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Draq [warned] BG

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Draq [warned] BG

Postby lt.Futt on Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:28 pm



The accused are suspected of: Bigotry(?) My English isn't the best.


2012-06-30 23:46:03 - Draq [team]: fort tokyo
2012-06-30 23:46:42 - lt. Futt [team]: manila?
2012-06-30 23:46:47 - Draq [team]: wtf?
2012-06-30 23:46:54 - Draq [team]: TOKYO!
2012-06-30 23:47:06 - Draq [team]: is blocked in
2012-06-30 23:47:46 - lt. Futt [team]: we need to guard SA
2012-06-30 23:48:03 - lt. Futt [team]: fort mexico from chicago
2012-06-30 23:50:19 - lt. Futt [team]: and please behave
2012-06-30 23:50:24 - lt. Futt [team]: I don't take BS
2012-06-30 23:52:45 - Draq [team]: what?
2012-06-30 23:53:33 - Draq [team]: you must be shittin me
2012-06-30 23:55:24 - lt. Futt [team]: fort?
2012-06-30 23:55:29 - lt. Futt [team]: LA?
2012-06-30 23:55:33 - lt. Futt [team]: guard SA
2012-06-30 23:55:58 - Draq [team]: you´re the boss?
2012-06-30 23:56:06 - Draq [team]: did´nt you say so?
2012-06-30 23:56:11 - lt. Futt [team]: at least I speak to you in a proper language
2012-06-30 23:56:17 - Draq [team]: or was it all an act?
2012-06-30 23:56:56 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you mind?
2012-06-30 23:57:33 - Draq [team]: wow you´re an asshole like all the norweigian, to bad Breivik didnt shot you all

Game number(s):

Game 11316276

Comments: I don't know what to add. "I'm schocked"?

2012-06-30 23:46:03 - Draq [team]: fort tokyo
2012-06-30 23:46:42 - lt. Futt [team]: manila?
2012-06-30 23:46:47 - Draq [team]: wtf?
2012-06-30 23:46:54 - Draq [team]: TOKYO!
2012-06-30 23:47:06 - Draq [team]: is blocked in
2012-06-30 23:47:46 - lt. Futt [team]: we need to guard SA

Draq says fort (from) Tokyo. I ask where: Manila? I figured better guard SA border from NA. Then he went wtf and screamed Tokyo. This is why I told him to behave. Besides this we were in majority. We just had two front war going over Ociania and South America. We might have been pretty even around both bonus areas after a rough start. No reason for him to lose his temper, really.

However what I report Draq for is this: 2012-06-30 23:57:33 - Draq [team]: wow you´re an asshole like all the norweigian, to bad Breivik didnt shot you all

As you can see from the team chat, Draq rather would try to insult me than talk stategy. Unwilling to cooperate.
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Re: Draq

Postby GallantPellham on Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:59 pm

Get a life fuct, your playing with one of the masters of the game, and don't have the intelligence to follow his instructions. I'll promise you he'll never play with you again.
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Re: Draq

Postby Symmetry on Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:19 pm

I'm assuming that a player who, shortly after 9/11, wished that an American player had died in the twin towers would probably be given a bit of a time out. no matter his or her rank.

A time out seems like the best option. Unless, of course, ripping on Norwegians for a horrific act of terrorism is ok just because they're Norwegian.

"Master of the game", or not.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Draq

Postby GallantPellham on Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:35 pm

Symmetry wrote:I'm assuming that a player who, shortly after 9/11, wished that an American player had died in the twin towers would probably be given a bit of a time out. no matter his or her rank.

A time out seems like the best option. Unless, of course, ripping on Norwegians for a horrific act of terrorism is ok just because they're Norwegian.

"Master of the game", or not.

Go change your tampon, I'm tired of the fascist politically correct crowd whining every time someone hurts their little feelings. whatever label you happen to be, there's a racist or sexist name for it. it's how people push your buttons. please have some sense of reality. and incidentally my English friend, if it wasn't for the dear ol' USA, you'd be goose steeping around Buckingham Palace.
Pay your 25 dollars US, and your damned opinion might have more validity.
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Re: Draq

Postby jefjef on Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:03 am

From funfactsNorway:

Norwegians love telling Swedish jokes

Norway used to be under Swedish rule, and the Swedes are by many Norwegians viewed as the ‘impolite’ big brother that always thinks he knows best. The Swedes on the other hand sees Norway as the dimwitted little brother. As a result a rivalry has developed between the two Scandinavian nations. For Norwegians this involves ridiculing Swedes in jokes, celebrating when Sweden looses a football match, fails to win any gold medals in the winter Olympics, and most importantly, celebrate when Norway beats the Swedes in the annual Euro vision song contest.

