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Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[warned] BG

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Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[warned] BG

Postby crispybits on Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:25 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Ratings Abuse

Game number(s):

Doubles tournament: Afroaction and Karel vs Crispybits and Wi1bert
Game 11340323
Game 11340322
Game 11340319
Ratings of 3x1 given to both myself and Wi1bert and the cheap tactics tag. Neither of us missed a turn (intentionally or otherwise), neither of us did anything out of the ordinary at all really, just built up our stacks, planned our attacks and won 2-1 in a best out of 3 in a tournament.

Speed game: Afroaction vs Larteaga
Game 11320973
Ratings of 3x1 given out to a guy who kicked his ass all over Feudal Epic, with the tag of silent (when Larteaga was actually the only one of the two who said hi and gl) and then got in so much of a strop about losing intentionally deadbeat his way out of the game before Larteaga could beat him fair and square.

Doubles tournament: Afroaction and Karel vs Kjg21 and IanG7
Game 11267631
Game 11267632
Game 11267634
Ratings of 3x1 given to both his opponents with the backstabber and cheap tactics tags. I don't understand how his opponents in a 2v2 doubles match could ever be backstabbers unless they were both attacking each other (which, if you check the game logs, they wreren't). Also struggle to understand the cheap tactics things again - neither missed any turns (intentionally or not), neither did anything out of the ordinary.

3 Speed games: Afroaction vs Fidias
Game 11261117
Game 11189957
Game 11154503
Ratings of 3x1 given to this guy, who beat him 3 out of 3 in some speed games. Tag of cheap tactics. Again with the cheap tactics thing - does that mean "tactics I couldn't beat"? Also gameplay of 1 when he's just lost 3 in a row to the guy. Are we starting to see a "sore loser" theme yet?

6 player terminator: Afroaction vs Slasher175 vs Dougal4chaos vs others
Game 11141597
Ratings of 3x1 left for both the 2 mentioned above with tags of suicider and poor strategy. Leave the poor strategy thing as that's a matter of opinion, but the suicider tags.... Slasher was stll in his castle zone when Afroaction broke in and wiped him out in a single turn. Dougal was still in his castle zone when another player broke through a neutral and wiped him out. Neither had any chance to suicide against anyone.

Doubles speed game: Afroaction and Karel vs Ashm23 and Jaybrake
Game 10959507
Jaybrake gets a 3-2-3 and Ashm gets a 0-1-0. They both get clueless (despite having won the game) Another bad rating when he's lost a game? Shock horror....

1v1 game: Afroaction vs Wshearer3
Game 10925747
Wshearer gets a triple 1 rating with quick and silent tags. No problem with the tags, but to give someone who just beat you a triple 1? Do I smell a sore loser again?

6 player speed game: Afroaction vs GuyFawkes-V- vs others
Game 10907616
GuyFawkes gets a 0-1-0 and cheap tactics tag despite never having come into contact with Afroaction. Game log shows nothing particularly unusual and none of the other players seem to have a problem with the guy....

Speed game: Afroaction vs Sawdust91
Game 10874187
Sawdust gets a 0-1-0 rating despite beating our friend in a 1v1. Tags complainer and rude could be justified, if a little harsh, but the 0-1-0 in a game he won?

1v1 game: Afroaction vs General Chop
Game 10869219
Chop gets a 0-1-0 cheap tactics after beating Afroaction in a 1v1 - are we noticing a pattern here now?

1v1 game: Afroaction vs Vrijd
Game 10852668
See comment for the previous game, applies again

1v1 game: Afroaction vs LeeC
Game 10852668
LeeC gets a 0-1-0 with clueless and cheap tactics despite handing Afro his ass on a plate. I won't argue the cheap tactics as there was an element of hostage taking, but clueless and 0-1-0 in a game he clearly dominated?

Speed game: Afroaction vs Struth
Game 10845997
Another 0-1-0 cheap tactics. I'll let you guess which one of these two won the game...

1v1 game: Afroaction vs Fliptophat
Game 10817245
Guess what? 0-1-0 clueless cheap tactics. Now guess who won....


