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BOB 5.3.0

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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby Leehar on Thu May 17, 2012 3:22 pm

GeneralRisk wrote:HELP plz................I can take snapshots but I cannot see any

Yeah, it's been up-and-down.
I sometimes also have the issue of past snapshots giving weird random numbers and colours for the field placings (neutral stacks pop up etc)
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby Squirly on Sat May 19, 2012 7:26 pm

Bob isn't working for me today.
I can't see any of my snapshots that were left in the chat, no map inspect or whatever you call it.
I'm surprised I'm the 1st to report this, I don't think its a prob w/my computer
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby DiM on Sat May 19, 2012 7:30 pm

Squirly wrote:Bob isn't working for me today.
I can't see any of my snapshots that were left in the chat, no map inspect or whatever you call it.
I'm surprised I'm the 1st to report this, I don't think its a prob w/my computer

it's working just fine for me.
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby agentcom on Sat May 19, 2012 10:09 pm

I haven't noticed anything ...
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby ender516 on Sat May 19, 2012 10:16 pm

Squirly wrote:Bob isn't working for me today.
I can't see any of my snapshots that were left in the chat, no map inspect or whatever you call it.
I'm surprised I'm the 1st to report this, I don't think its a prob w/my computer

Since BOB has not been updated in the last few days, and no one else is reporting a complete BOB-out, I tend to think that it is a problem local to you. Check that both Greasemonkey and BOB are enabled. Can you see the BOB menu at the left? What do you see in the chat where your snapshots should have been?
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby GeneralRisk on Sun May 20, 2012 1:13 am

Squirly wrote:Bob isn't working for me today.
I can't see any of my snapshots that were left in the chat, no map inspect or whatever you call it.
I'm surprised I'm the 1st to report this, I don't think its a prob w/my computer
I have the same problem
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby sherkaner on Sun May 20, 2012 2:57 am

GeneralRisk wrote:
Squirly wrote:Bob isn't working for me today.
I can't see any of my snapshots that were left in the chat, no map inspect or whatever you call it.
I'm surprised I'm the 1st to report this, I don't think its a prob w/my computer
I have the same problem

Ok, I'll guess it's firefox you're using. If nothing shows up (not even the menu at the left side, in-game at least if I hear the description) and greasemonkey is enabled and you have the scripts installed (ctrl-shift-a to go to addons and check), the most likely cause is that there is some error being thrown in the script itself.

If that is the case, the error would help me a lot. To retrieve (I think I told this a few times already, maybe I should mention it somewhere central..):
ctrl-shift-j to open the console, clear it, select only errors (warnings are irrelevant) and reload a page that should have displayed BOB. If you get any errors displayed there, please give me the error (PM/post here).
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby Catarah on Sun May 20, 2012 5:16 am

agentcom wrote:
sherkaner wrote:No, the only numbers I have are from a long time ago, if I updated the script it tended to get just above 1000 hits in the next 3 days (which means about 1000 installs, and some people will put it on multiple computers). I think now it will still be around that number. And of course high ranking players tend to use the forum and if they don't play freestyle they'll probably have BOB.
90%-number might be a bit high, mainly because of freestyle.

I didn't know that freestyle players don't like BOB ... why is that?

But even with 1000 installs the rate among top players has got to be pretty high. There are around 1500 players who are Majors or above and only about 400 that are Colonels or above. If you subtracted out the mainly freestyle players, I would imagine that you would get 90%+ coverage among non-freestyle Colonels. But this is just a conjecture based on the people that I play with (an admittedly small sample).

even though i´m sure most use it, i´d think 90% is a bit high estimate. there are already ~2500 players Captain or higher. thats less then 50% of the 1800+ players use it. now even though the higher rank you have, the more likely you are to use it, i would think that it is less clustered at the top rank, i'd think lots of captains and majors also use it. you might still get anywhere from 60 to 80% of the non-freestyle Colonels, but 90% stil seems a bit high.

but ah well, we'll never know :P
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby GeneralRisk on Sun May 20, 2012 8:27 am

sherkaner wrote:
GeneralRisk wrote:
Squirly wrote:Bob isn't working for me today.
I can't see any of my snapshots that were left in the chat, no map inspect or whatever you call it.
I'm surprised I'm the 1st to report this, I don't think its a prob w/my computer
I have the same problem

Ok, I'll guess it's firefox you're using. If nothing shows up (not even the menu at the left side, in-game at least if I hear the description) and greasemonkey is enabled and you have the scripts installed (ctrl-shift-a to go to addons and check), the most likely cause is that there is some error being thrown in the script itself.

If that is the case, the error would help me a lot. To retrieve (I think I told this a few times already, maybe I should mention it somewhere central..):
ctrl-shift-j to open the console, clear it, select only errors (warnings are irrelevant) and reload a page that should have displayed BOB. If you get any errors displayed there, please give me the error (PM/post here).

I was using 3.5 ff and downloaded 12...i reinstalled both bob and greasemonkey....I have the BoB menu and in chat there is snapshots....I can take snapshots...Just cant see any.
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby Squirly on Mon May 21, 2012 11:56 am

ender516 wrote:
Squirly wrote:Bob isn't working for me today.
I can't see any of my snapshots that were left in the chat, no map inspect or whatever you call it.
I'm surprised I'm the 1st to report this, I don't think its a prob w/my computer

Since BOB has not been updated in the last few days, and no one else is reporting a complete BOB-out, I tend to think that it is a problem local to you. Check that both Greasemonkey and BOB are enabled. Can you see the BOB menu at the left? What do you see in the chat where your snapshots should have been?