Lt Futt is from Norway - Draq from Sweden and what was chatted isn't racism - just a border dispute.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: Draq

Postby hmsps on Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:46 am

GallantPellham wrote:Get a life fuct, your playing with one of the masters of the game, and don't have the intelligence to follow his instructions. I'll promise you he'll never play with you again.
You really have to be a master of the game to play the classic map? You dont really need to even chat on that map.

I have no issues with Draq and he may well be a friend of yours but really you can't condone what he has said whether he said it in anger or not. As for your further comments about helping us in the war, I would like to thank you personally for all you have done =D> =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Draq

Postby Arama86n on Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:15 am

Take it from someone that's played a fair bit with Draq; you're taking this too seriously. This is a guy that used to have "male model & proctologist" under occupation... :D
He was just venting on you because you wern't listening to advice.
Ano no offence, but, if Draq suggested you make one fort, and you make another that he gets upset about, I'd be willing to put money on the fact that you made a questionable move.
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Re: Draq

Postby Draq on Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:58 am

I have not much to say to my defense except I get stupid and say things I don´t really mean when I get drunk.

I have send my apologies to It.Futt, and I did not meant what I said and was even shocked to see that I wrote that. Sorry to all that I might have offended.
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Re: Draq

Postby lt.Futt on Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:18 am

Draq wrote:I have not much to say to my defense except I get stupid and say things I don´t really mean when I get drunk.

I have send my apologies to It.Futt, and I don´t meant what I said and was even shocked to see that I wrote that.

Dobbel comminication. I received the apologize from Draq. There are no excuse. I forgive Draq.

However, it was bad/evil. This is something I don't like to see. Prolly the worst thing someone has said to me ever.

In addition, like GallantPellham and Arama86n, it's just as schoking to see you defend such act. GallantPellham even mention intelligence and get a life. I'm just shaking my head. No words.

Jefjef are right. Scandinavians love telling jokes about eachother. Regretably you're far out here.
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Re: Draq

Postby Draq on Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:25 am

It.futt is right here. There is no excuse for my comment and I feel very ashamed for writing such a horribly stupid comment. Sure swedes and norwegians like to tell jokes on each other, but what I wrote was just wrong and over the top and nothing I can stand for.
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Draq

Postby eddie2 on Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:10 am

Draq wrote:I have not much to say to my defense except I get stupid and say things I don´t really mean when I get drunk.

I have send my apologies to It.Futt, and I did not meant what I said and was even shocked to see that I wrote that. Sorry to all that I might have offended.

this is exactly the point many say things on this site once they have had a drink or two (i should now of this.) and i do hope the moderators take a step back on this one as it is a isolated event if there is several recent games where this kind of chat has happened then a warning should be issued after the result of a recent case but i do not believe there will be.

still think we should all have a 24 hour self exclude button from the forums for when we are having a drink or a way to turn forums posts off lol
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Re: Draq

Postby lt.Futt on Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:25 am

Arama86n wrote:Take it from someone that's played a fair bit with Draq; you're taking this too seriously. This is a guy that used to have "male model & proctologist" under occupation... :D
He was just venting on you because you wern't listening to advice.
Ano no offence, but, if Draq suggested you make one fort, and you make another that he gets upset about, I'd be willing to put money on the fact that you made a questionable move.

Actually, Arama86n, I demand an apologize here. First of all you do not acknowledge what Draq actually said. You focus on the fort. It's schocking, I keep telling.