I've already made game by game observations on 20 games above which this guy has given triple 1 or 0 star ratings for. The common theme seems to be that he's an incredibly bad loser who will trash you in ratings if you dare to have the nerve to beat him in a game. I would suspect his "I will foe you because I am working on medals" thing on his wall is a veiled "I will foe you if you ever beat me because I hate to lose sooooo much I throw all my toys around and have a tantrum".

If it had just been my own rating (which was a perfect 5 before his rating and while I accept that my gameplay rating may go up and down I ALWAYS try and be friendly and play by the rules 100% so I really object to the accusations around attitude and fair play) then I would just forget it and foe him (already have done that bit anyway), but this guy has a long history of form for giving unjustified appalling ratings for many many users.

I hope this is enough for the mods to take action on this guy before he brings down the experience of many more users on this site... I've done a hell of a lot of the legwork already, a quick glance at his "ratings given" pages should tell you all you need to know about him....

As a final point - I only looked at 8-9 of his 138 pages of ratings given, ad only posted those where I could clearly identify the games they relate to. I've barely scratched the surface here...
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby agentcom on Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:28 pm

Now that is how you file a ratings abuse report

edit: fixed haha
Last edited by agentcom on Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby sirgermaine on Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:03 pm

agentcom wrote:Now that is how you file a ratings abuse report

Italics added. Totally agree.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby Campin_Killer on Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:15 pm

agentcom wrote:Now [i]that[i] is NOT how you use BBC Code

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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby agentcom on Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:46 pm

Campin_Killer wrote:
agentcom wrote:Now [i]that[i] is NOT how you use BBC Code


LOL; I was typing it in the quick reply box; missed a slash. You guys can't find any problems with the complaint, so I'm glad I was able to provide something to criticize in the first 2 posts :D
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby therev1957 on Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:07 am

I had the same problem with him...I just foed him and moved on
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby Larry46 on Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:44 am

afro is a sore loser no doubt..............I don't enjoy games with him.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby jltile1 on Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:32 am

If you look at the resent reports the other had if not more bad ratings left and were cleared. Also the fact fact that he is not leaving all ones. Maybe he didnt like your play and thought it was cheap just saying. If everyone else has been cleared he will too. As its all the same but great report bu you can't make someone like your play and not think its cheap, that would be call mind control.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby hmsps on Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:41 am

Its a good report but like jltile1 says there is no real abuse here, afroaction gives varied stars across the board and if he thinks your gameplay looks like 1 star he is entitled to rate that way otherwise we may as well all just give 5 stars for each person. If he was giving 1 stars across the board, the mods would look at this differently.

This should be closed quite quickly.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby crispybits on Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:06 am

So him giving trashy ratings with nonsensical negative tags on a recurring basis to players who beat him isn't abuse because he gives out good ratings when he wins? Go figure. Even if he doesn't like someone personally rating their fair play and gameplay down because of their attitude is giving a dishonest rating. Rating several players as 1 for gameplay who have beat him is rating his own gameplay at what?

If it was just me I'd foe, shrug and move on, that rating will recover over time, but it's not just me he does it to. I've given you several examples above of other players he's done it to, and I've only posted those I can clearly identify the game the rating came from, I could have posted twice as many as that if I had access to the information needed to see which game of several the rating came after. I could then have posted 10-15 times as many as that if I'd bothered to go through all of his ratings pages instead of just the first handful.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby hmsps on Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:12 am

Then it would open the floodgates, recent Highlander case refers. If someone thinks you are a 1 then in their mind you are a 1, FAMO.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby crispybits on Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:01 am

And if the tags you are giving are downright dishonest? Silent on a player who wasn't. Clueless when they've just beaten him soundly in a 1v1. Cheap tactics? What is cheap tactics and howcome so many players suddenly use them for the first time when they beat him?

