deathcomesrippin wrote:Purposely going out of your way to track down players who have little to no experience playing on your gaming style, then getting them to set up a private match so no one better or more experienced can join, is an abuse of the gaming system.
A. You cannot prove that he tracked down players who have little to no experience on his gaming style.
B. A private match has nothing to do with abuse. It just allows for him to play his match with his consensually agreed partner.
C. Not playing a public match is not a requirement of CC, nor does it constitute abuse.
deathcomesrippin wrote:...As stated previously, if he would have just created public matches, not even all of them needed to be public, we are not banning private matches, this probably never would have been an issue.
Once again, not playing a public match is not a requirement of CC, nor does it constitute abuse. Why is he required by CC law to engage in a public match?
deathcomesrippin wrote: Would he be conquerer if he would have taken on anyone?
I don't believe this has anything to do with the alleged abuse. It is simply a product of maintaining the highest score on CC. Everyone knows that this does not necessarily equate to game skill.
deathcomesrippin wrote:Who knows, he didn't bother to accept any challenges...
Accepting challenges is not a requirement of CC nor of holding the title of conqueror. If being conqueror is perceived as being part of the problem, then why is something not done to work on the scoring system or the conqueror title itself?
deathcomesrippin wrote:...and he also didn't bother listening to his first warning.
I think he did. I think that it is possible that he likes his style of play and tried to enjoy his time but with higher ranked players as rank was evidently a main part of his warning. But evidently, everyone is a potential NR, so he was set up from the start. I believe you should have been more specific from the start to make a better warning. In essence, you should have just warned him off his preferred map and settings and have been done with it.
deathcomesrippin wrote:... this will mark a new step in keeping the game clear of exploitation and rule-breaking.
Yep, it seems fill in the blank rules could be the new vogue here at CC. One won't know the rule they break till after they receive their warning. More and more invented rules to patch a system sorely in need of an upgrade, making maneuvering the CC rule minefield an interesting dance.
deathcomesrippin wrote:There is no doubt that this was an exploit.
Hmmm...I do think there is some room for doubt.
deathcomesrippin wrote:Whether it was his fault or not originally, he was issued a warning about continuing the behavior. He chose to ignore that warning and attempted to circumvent it. This resulted in his ban.
He apparently tried to work within the guidelines that were set within his warning. I just think that the warning was dodgy from the start and not written clearly enough. Probably should have been something like this: You are forthwith banned from using X maps with Y settings. Any attempt to use these without the express written consent of the ruling counsel of mods is prohibited and will result in your escalation of your warning to a ban. ...because that is mostly what it works out to.