Well, I don't know what happened but I couldn't see the Bob menu on the left when I was in a game.
Before Sherk left some instructions, I clicked on the arrow next to the monkey face, messed around with some stuff (not sure what), then I changed some of the settings in the Bob menu ( I could see it when I wasn't in a game), It seemed that some of he Bob stuff was turned off. Then I restarted my computer and things were back to normal.
I wish I had taken notes for you guys, next time I will.

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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby GeneralRisk on Tue May 22, 2012 2:56 am

My bob is ok now. Some update on ff fixed the problem.
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby Leehar on Tue May 22, 2012 11:17 am

Chrome's still messing up my older snapshots, and Idk how to do the error console thing there either
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby drunkmonkey on Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:57 am

I don't know if this is the place for BOB suggestions, but would it be possible to change the text on the snapshots in the chat log, to indicate whose turn was up when the snap was taken? I think it would be helpful if instead of the link reading "snapshot round 1", it said something like "snapshot round 1 - drunkmonkey turn". This would make it easier to look at the history in quad games, instead of going back and forth comparing the time of the snaps to the times in the game log.

Thanks for updating & maintaining such a great tool.
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby agentcom on Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:05 pm

That would be kind of nice. I always have to flip back and forth between game log and chat log and look at time stamps, which gets annoying since I have one at the top and one at the bottom of the screen.
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby ender516 on Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:12 pm

agentcom wrote:That would be kind of nice. I always have to flip back and forth between game log and chat log and look at time stamps, which gets annoying since I have one at the top and one at the bottom of the screen.

I have often thought that a merged game/chat log would be a nice option, with the chat being italicized, say, or the game log entries being bold, so that they are easy to distinguish.
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby agentcom on Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:16 pm

ender516 wrote:
agentcom wrote:That would be kind of nice. I always have to flip back and forth between game log and chat log and look at time stamps, which gets annoying since I have one at the top and one at the bottom of the screen.

I have often thought that a merged game/chat log would be a nice option, with the chat being italicized, say, or the game log entries being bold, so that they are easy to distinguish.

But that could get annoying also.

It would be nice if maybe there a global log (hey, how about Global Log for the name?) sometimes. But other times that other stuff would just get in the way.

Perfect world: You'd have a checkboxes on what to show:

X Team/self chat ... X Opponent Chat ... X Start/end of turn ... X Deployments, battles and forts

The first one is actually from a different suggestion, but if you're working on combining/suppressing stuff, might as well do this too
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby dwilhelmi on Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:07 am

My BOB just disappeared on the game page. The sidebar does not show up, none of my view options are being used (chat on top, etc). It works fine on non-game pages, and sidebar shows I am running the latest 5.2.3 version. I am running Chrome 19.0.1084.56 on a Mac.

It looks like the script is in fact starting up, because when I open up the javascript console I see console output from BOB. This is all I get:
BOB,2 ms:gm_ConquerClubGame: Starting
CM: getCurrentPlayer() : getting player number for dwilhelmi
CM: updateAction() : fromTerritory == '' && toTerritory == ''
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby sherkaner on Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:32 am

I think that's what happens if you switch auto bob to off. You're sure you have that on?
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby dwilhelmi on Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:32 pm

sherkaner wrote:I think that's what happens if you switch auto bob to off. You're sure you have that on?

I didn't even know there was an auto bob. I guess I must have accidentally clicked it at some point. Thanks.
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby John Deere on Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:48 pm

Snapshots doesnt work on Chrome, It is taking them (or acting like it) but in chat this is what it shows "John Deere [self]: snap :: 15~?3ᮑځࡌ䜈䓂䬒ኝ㧂⚢ᆑࣄ䌠䒘䌬ᤈ䓄⊡旀" I have BOB 5.2.3 running Windows 7 with Chrome 19.0.1084.56 m

Also messed up on FF But on there it shows what a snapshot should look like but when you click it it wont display the snap. FF version 3.6.28 with BOB 5.2.3
Thanks grifftron for the pic! Your the man:)
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby GeneralRisk on Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:05 pm

John Deere wrote:Snapshots doesnt work on Chrome, It is taking them (or acting like it) but in chat this is what it shows "John Deere [self]: snap :: 15~?3ᮑځࡌ䜈䓂䬒ኝ㧂⚢ᆑࣄ䌠䒘䌬ᤈ䓄⊡旀" I have BOB 5.2.3 running Windows 7 with Chrome 19.0.1084.56 m

Also messed up on FF But on there it shows what a snapshot should look like but when you click it it wont display the snap. FF version 3.6.28 with BOB 5.2.3
I dont use chrome but i was running the same FF as u and had the same problem....Download the latest FF and all the updates and it will work.
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby John Deere on Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:10 pm

ok got FF working, but chrome is still messed up
Thanks grifftron for the pic! Your the man:)
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby John Deere on Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:39 am

Also the snapshot that i take in Chrome can be viewed in FF, just cant view it in Chrome :?
Thanks grifftron for the pic! Your the man:)
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby ender516 on Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:54 am

What about vice versa: can Chrome view a snapshot taken in FF, or is Chrome just batting .000?
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Re: BOB 5.2.3

Postby John Deere on Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:18 pm

ender516 wrote:What about vice versa: can Chrome view a snapshot taken in FF, or is Chrome just batting .000?

No viewing in chrome at all, no matter where snap is taken, thanks for your help!
Thanks grifftron for the pic! Your the man:)
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