That's ignoring the ratings being downright dishonest (and therefore abuse). Fair play is pretty objective, either you've played within the rules of the game (or the spirit of those rules) or you haven't. If you haven't then surely you'd be reported for cheating not just given a trashy 1*. Attitude is subjective but hard to justify a 1* when there has been very little contact and what there has been has been the standard "hi, gl" or "gg" (especially from a guy so fond of having a foul-mouthed rant himself). To mark someone as 3 x 1* you'd have to think they were a cheat with a crappy attitude and no idea how to play the game. Forgetting attitude (because it is so subjective) to mark this many people as 2 x 1* on the other two means that all of these players cheated their way to wins (in games when there is no evidence as far as I can see of cheating) despite being really really really bad at the game. How many of us have come across that many players that fit this bill that haven't been reported for cheating and actually have average or above win percentgaes for their preferred style of play (1v1/4 way/6 way/etc)

Go into the games I've linked up there and have a look - find me any justification for 1*s on gameplay or fair play on the majority (when I haven't already mentioned it in the notes) and I'll drop the complaint - I doubt you can.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby afroaction on Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:20 am

Look crisbybits, I gave you a ratting I felt you deserved. The ratting system is an evaluation that is very subjective. Do you understand what that means? Then if you do, there's no case here. Rarely, I give 5 stars across the board to someone. In my point of view; 5 stars equals to 100% fair play, strategy, game play,sportsmanship and attitude, and that's how I grade someone, and rate them accordingly. But since, my ratting hurt your feelings so much, I will explain the ratting i gave you.

We were in tournament together, 3 Jamaica games, 2 of which you were the first player to start, and the third game, my partner had already took his turn, which left you with 3 turns to take. I posted on your wall, and asked you politely to take your 3 turns at once, to keep the games following in a timely fashion. Wasn't to much to ask for, just common courtesy. You replied basically "go f*ck myself and not to rush you because you needed some help from your partner". Fine, that was a legitimate reason. I also said, OK just wait until your partner gets back at you, just take your 3 turns at once. Yet thru out the entire series, you would take 2 turns and wait until the last minute to take your third turn?

equals: 1 star for Attitude Why: because you were rude and uncooperative, and kind of cheap.

game play 1 star: well it was pretty obvious that you had never played the Jamaica, and won by pure luck of the drop and dice. I Know this because I was on-line at same time, watching you take your turns. For expample this move in particular:

I had 20 men On Hanover you had 16 Marlle and this what happened:

2012-07-09 12:51:57 - crispybits assaulted Hanover from Marlle and conquered it from afroaction
2012-07-09 12:52:04 - crispybits assaulted Negril from Hanover and conquered it from afroaction
2012-07-09 12:52:12 - crispybits assaulted Calico Jack from Negril and conquered it from afroaction

and you still had 5 men left over, wtf? Luck does not equal skill therefore you lost 2 stars there Need i say more

2012-07-09 12:52:51 - crispybits reinforced Paisley with 3 troops from Negril
2012-07-09 12:53:00 - crispybits reinforced Paisley with 2 troops from Spain - Columbus

The other 2 stars you lost, well it was clear your partner ran the show, and you were his puppet. In other words, you have the strategy skills of a plant, and did not play fair.

If you don't like the rating I left, well man up, play me again, and prove your worth, until then, my rating stands.

Now I have 138 pages of ratings, 6886 ratings left, if i have to justify every single one, well so be it, I have the time, but I don't feel I need to.

I don't take any ratings received personal. It's simply a personal opinion of me, I have enough self confidence to accept the criticism good or bad and move on. I would suggest that crispy gets a hug from his mommy, suck it up, and stop wasting my time and the mods.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby wi1bert on Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:33 am

I was crispybits' partner in the games you mentioned. We work by cooperating and discussing options. You also gave me a one for gameplay so you contradict yourself.

You seem to be the one wasting people's time and energy here with foeing and negative ratings without justification. I won't be wasting any more energy on you.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby crispybits on Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:47 am

For the record, I never replied "go f** yourself" or anything even close. I explained that it was a new map to me and that I was waiting for my partner to answer a question before I made a move. I believe my words went something like "Sorry, I'm new to this map and I'm waiting for my partner to answer a question so I don't make a bad move. I'll play as soon as he answers me". Perfectly civil and polite. Is there some rule about taking all 3 turns in a tournament at once? This is why I asked on your wall after I saw your rating, because I am still moderately new here and if that's some sort of rule breach then I'll happily apologise but nobody has ever told me anything more than I have to take my turn before the little clock runs out on the official game timer.