You're swedish. You know scandinavia. You know how small our counties are. According to Breiviks mass murdering children and youths, any comments like what Draq said, is a roulette. What if some CC members are personally affected of the mass murdering? Luckily for Draq and you, nur me or my family are not. However, one months after the mass murdering I randomly met Silja Kristianne Uteng; one of the wounded vitcims. At that time, she didn't told me was shot by Breivik. I saw her in the news she was going to vitness in the trail. When I met Silja, I remember I had a hard laugh at her. She sat among us one a bench and we did talk like nothing. Suddenly I saw her eyes were far out, and she rolled her pierced tounge. Eyes far out and her mouth half open. I don't know where she was in her mind, but she looked far out. I had no idea and I started to laaugh at her, and told her why. She just smiled and took part again in the converstation.

An old school mate's wounded son did vitness too.

Remember this, if you ever, among Norwegians, try to make fun or what ever out of the mass murdering of children and youths, you ought to make sure you don't hit someone that lost their loved ones. This big was this massacre for this small country. You're playing roulette. Please don't tell me how to reach on the topic and please don't rip up our sorrows. The whole nation was affected. I guess the whole world was schocked.

Second, Arama86n. About the game play. The fort was questionable. However, we had two good options; either-or, in my opinion. We had a two front war going. But that's how team play are. You just got to make compromise. I master the set up just as good as Draq. You miss all points in your post.
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Re: Draq

Postby smegal69 on Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:42 am

GallantPellham wrote:
Symmetry wrote:I'm assuming that a player who, shortly after 9/11, wished that an American player had died in the twin towers would probably be given a bit of a time out. no matter his or her rank.

A time out seems like the best option. Unless, of course, ripping on Norwegians for a horrific act of terrorism is ok just because they're Norwegian.

"Master of the game", or not.

Go change your tampon, I'm tired of the fascist politically correct crowd whining every time someone hurts their little feelings. whatever label you happen to be, there's a racist or sexist name for it. it's how people push your buttons. please have some sense of reality. and incidentally my English friend, if it wasn't for the dear ol' USA, you'd be goose steeping around Buckingham Palace.
Pay your 25 dollars US, and your damned opinion might have more validity.
God Bless John Wayne.

fascist political correctness is the hoop we all have to jump through these days GP and you better get use to it, what drag said was wrong, and should be warned for it.
and if that make's you tired to bloody bad.
as for the good ol' USA and you'd be goose steeping around Buckingham Palace......hate to burst your bubble , but Hitler had lost the war before the good ol' USA had gotten of it ass and joined (the world war started in Sept 1939 not Dec 1941)....... Russia would have won with you guys or without, Stalin had no problem with political correctness he would have just throw 20 million more soldiers at him.

and don't panic, you soon will be paying for it with Chinese Yuan Renminbi
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Re: Draq

Postby Arama86n on Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:57 am

lt. Futt wrote:
Arama86n wrote:Take it from someone that's played a fair bit with Draq; you're taking this too seriously. This is a guy that used to have "male model & proctologist" under occupation... :D
He was just venting on you because you wern't listening to advice.
Ano no offence, but, if Draq suggested you make one fort, and you make another that he gets upset about, I'd be willing to put money on the fact that you made a questionable move.

Actually, Arama86n, I demand an apologize here. First of all you do not acknowledge what Draq actually said. You focus on the fort. It's schocking, I keep telling.

You're swedish. You know scandinavia. You know how small our counties are. According to Breiviks mass murdering children and youths, any comments like what Draq said, is a roulette. What if some CC members are personally affected of the mass murdering? Luckily for Draq and you, nur me or my family are not. However, one months after the mass murdering I randomly met Silja Kristianne Uteng; one of the wounded vitcims. At that time, she didn't told me was shot by Breivik. I saw her in the news she was going to vitness in the trail. When I met Silja, I remember I had a hard laugh at her. She sat among us one a bench and we did talk like nothing. Suddenly I saw her eyes were far out, and she rolled her pierced tounge. Eyes far out and her mouth half open. I don't know where she was in her mind, but she looked far out. I had no idea and I started to laaugh at her, and told her why. She just smiled and took part again in the converstation.

An old school mate's wounded son did vitness too.

Remember this, if you ever, among Norwegians, try to make fun or what ever out of the mass murdering of children and youths, you ought to make sure you don't hit someone that lost their loved ones. This big was this massacre for this small country. You're playing roulette. Please don't tell me how to reach on the topic and please don't rip up our sorrows. The whole nation was affected. I guess the whole world was schocked.

