CC martyr trying to change the rules. You're just another high ranked player willing to cheat to win.

lol.. now you're calling him a cheater.... classic...
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Lindax on Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:13 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:MC, you have exhausted my patience as well as my kindness.

What does this mean?

Last edited by Lindax on Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:18 pm

freakns wrote:are you seriously calling this... tactical move? are you kidding me?
this is glg-like, even worse... strategy?! good lord. id seriously limit all you cheaters to play one against others exclusively!

and to be honest, id let you to go with it. if you are not ashamed, then f*ck it, let them call it a tactics. id even let you 1000 points as bonus for good idea, its not like you play a game for fun, so why bother playing at all?!

The reason you would do it is strategy yes. Its making the choice to lose a player in order to gain a tactical advantage. to me its similar to killing a player in escalating, you essentially "take his troops" by killing him for a midturn cash. In essence, the way this round limit thing is engineered they are in fact ENCOURAGING players to do this so that one player on the team has the most troops.

Freak, have you played this game type with teams? if so I really don't see why you can be so angry about this as a tactic. You mustr ealize that it is indeed the smartest thing to do. I'm not saying that it isn't against site policy. This sites policeis are so shady and changing that its hard to know what is legal sometiems. But the way they created round limits sure ASKS for this to happen in team games.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby rhp 1 on Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:20 pm

swimmerdude99 wrote:
freakns wrote:are you seriously calling this... tactical move? are you kidding me?
this is glg-like, even worse... strategy?! good lord. id seriously limit all you cheaters to play one against others exclusively!

and to be honest, id let you to go with it. if you are not ashamed, then f*ck it, let them call it a tactics. id even let you 1000 points as bonus for good idea, its not like you play a game for fun, so why bother playing at all?!

The reason you would do it is strategy yes. Its making the choice to lose a player in order to gain a tactical advantage. to me its similar to killing a player in escalating, you essentially "take his troops" by killing him for a midturn cash. In essence, the way this round limit thing is engineered they are in fact ENCOURAGING players to do this so that one player on the team has the most troops.

Freak, have you played this game type with teams? if so I really don't see why you can be so angry about this as a tactic. You mustr ealize that it is indeed the smartest thing to do. I'm not saying that it isn't against site policy. This sites policeis are so shady and changing that its hard to know what is legal sometiems. But the way they created round limits sure ASKS for this to happen in team games.

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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby jghost7 on Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:31 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:irreparable damage? No way. Suggestions take time. With this case being a hot topic, I feel the thread jghost linked to could help get the rule changed.

MC has the opportunity to do the right thing, instead he and now you are shifting the blame.

At the end of the day, MC has to cheat to win this game.

The problem with this, as with the problem with most suggestions, is that it will sit and may never even get to the implementation part. Meanwhile the players playing team games with round limits are stuck with the current bad implementation of the game.

Not to mention that this linked thread represents an already failed attempt to fix this, that was summarily dismissed without explanation. So whilst you would redirect our indignation towards that thread, we already know the likelyhood of an actual fix to this simple problem is not likely to be seen soon.


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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:33 pm

Dibbun wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:Look.

You miss the turn, you arent some kind of CC martyr trying to change the rules. You're just another high ranked player willing to cheat to win.

Lmao, both of you are wrong about Mc.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:34 pm

rhp 1 wrote:
swimmerdude99 wrote:
freakns wrote:are you seriously calling this... tactical move? are you kidding me?
this is glg-like, even worse... strategy?! good lord. id seriously limit all you cheaters to play one against others exclusively!

and to be honest, id let you to go with it. if you are not ashamed, then f*ck it, let them call it a tactics. id even let you 1000 points as bonus for good idea, its not like you play a game for fun, so why bother playing at all?!

The reason you would do it is strategy yes. Its making the choice to lose a player in order to gain a tactical advantage. to me its similar to killing a player in escalating, you essentially "take his troops" by killing him for a midturn cash. In essence, the way this round limit thing is engineered they are in fact ENCOURAGING players to do this so that one player on the team has the most troops.

