Conquer Club

Question: Why was HateOfDelay banned from 11031640[Closed]?

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Question: Why was HateOfDelay banned from 11031640[Closed]?

Postby barfield on Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:23 pm

We are all curious! :)

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Re: Question: Why was HateOfDelay banned from 11031640?

Postby agentcom on Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:37 pm

Probably a multi ... carrying on from the post I made seconds ago: Mods, this is what I'm talking about. Why not announce who the other players are that a multi is busted with? I know some people use the C&A complaints to populate their foe list--a practice I have thought to take up.
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Re: Question: Why was HateOfDelay banned from 11031640?

Postby sniffie on Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:21 am

As you can see in the log HateOFDelay was kicked out for violating the game rules.
If you can't find his name here on the forum then he was most probably reported in confidential and got busted as a multi.
Corporal 1st Class sniffie
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