Second, Arama86n. About the game play. The fort was questionable. However, we had two good options; either-or, in my opinion. We had a two front war going. But that's how team play are. You just got to make compromise. I master the set up just as good as Draq. You miss all points in your post.

wow It.Futt... that's some heavy stuff your throwing at me on Sunday morning. :|
After so many years playing on-line games, meeting uneducated idiots, and throngs of 14 year olds shooting off the mouths and saying the vilest things I have developed a thick skin. I very rarely take offence at things any more, and I suppose sometimes I forget there are people out there who don't have such thick skin, who are more easily offended, and that there are subjects like this that are very touchy, that are out-of-bounds and should not be talked about in a less than serious manner. (Not that I have ever mentioned the Norwegian tragedy in ANY circumstance, for the record.)
My only reason for writing in this thread was to give some perspective about Draq, that I knew he wasn't serious in what he wrote, and that needed to be said.
You'll have to excuse me for not saying much else, but I really don't want to get into a discussion about what happened in Norway last July, not in a forum on the internet. I don't have the words.
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Re: Draq

Postby lt.Futt on Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:13 am

Arama86n wrote: wow It.Futt... that's some heavy stuff your throwing at me on Sunday morning. :|
After so many years playing on-line games, meeting uneducated idiots, and throngs of 14 year olds shooting off the mouths and saying the vilest things I have developed a thick skin. I very rarely take offence at things any more, and I suppose sometimes I forget there are people out there who don't have such thick skin, who are more easily offended, and that there are subjects like this that are very touchy, that are out-of-bounds and should not be talked about in a less than serious manner. (Not that I have ever mentioned the Norwegian tragedy in ANY circumstance, for the record.)
My only reason for writing in this thread was to give some perspective about Draq, that I knew he wasn't serious in what he wrote, and that needed to be said.
You'll have to excuse me for not saying much else, but I really don't want to get into a discussion about what happened in Norway last July, not in a forum on the internet. I don't have the words.

I threw the heavy stuff right back at you, Mr. Thick Skin.

How thick skin do I need to be bullet proof? Draq wanted me shot by Breivik which he later asked apologize for. None of Breivik's victims has bullet proof skin. I guess I wouldn't either.

Draq himself are schocked and ashame of what he said. I guess we don't have your inhuman bullet proof skin.
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Re: Draq

Postby jltile1 on Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:12 pm

lt. Futt wrote:
Arama86n wrote: wow It.Futt... that's some heavy stuff your throwing at me on Sunday morning. :|
After so many years playing on-line games, meeting uneducated idiots, and throngs of 14 year olds shooting off the mouths and saying the vilest things I have developed a thick skin. I very rarely take offence at things any more, and I suppose sometimes I forget there are people out there who don't have such thick skin, who are more easily offended, and that there are subjects like this that are very touchy, that are out-of-bounds and should not be talked about in a less than serious manner. (Not that I have ever mentioned the Norwegian tragedy in ANY circumstance, for the record.)
My only reason for writing in this thread was to give some perspective about Draq, that I knew he wasn't serious in what he wrote, and that needed to be said.
You'll have to excuse me for not saying much else, but I really don't want to get into a discussion about what happened in Norway last July, not in a forum on the internet. I don't have the words.

I threw the heavy stuff right back at you, Mr. Thick Skin.

How thick skin do I need to be bullet proof? Draq wanted me shot by Breivik which he later asked apologize for. None of Breivik's victims has bullet proof skin. I guess I wouldn't either.

Draq himself are schocked and ashame of what he said. I guess we don't have your inhuman bullet proof skin.

The guy said sorry why can that be enough.

Why turn this into some crazy history class or a circus.
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Re: Draq

Postby maxfaraday on Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:18 pm

Ok i read all the posts.

Once someone made nasty comments about me being french.
Calling me a frog.

I couldnt care less about that.

Then he said something about how we "zurendered" to the the nazis.