Freak, have you played this game type with teams? if so I really don't see why you can be so angry about this as a tactic. You mustr ealize that it is indeed the smartest thing to do. I'm not saying that it isn't against site policy. This sites policeis are so shady and changing that its hard to know what is legal sometiems. But the way they created round limits sure ASKS for this to happen in team games.


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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Kaskavel on Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:52 pm

What are all those last pages about? Of course we will take our turn after it has been stated that losing the turn is against the rule. The size of the punishment is not relevant to us.
I completely agree with Rodion's first post. Very wise indeed. But an even superior alternative to giving a hard punishment to intentional deadbeating is to just fix this problematic rule about team games with round limits.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby Pirlo on Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:15 pm

swimmerdude99 wrote:
freakns wrote:are you seriously calling this... tactical move? are you kidding me?
this is glg-like, even worse... strategy?! good lord. id seriously limit all you cheaters to play one against others exclusively!

and to be honest, id let you to go with it. if you are not ashamed, then f*ck it, let them call it a tactics. id even let you 1000 points as bonus for good idea, its not like you play a game for fun, so why bother playing at all?!

The reason you would do it is strategy yes. Its making the choice to lose a player in order to gain a tactical advantage. to me its similar to killing a player in escalating, you essentially "take his troops" by killing him for a midturn cash. In essence, the way this round limit thing is engineered they are in fact ENCOURAGING players to do this so that one player on the team has the most troops.

Freak, have you played this game type with teams? if so I really don't see why you can be so angry about this as a tactic. You mustr ealize that it is indeed the smartest thing to do. I'm not saying that it isn't against site policy. This sites policeis are so shady and changing that its hard to know what is legal sometiems. But the way they created round limits sure ASKS for this to happen in team games.

I don't see it as similar to taking your teammate out in an escalating game for his cards.. In escalating, you don't pre-planned to take your teammate out. You just pick his last few troops when an opponent fails to complete the elimination. While in this case, both/all teams in a round-limited game may start deliberately and intentionally deadbeat to transfer all the troops at the last 3 rounds of any given game.

I could see it as a tactical move though; and while it could be understandable if the mods decide it's okay, I believe it's bullshit and takes away a lot of fun if teams started following this tactic 3 rounds before the end of the game. I'm not saying the site should ban it; I rather say fix it and make it based on total team troops which is why I started the thread in suggestions forum once I saw it counting an individual's troops.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby rhp 1 on Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:10 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:irreparable damage? No way. Suggestions take time. With this case being a hot topic, I feel the thread jghost linked to could help get the rule changed.

MC has the opportunity to do the right thing, instead he and now you are shifting the blame.

At the end of the day, MC has to cheat to win this game.

and I would think a mod would try to be objective and above the name calling business and simply give a ruling with a possible explanation of a ruling... but with you? apparently not...
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:21 pm

Theres nothing else to discuss on this case.

If he misses its deadbeating.
If he doesn't he's cleared.

I've already linked to the suggestion thread.
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Re: mc05025 [pending] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:21 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:Official Ruling

In order for the player to have his troops transferred to his teammate, he must first intentionally deadbeat. Intentional deadbeating is against the rules. Currently, MC still has one opportunity in this game to take a turn and avoid intentionally deadbeating.

I expect that based on his comments, he will take the turn since intentional deadbeating is not allowed and against the rules.

As with all cases of intentional deadbeating, multiple instances are required. If MC deadbeats, the case will be noted. If MC takes the turn, the case is cleared.

For those of you who didnt click the link, jghost7 found the suggestion thread that attempts to change the Round Limit win conditions for team games from total team troop count instead of highest individual. If you truly want this changed, go to the thread, vote, post, whatever.

jghost7 wrote:

For anyone interested, there has been an attempt to fix this through proper channels, however despite overwhelming support, it was summarily rejected. It is so obvious that this needs to be fixed yet no effort was spent to do so. No reasoning was provided for the rejection.



Update: mc05025 has been CLEARED. He didn't deadbeat. He didn't break any rules.
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