As for constantly delaying my turns:

Play 1
Game 1 - 17:45 6th July

Play 2
Game 2 - 9:35 7th July
Game 3 - 9:35 7th July
(game 1 was the one at this point I was waiting for my partner to answer a question, and where the wall posts came in)

Play 3
Game 1 - 22:10 7th July
(the move that was delayed)

Play 4
Game 2 - 7:00 8th July
Game 3 - 7:00 8th July
(Game 1 had not gone round a full turn to allow me to play on that one)

Play 5
Game 1 - 12:50 9th July
Game 2 - 12:50 9th July
Game 3 - 12:50 9th July

Play 6
Game 1 - 2:00 10th July
Game 2 - 2:00 10th July
Game 3 - 2:00 10th July

Play 7
Game 1 - 17:30 10th July
Game 2 - 17:30 10th July
Game 3 - 17:30 10th July

Play 8
Game 1 and 3 were over before I took my turn in Game 2 - which was the last turn of the match

So tell me again how I was not playing all 3 at once?

Rate however you want - but don't lie - either here or in the tags you give out. I'm not complaining about MY rating from you in isolation - I'm complaining about you being dishonest in about 25% of the ratings you give out.

Edit - team chat from the "you took out 20 with 16" game - to prove how honest your post really is (mods can check this and at that time I had no reason to lie to my partner):

2012-07-08 10:24:42 - wi1bert [team]: I'd take everything and try and hot them hard, take one boat out and you have unlimited reinforcements to sort out gaps after?
2012-07-08 18:38:17 - crispybits [team]: okie dokie - i'll go for calico - easier to re-deploy for defence if i start there i think
2012-07-09 05:40:58 - wi1bert [team]: just be aware when you do that riu bueno opens up
2012-07-09 12:53:56 - crispybits [team]: not sure i understand how - gone nowhere near it - i did kill off a 14 stack that was creeping out of that corner tho :-)
2012-07-09 13:09:26 - wi1bert [team]: right he's got your second island, the dotted line around the island connects areas directly
2012-07-09 13:09:49 - wi1bert [team]: for example annotta bay and rui bueno
2012-07-09 13:10:21 - wi1bert [team]: and your area there montego bay connects to st albans and rio bueno
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby afroaction on Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:55 am

Who the heck you think you are to say that "I'm being dishonest in about 25% of the ratings you give out." THOSE ARE MY PERSONAL RATTINGS OF PEOPLE AND MINE ALONE! not yours to judge on what I leave to for other players. With that comment, you're basically saying i have the I.Q. of a plant and can't formulated my own opinion? If the others aren't happy with them, so be it, let them make their own report! You're not the first one to complain, nor will you be the last. Most of them are updated regularly, if the player improves or not.

I will not repeat myself, and I hope I making myself clear to everyone:

I RARELY GIVE OUT 5 STARS=100%! 3 IS AVERAGE 1 STAR IS Very VERY Poor! What is so hard for you to understand?

Seriously, if want to start a flame war, because your precious feelings were hurt, you've picked the wrong fight, mate! I'm a pretty good judge of character, looks like I pegged you out pretty much bang on! I smelt your BS coming a mile away. I wasn't born yesterday, and it will take a lot more then a snot nosed kid like yourself to do me over.

BTW, funny how you erased my wall posts and yours, so you we can't show everyone what was really said.??? Hmmm???? Now that was cheap, then post lies in the forum to try build a case against me, hence the cheap tactics tag! dude get a life!