There are some things you just don't say.
From: Karl_R_Kroenen
To: maxfaraday

I have noted this post and if it continues, there will be consequences for you.
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Re: Draq

Postby lt.Futt on Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:32 pm

jltile1 wrote:
lt. Futt wrote:
Arama86n wrote: wow It.Futt... that's some heavy stuff your throwing at me on Sunday morning. :|
After so many years playing on-line games, meeting uneducated idiots, and throngs of 14 year olds shooting off the mouths and saying the vilest things I have developed a thick skin. I very rarely take offence at things any more, and I suppose sometimes I forget there are people out there who don't have such thick skin, who are more easily offended, and that there are subjects like this that are very touchy, that are out-of-bounds and should not be talked about in a less than serious manner. (Not that I have ever mentioned the Norwegian tragedy in ANY circumstance, for the record.)
My only reason for writing in this thread was to give some perspective about Draq, that I knew he wasn't serious in what he wrote, and that needed to be said.
You'll have to excuse me for not saying much else, but I really don't want to get into a discussion about what happened in Norway last July, not in a forum on the internet. I don't have the words.

I threw the heavy stuff right back at you, Mr. Thick Skin.

How thick skin do I need to be bullet proof? Draq wanted me shot by Breivik which he later asked apologize for. None of Breivik's victims has bullet proof skin. I guess I wouldn't either.

Draq himself are schocked and ashame of what he said. I guess we don't have your inhuman bullet proof skin.

The guy said sorry why can that be enough.

Why turn this into some crazy history class or a circus.

Draq's apologize is a good example. He's very clear and I forgave him.

Arama86n is vague. I didn't really catch what he excuses for. Also he might implicate that I'm very sensitive. I won't have problem to forgive Aram86n if he apologizes clear. I just think he's vague. I don't accept that.

Why can't you be mainly. crazy history class or a circus. Jeez! Do you have to provoce? Stick to the case. Do I have to remind you that it wasn't me that started the mess. However we're trying to square up.
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Re: Draq

Postby NoSurvivors on Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:54 pm

lt. Futt wrote:
jltile1 wrote:
lt. Futt wrote:
Arama86n wrote: wow It.Futt... that's some heavy stuff your throwing at me on Sunday morning. :|
After so many years playing on-line games, meeting uneducated idiots, and throngs of 14 year olds shooting off the mouths and saying the vilest things I have developed a thick skin. I very rarely take offence at things any more, and I suppose sometimes I forget there are people out there who don't have such thick skin, who are more easily offended, and that there are subjects like this that are very touchy, that are out-of-bounds and should not be talked about in a less than serious manner. (Not that I have ever mentioned the Norwegian tragedy in ANY circumstance, for the record.)
My only reason for writing in this thread was to give some perspective about Draq, that I knew he wasn't serious in what he wrote, and that needed to be said.
You'll have to excuse me for not saying much else, but I really don't want to get into a discussion about what happened in Norway last July, not in a forum on the internet. I don't have the words.

I threw the heavy stuff right back at you, Mr. Thick Skin.

How thick skin do I need to be bullet proof? Draq wanted me shot by Breivik which he later asked apologize for. None of Breivik's victims has bullet proof skin. I guess I wouldn't either.

Draq himself are schocked and ashame of what he said. I guess we don't have your inhuman bullet proof skin.

The guy said sorry why can that be enough.

Why turn this into some crazy history class or a circus.

Draq's apologize is a good example. He's very clear and I forgave him.

Arama86n is vague. I didn't really catch what he excuses for. Also he might implicate that I'm very sensitive. I won't have problem to forgive Aram86n if he apologizes clear. I just think he's vague. I don't accept that.

Why can't you be mainly. crazy history class or a circus. Jeez! Do you have to provoce? Stick to the case. Do I have to remind you that it wasn't me that started the mess. However we're trying to square up.

I think what he means is that you forgave him after he apologized, and might consider taking this thread down (recanting your statement).. I am sure if you got drunk and said something stupid, that you would want to be forgiven and have him recant his accusation. However thats up to you. You have a legitamite case here.. but reqally its up to you to bail him out. You did forgive him, and I am sure he would be greatful.
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Re: Draq

Postby eddie2 on Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:49 am

maxfaraday wrote:Ok i read all the posts.

Once someone made nasty comments about me being french.
Calling me a frog.

I couldnt care less about that.

Then he said something about how we "zurendered" to the the nazis.

There are some things you just don't say.

lol the french are frogs im a scottish jock living in bean land
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Re: Draq

Postby lt.Futt on Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:52 am

NoSurvivors wrote:
lt. Futt wrote:
jltile1 wrote:
lt. Futt wrote:
Arama86n wrote: wow It.Futt... that's some heavy stuff your throwing at me on Sunday morning. :|
After so many years playing on-line games, meeting uneducated idiots, and throngs of 14 year olds shooting off the mouths and saying the vilest things I have developed a thick skin. I very rarely take offence at things any more, and I suppose sometimes I forget there are people out there who don't have such thick skin, who are more easily offended, and that there are subjects like this that are very touchy, that are out-of-bounds and should not be talked about in a less than serious manner. (Not that I have ever mentioned the Norwegian tragedy in ANY circumstance, for the record.)
My only reason for writing in this thread was to give some perspective about Draq, that I knew he wasn't serious in what he wrote, and that needed to be said.
You'll have to excuse me for not saying much else, but I really don't want to get into a discussion about what happened in Norway last July, not in a forum on the internet. I don't have the words.

I threw the heavy stuff right back at you, Mr. Thick Skin.

How thick skin do I need to be bullet proof? Draq wanted me shot by Breivik which he later asked apologize for. None of Breivik's victims has bullet proof skin. I guess I wouldn't either.

Draq himself are schocked and ashame of what he said. I guess we don't have your inhuman bullet proof skin.

The guy said sorry why can that be enough.

Why turn this into some crazy history class or a circus.

Draq's apologize is a good example. He's very clear and I forgave him.

Arama86n is vague. I didn't really catch what he excuses for. Also he might implicate that I'm very sensitive. I won't have problem to forgive Aram86n if he apologizes clear. I just think he's vague. I don't accept that.

Why can't you be mainly. crazy history class or a circus. Jeez! Do you have to provoce? Stick to the case. Do I have to remind you that it wasn't me that started the mess. However we're trying to square up.

I think what he means is that you forgave him after he apologized, and might consider taking this thread down (recanting your statement).. I am sure if you got drunk and said something stupid, that you would want to be forgiven and have him recant his accusation. However thats up to you. You have a legitamite case here.. but reqally its up to you to bail him out. You did forgive him, and I am sure he would be greatful.

I recant my statement against Draq.
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Re: Draq

Postby Campin_Killer on Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:01 am

smegal69 wrote:
GallantPellham wrote:
Symmetry wrote:I'm assuming that a player who, shortly after 9/11, wished that an American player had died in the twin towers would probably be given a bit of a time out. no matter his or her rank.

A time out seems like the best option. Unless, of course, ripping on Norwegians for a horrific act of terrorism is ok just because they're Norwegian.

"Master of the game", or not.

Go change your tampon, I'm tired of the fascist politically correct crowd whining every time someone hurts their little feelings. whatever label you happen to be, there's a racist or sexist name for it. it's how people push your buttons. please have some sense of reality. and incidentally my English friend, if it wasn't for the dear ol' USA, you'd be goose steeping around Buckingham Palace.
Pay your 25 dollars US, and your damned opinion might have more validity.
God Bless John Wayne.

fascist political correctness is the hoop we all have to jump through these days GP and you better get use to it, what drag said was wrong, and should be warned for it.
and if that make's you tired to bloody bad.
as for the good ol' USA and you'd be goose steeping around Buckingham Palace......hate to burst your bubble , but Hitler had lost the war before the good ol' USA had gotten of it ass and joined (the world war started in Sept 1939 not Dec 1941)....... Russia would have won with you guys or without, Stalin had no problem with political correctness he would have just throw 20 million more soldiers at him.

and don't panic, you soon will be paying for it with Chinese Yuan Renminbi

I hate to burst your bubble, but if the US hadn't been sending Britian supplies during the Battl eof Britian, you probably would be goose stepping right now. Because then Hitler could've transferred all those troops fighting Britian in Africa and the ones in Britian to the Eastern front and, lo and behold, could've had a chance against Russia
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Re: Draq [pending] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:00 am

Locked: This isnt the place to discuss WWII strategy, if it doesnt add to the case, please discuss it elsewhere. I also dont think Hitler played with unlimited reinforcements.
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Re: Draq [warned] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:30 am

Draq has been WARNED for bigtory.
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