Be honest with yourself, in 4 the games I played with you; do really think you played 100%??? come on :? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby DiM on Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:04 am

after they cleared HA they'll pretty much have to clear almost anybody when it comes to ratings abuse.

maybe they should just create a "free pass"/"get out of jail" system.

you are a valuable member of the community that dedicated a lot of time and contributed to this site (like HA) then you get a "free pass"/"get out of jail" card. it would explain why HA got cleared and why afroaction will be punished.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby afroaction on Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:25 am

therev1957 wrote:I had the same problem with him...I just foed him and moved on

Btw, you're ratting, my old foe, was totally justified, because you tend embellish the true facts, and always the first one post BS in all the forums! Conveniently "missing???" turns in a five card cash in a speed on, so on, so on...., and Not because you won 7 games out 12 against me and I'm a sore loser.

Map Rank For afroaction
Options: vs. therev1957

Map Rank Points Win/Loss Unique Defeats Kill Ratio Relative Rank
Totals Private1 -1 5 from 12(42%) 3 (0) Murderer (42%)2 Brawler (1.170)

Central America Private 1st Class77 +23 1 from 1(100%) 1 Angel Of Death (100%) Brawler (1.150)
Chicago Private14 -14 0 from 1(0%) 0 Victim (0%)1 Gladiator (1.429)
Feudal War Private 1st Class100 +0 1 from 3(33%) 1 Murderer (33%)1 Gladiator (1.427)
Flanders 1302 Private 1st Class83 +17 1 from 1(100%) 2 Angel Of Death (100%) Equalitarian (0.850)
Lunar War Private13 -13 1 from 3(33%) 1 Murderer (33%)1 Equalitarian (0.966)
Pearl Harbor Private18 -18 0 from 1(0%) 0 Victim (0%)1 Brawler (1.111)
Puget Sound Private 1st Class77 +23 1 from 1(100%) 2 Angel Of Death (100%) Brawler (1.150)
WWII Poland Private19 -19 0 from 1(0%) 0 Victim (0%)1 Equalitarian (1.053)

Really wow you really kicked my ASS!!!! :lol: Big man on Campus here, A WHOLE WOPPING +1 POINT

You really think you're something special EH? :sick:
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby crispybits on Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:26 am

In the first game I played you afro you seemed friendly, I gave you a rating and tags that reflected that, and got a fairly generous rating in return. I was playing in about my 8th game in a 1v1 on monsters which is hardly a map for newbies and you kicked my ass. In the other 3 me and my partner beat you and karel straight up. No missing turns or letting timers run out or anything. Just we were better than you on the day.

Yeah sure - I'm the one deleting wall posts. I delete posts on my own wall on a regular basis to keep it clean so I only have the ones I want to go back to at some point on there, but I don't delete my comments for other people. Did I delete the one I put on your wall yesterday asking politely for an explanation of the cheap tactics tag? No - that was you - just like you deleted the one I left on your wall explaining about the delay to take a turn a week back.

You're jumping to conclusions too - I never said you had the IQ of a house plant (despite you flaming me with a very similar insult in your post), I said that you are giving out dishonest ratings out of spite and petty-mindedness.

As for posting lies in the forum, I'm sure the mods can look at team chats and game logs to decide that. Are you really secure in your assertion that I told you to go f*** yourself on your wall? Are you really certain in your assertion that it really was a 20 stack I wiped out in that game? Because I am certain that both of those are lies. Just like me not synchronising my turns was a lie (as proved in game logs). I'm more than happy for all the chat logs and game logs down to the base xml for troop numbers present at any given time and deleted wall posts to be published here and every single scrap of evidence will show you're the one that doesn't seem to have a handle on reality...
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby afroaction on Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:34 am

crispybits wrote:In the first game I played you afro you seemed friendly, I gave you a rating and tags that reflected that, and got a fairly generous rating in return. I was playing in about my 8th game in a 1v1 on monsters which is hardly a map for newbies and you kicked my ass. In the other 3 me and my partner beat you and karel straight up. No missing turns or letting timers run out or anything. Just we were better than you on the day.

Yeah sure - I'm the one deleting wall posts. I delete posts on my own wall on a regular basis to keep it clean so I only have the ones I want to go back to at some point on there, but I don't delete my comments for other people. Did I delete the one I put on your wall yesterday asking politely for an explanation of the cheap tactics tag? No - that was you - just like you deleted the one I left on your wall explaining about the delay to take a turn a week back.

You're jumping to conclusions too - I never said you had the IQ of a house plant (despite you flaming me with a very similar insult in your post), I said that you are giving out dishonest ratings out of spite and petty-mindedness.

As for posting lies in the forum, I'm sure the mods can look at team chats and game logs to decide that. Are you really secure in your assertion that I told you to go f*** yourself on your wall? Are you really certain in your assertion that it really was a 20 stack I wiped out in that game? Because I am certain that both of those are lies. Just like me not synchronising my turns was a lie (as proved in game logs). I'm more than happy for all the chat logs and game logs down to the base xml for troop numbers present at any given time and deleted wall posts to be published here and every single scrap of evidence will show you're the one that doesn't seem to have a handle on reality...

You're a joke, I'm no longer responding to your nonsense, let the mods make their decision.
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse

Postby GeneralRisk on Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:52 am

afroaction wrote:
therev1957 wrote:I had the same problem with him...I just foed him and moved on

Btw, you're ratting, my old foe, was totally justified, because you tend embellish the true facts, and always the first one post BS in all the forums! Conveniently "missing???" turns in a five card cash in a speed on, so on, so on...., and Not because you won 7 games out 12 against me and I'm a sore loser.

Map Rank For afroaction
Options: vs. therev1957

Map Rank Points Win/Loss Unique Defeats Kill Ratio Relative Rank
Totals Private1 -1 5 from 12(42%) 3 (0) Murderer (42%)2 Brawler (1.170)

Central America Private 1st Class77 +23 1 from 1(100%) 1 Angel Of Death (100%) Brawler (1.150)
Chicago Private14 -14 0 from 1(0%) 0 Victim (0%)1 Gladiator (1.429)
Feudal War Private 1st Class100 +0 1 from 3(33%) 1 Murderer (33%)1 Gladiator (1.427)
Flanders 1302 Private 1st Class83 +17 1 from 1(100%) 2 Angel Of Death (100%) Equalitarian (0.850)
Lunar War Private13 -13 1 from 3(33%) 1 Murderer (33%)1 Equalitarian (0.966)
Pearl Harbor Private18 -18 0 from 1(0%) 0 Victim (0%)1 Brawler (1.111)
Puget Sound Private 1st Class77 +23 1 from 1(100%) 2 Angel Of Death (100%) Brawler (1.150)
WWII Poland Private19 -19 0 from 1(0%) 0 Victim (0%)1 Equalitarian (1.053)

Really wow you really kicked my ASS!!!! :lol: Big man on Campus here, A WHOLE WOPPING +1 POINT

You really think you're something special EH? :sick:
U rated me all 1 s after i beat u and out of the 26 games we played, u won 5
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby afroaction on Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:30 am

No, Again I did not foe your ass because you won more games. It's because of all the BS postings you make in the forums, and simply don't like you because you're one of the biggest point hogs in C.C. history and all the cheating & abuse against you. Why you haven't been permanently vacationed yet, is beyond me?
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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:37 am

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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby BGtheBrain on Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:05 am

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Re: Afroaction - Ratings Abuse[pending]SN

Postby 100mates on Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:24 am

After looking through his ratings, as far in as page 70, i can only conclude that Afroaction is an extremely poor sport who uses the rating system as a weapon in a vindictive and spitefully retaliation towards players (especially lower ranked) who beat him. This is another example of gross abuse, with the accused player excessively rating opponents poorly with little to no justification other then the fact that he can.

Afro you're welcome to contest this and i would be interested for you to explain why you left 3x1 star ratings and tags such as clueless, and cheap tactics for the players in games :
Game 8560203
Game 8879702
Game 8906782
Game 8940842
Game 8940835
Game 8961226

The examples provided are only a fraction of existing similar ratings.

I was unaware that cheap tactics existed in sequential 1vs1's and that winning a 1vs1 makes a player clueless ;) .
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